On the way back to the small canteen, Huang Liang was supported by Ye Feng. He could hardly stand up straight himself.

Zhuge iron and steel was very excited about Ye Feng's reappearance. Looking at the fat woman who threw more than 300 kilograms at him, Ye Feng was frightened and shot today's third bullet with valkiri.

By the time he realized what he had done, it was too late. Zhuge iron and steel fell to the ground, and a small meat mountain squatted on the dirty ground of the canteen. Ye Feng rushed to check her situation. He breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that she had just passed out.

"Thanks," he whispered.

Valkiri trembled slightly in his palm.

"Huang Liang, sit down first. I'll see if the back kitchen has anything to eat."

When Huang Liang and Ye Feng wolfed down the things that pigs didn't eat found in the back kitchen, they ate extra delicious.

They ate up all the food and cleaned up the plates.

"Damn it, we can't rest." after eating, Huang Liang said faintly, "before long, Mr. skeleton will know that the man he sent to guard the cave is dead. Don't do it at that time."

"Relax and rest for at least a few hours," Ye Feng said. "Anyway, I have no combat power today. Valkiri clearly told us that she would never let me pull the trigger before the sun rises tomorrow."

"Can't you talk to it?"

"No, I can't beat her. She's a difficult little girl."

"... damn it, in that case, you gave today's third precious bullet to your fiancee!" Huang Liang said sadly.

"It was just an accident." Ye Feng touched his nose, "Huang Liang, you'd better wait a few hours and wait for the night after midnight. And have you noticed the unusual things in the 'Fortress'?"

"Have you noticed?"

"HMM." Ye Feng nodded and said in a deep voice, "the number of people is wrong. There are few people patrolling in the 'Fortress' today, almost only one-third of the usual. Where are the other dog legs of the' skeleton Pro corps'? Is there a large party nearby?"

"Who knows." Huang Liang's upper and lower eyelids have closed, "who knows what those idiots are busy with..."

Huang Liang fell asleep and fell asleep directly.

"Man, have a good sleep for a few hours. Tonight is a long night," Ye Feng said.


"Sure enough, there aren't many people," bettick said to Lamia next to him, looking at several small groups patrolling in the fortress. "Are you sure you want to act immediately? Your injuries -"

"It's far less serious than you." Lamia was very worried about beitik, who was almost mummified by bandage. His burns were very serious, but he just wrapped it up and followed up.

"It's all right, I really can't trust you." beitik said. He looked at Cao Yan lying silent in the weeds. The latter neither opposed nor agreed to Lamia's request to go to the 'Fortress'. He didn't say anything, but just followed Lamia's footsteps.

Beitik was surprised that Cao Yan really followed instead of running away alone.

If he behaved like that, bettick wouldn't be surprised at all. But Cao Yan didn't. although he didn't say a word, he kept up with Lamia and beitik and died together.

This is definitely an act of seeking death.

Even though most of the dog legs of the "skeleton Pro corps" in the "fortress" have gone to the airport ruins, the people left behind in the "fortress" are definitely not what the three of them can deal with. In particular, he and Lamia are injured, and Cao Yan doesn't see his extraordinary ability.

This is definitely an act of seeking death.

"See? When the three men walk past, we will rush into the 'Fortress'," Lamia said. "See the shadow? Let's hide there first, and then wait for the opportunity --"

"Do what?" Cao Yan said.

"It's one to kill." Lamia's eyes were unusually bright in the moonlight. "You can still leave, Cao Yan. This is your last chance. Once you enter the 'Fortress', it's hard to come out."

"I'll go in," Cao Yan said coldly. "Damn it, I shouldn't have come to this muddy water."

"Don't complain, it's already like this," said bettick. "Let's go and see the purgatory on earth."


Then in the thick darkness, with the help of shadows, Ye Feng and Huang Liang, like the God of death in the night, reaped the dog legs of Mr. skeleton passing by them. Huang Liang and Ye Feng have no mercy on these evil bastards.

And no mercy is needed.

They quickly dragged the dead body into the shadow, so that no one could find anything wrong. What Huang Liang and Ye Feng don't know is that the other three of their friends are doing the same thing

Soon, Huang Liang and Ye Feng met with Lamia.

Huangliang almost strangled Cao Yan himself.

"Are you all right?" Lamia hugged Huang Liang excitedly and ignored the presence of others.

Huang Liang was embarrassed and at a loss. Beitik's smile was bitter, but his eyes were full of blessings to Lamia. Ye Feng was just like him, but his smile rose higher. Cao Yan didn't respond. He was trying to resist the impulse of coughing. His brother Liang almost strangled him.

Fortunately, he used his ability in an instant and turned his body into a steel skeleton, which didn't kill him directly. In terms of life protection, Cao Yan is also very experienced.

"He's all right." Ye Feng teased, "can you hurt your heart with me? Without me, he may have been eaten by the monster now."

"Monster?" Lamia looked nervously at whether there were scars on Huang Liang.

"I'm fine," said Huang Liang. "Why did you sneak in?"

"She came for us to die," said bettick. "After hearing the news that you may have been killed by Mr. skeleton, Lamia made up her mind and was ready to fight to the death."

"Lamia." Huang Liang looked at Lamia. The latter held his head and did not speak.

"You're fine," Lamia whispered. "You're fine."

"And also completed the task." Ye Fengyang raised the device in his hand. "This little thing should be what red house asked us to look for. Now there is only one thing to solve."

"What?" Cao Yan asked, "since we have completed the task, you and brother Liang are all right. What are we doing in this damn place?"

"Shut up, useless waste, you won't get a penny." Ye Feng said. "People who don't work are not eligible to get paid."

"Hum." Cao Yan shrugged without retorting.

"Huang Liang, we --"

"I know you're worried about our safety." Huang Liang patted Lamia's hand. His way of expressing emotion has always been so euphemistic, "but Mr. skeleton must pay for what he has done. Ye Feng and I won't let such enemies stand in the shadow and peep at us all the time."

"I'm not afraid of thieves, but I'm afraid of thieves." Ye Feng said, "being hated by such a cruel enemy is definitely something that we must try our best to avoid."

"And now is the best time. He may not know that Ye Feng and I have escaped. Even if he knows, he will only think that we have escaped, but we did not escape. Instead, we will approach him and let him end his evil life unknowingly." Huang Liang's tone is extremely firm and his expression is extremely cold.

From the moment Mr. skeleton decided to send him to feed the monster, it was not just a task, but a personal grudge. He and Mr. skeleton are already immortal. For him and Ye Feng, Mr. skeleton must die, otherwise, hiding such a poisonous snake in the shadow will make them sleep and eat hard.

They will leave only when everything is settled on the island of banaya. Otherwise, they will never leave!

"Well, I see," said Lamia, "I'll be with you -"

"No, only Ye Feng and I will go to the front, Mr. skeleton. As for you." Huang Liang looks at Lamia and beitik, "leave the 'Fortress'. The farther the better."

"Leave you behind?" Lamia shook his head equally firmly. "No, I will never put you in danger again."

"Well, this is not an idol drama. You have already passed the age of idols, and we viewers are the same," Ye Feng said, "Lamia, since you don't want to leave, continue what you just did to relieve the pressure on me and Huang Liang. You are responsible for cleaning up the small miscellaneous fish in the 'Fort' and don't let them disturb our boss war. Do you understand?"

"Yes." beitik nodded. "Lamia, this is definitely the best action plan. Let Huangliang and Ye Feng do it. They can."

"No, not only us, but also Cao Yan." Ye Feng sneered and looked at Cao Yan standing by without saying a word. When the latter heard his name, his body obviously trembled, "you've been resting all the time. It's time to exert yourself, isn't it?"

"Er, I, brother Feng, I had diarrhea this morning..." Cao Yan pretended to be weak.

"It's all right. Anyway, your role is a human shield. You can't pull your belly and delay things." Ye Feng pulled Cao Yan to his side, and then left without looking back. "Huangliang, it's time to do business. You have to make that bone frame cry."

Ye Feng's heart is full of fire. He personally let the bone shelf know that Ye Feng is powerful. He will never sleep! Damn it, it is because that beast, Huangliang, had to hurt the heart of a girl with more than 300 kg - Zhuge iron and steel.

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