The group of aliens who landed on the island of banaya fifty-seven years ago - the nicokira - prepared records in advance to deal with various situations. They are one of the few nicokira wandering in the universe. The biggest reason for the final decline of their race is that they are a little too hospitable. No matter what the other party is, whether the other party is evil or kind, and no matter what kind of existence the other party is, the nicotine people usually treat each other with their heart, which makes them easy to be cheated and bitten by the poisonous snake they saved.

You can say that they are incomparably kind, but in the final analysis, they are stupid, stupid, and pitifully stupid, so that this civilized race has come to an end because of its warm and hospitable character. For the nicokira people, their optimistic character allows them to abandon those struggles that affect development, However, they are too credulous about their character, which is also the reason why they finally quit the cosmic stage. They are very stupid and naive. The truth that people are good to be bullied and horses are good to be ridden has been fully realized in them.

But they were very unlucky and chose banaya as their landing site. The people living on this island are not normal humans.

They are either criminals who have committed heinous crimes and have no place to live, explorers with abnormal brains, or indigenous people on the island with fierce folk customs.

All in all, this is not a good place, especially for the first time on earth.

After landing on the island, their expected welcome scene did not appear, the scene of being attacked did not appear, and even those who came to watch the excitement were not too surprised.

Even if they are the first time to come into contact with aliens.

What's more, what the nicokira didn't expect is that these humans stewed them!

Fortunately, these stupid nikukila people hid the ship in the deep sea before leaving the ship, which was not hit by a net.

Speaking of it, the group of banaya islanders who came into contact with the nicokira people at that time were really NB with infinite brain circuits. I don't know what they thought. They stewed these strange aliens!

When they moved the nicukila people into the sacrificial pot, the nicukila people thought it was the custom of human beings to welcome foreign guests and friends.

However, it is not.

In the big pot with gradually rising temperature, the nicokira people have all died before they are steamed. They can't adapt to the earth's air at all. After inhaling too much polluted atmosphere, these nicokira people die.

In other words, even if they did not meet a group of islanders who dared to eat anything at that time, they would inevitably enter the situation of total death.

The group of banaya Islanders, who never waste any food, drank a pot of broth from their sister. Of course, not many people participated in this gluttonous feast, only a dozen people, and they died one after another in a few days.

Their death is only the beginning.

When these tragic dead were buried in banaya's soil, their bodies were decomposed and returned to banaya's natural cycle. It is precisely because of these more than a dozen people who died miserably because of greed that all people living in banaya were more or less contaminated with the DNA of the nicokira people.

It has been passed down from generation to generation that as long as people live in banaya for a period of time, they will have the DNA of the group of nicokira people who have been eaten in their bodies. This can not be avoided in this almost completely closed island.

And that thing is actually a mutated nicokira.

The original nicokira people were not much bigger than medium-sized dogs, and could not adapt to the earth's air at all. For them, air is the deadliest poison.

But in the ship hiding in the deep sea, there was a survivor, that thing, and that thing gradually went crazy over the long years, and the ship's automatic life support system genetically modified it in order to make it live. As a result, it turned into that ghost.

A huge monster.

As for how it was released and locked up in the cave, that is a story related to Mr. skeleton. It was by chance that Mr. skeleton, who had just recovered his freedom, hid in banaya and began to live a miserable life with his tail between his legs.

In those days when he didn't dare to contact anyone, Mr. skeleton was fascinated by diving. During that difficult time, he spent every day in the sea. For him, it was the most idle time in his life, but it was also the happiest time.

It was during this idle time that Mr. skeleton found a ship sinking in the deep sea.

Mr. skeleton was already keen on deep-sea diving at that time. For him who didn't care about money, buying a professional equipment capable of deep-sea exploration was as common as buying a bottle of mineral water for a few yuan.

He found a ship covered with coral.

This aroused the great interest of Mr. skeleton. He did not hesitate to spend a lot of money to salvage the spacecraft that had been dormant in the deep sea for decades.

The monster that almost ate him in the spaceship deeply attracted the interest of Mr. skeleton. He hid the monster in a rare cave in banaya, and then brutally killed everyone who knew it. He did not allow others to know this secret.

Then he began to study the old ship.

Although it has been in the deep seabed for decades, it is not at all for a spaceship that can navigate in space. Mr. skeleton personally restored the true face of the spaceship - he took a lot of effort to clean up a small spaceship as big as that alone - he tried to understand the technology in the spaceship.

He gradually found some ways in his inexplicable groping. The characters of the nikukila people are hieroglyphics. Through Lian mengdai guess, Mr. skeleton still understood the characters on various equipment in the spaceship. In particular, the rich high-tech objects of the nicokira people in the spacecraft make Mr. skeleton a treasure.

He just happened to understand the use and effect of several things, so he killed all his enemies who threatened him. He even went to the red house alone once and took one thing along.

Brain wave translator.

Using this device, Mr. skeleton can communicate with the alien simply. It was he who named the surviving nicokira 'that thing.'

All the actions Mr. skeleton did were for a simple purpose: to communicate with that thing and strive to learn the language of the nicokira.

To this end, he did not hesitate to turn the whole banaya island into his restricted area. Anyone who wanted to spy on the island would be killed mercilessly by him.

Mr. skeleton firmly believes in one thing. As long as he can understand all the objects in the nicokira ship, he can walk horizontally in the world. He can do whatever he wants without looking at other people's faces, let alone being chased all over the world from time to time.

He will become an existence beyond the reach of others.

As long as he can figure out all kinds of magical objects in the nicokira ship that he has fought for himself, he can achieve his goal.

This process is very slow and difficult.

Trapped in the deep-sea spaceship for more than half a century, the thing has completely become an idiot. Even if Mr. skeleton got the brain wave translator - he didn't hesitate to offend the red house - the thing that has become an idiot can't even remember its own name, and there is little knowledge stored in its brain.

But even so, Mr. skeleton can only rely on this monster, because he really doesn't know where to find someone who knows the language of nicotine.

After all, except that thing, all the other nicokira people have been stewed.

Although the progress is slow, it is not without progress after all. From time to time, it may flash and remember something. Although many cases are its wishful thinking, the blind cat also met dead mice several times, which makes Mr. skeleton at least see a glimmer of hope.

But problems followed.

Although that thing is an idiot, it is extremely picky. It doesn't eat many things at all. It would rather starve to death than eat them. Especially after leaving the spacecraft, it was completely fed up with eating fish that had not changed its taste for decades.

That thing refuses to eat fish.

In order not to let that thing starve to death, Mr. skeleton spent a lot of effort.

Finally, after trying countless kinds of food, Mr. skeleton accidentally found that it had a special preference for human beings. I don't know if it's revenge for humans stewing all their own kind. In short, there's only one ingredient left in the recipe of that thing: people.

And it must be alive. It doesn't touch the body.

Mr. skeleton is worried to death. In banaya, people are not so expensive. There will always be some idiots bumping into the muzzle of the gun, so that the thing can eat its favorite meal from time to time.

Mr. skeleton didn't find a rule: it only eats people who have lived in banaya for many years. After all, Mr. skeleton fed it this type.

So Mr. skeleton doesn't know that it's not actually a human.

That thing is a monster who insists on eating.

It is precisely because of this that Ye Feng and Huang Liang can barely save their lives.

If Mr. skeleton knew that it was only because of his superfluous actions that Huang Liang escaped the end of feeding sharks. He would never have thought that Ye Feng ended his miserable life with a shot from valkiri.

Not only did Mr. skeleton not expect, but so did Huang Liang and Ye Feng.

"Damn it, what should we do now?" staring at the bright full moon above his head, Ye Feng was covered with flesh and blood stains. If he could take a hot bath immediately, he could pay a huge price.

Well, it can't be too big.

"Go and kill the beast of Mr. skeleton," said Huang Liang coldly. "M, he will regret what he has done for himself, I promise."

"I believe you, but man, we'd better find a place to eat, then have a rest, and then think about how to make Mr. skeleton's bastard regret. Trust me, this is definitely the most important thing we should consider."

"Well, maybe you're right." Huang Liang felt hungry and sleepy. He didn't even have the strength to walk.

"Go back to my house," said Ye Feng. "That small canteen can at least give us a full meal."


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