To Huang Liang's and Ye Feng's surprise, they hardly suffered any obstruction in the process of entering Mr. skeleton's castle.

Although the dog legs of several short eyed skeleton Pro Corps delayed Huangliang and Ye Feng a little, it was really insignificant compared with the difficulties they expected to encounter.

"It seems that all the smelly fish and rotten shrimp have disappeared." walking in the empty stone corridor of the castle, Ye Feng said, "are they all gone?"

"Who knows, it's not a bad thing without them to make trouble," Huang Liang said.

"Of course, when playing boss, those little monsters who keep appearing will be TM prisoners." Ye Feng said, "Damn it, say Cao Cao, Cao Cao will arrive. You see, Huang Liang, there is an idiot waiting for us."

Along the direction of Ye Feng's fingers, Huang Liang saw a man standing in the grand hall. It was a white man with discolored clothes, white hair, and even white eyebrows and beard.

A snow-white man.

His skin color is the whitest man Huang Liang has ever seen. Huang Liang seriously suspects that this man is suffering from albinism.

"Who are you? Forget it, I don't want to know. You can call whatever you like. You're in the way?" Ye Feng asked. He buttoned his ears. The man was standing in front of the stairs upstairs. There was no doubt that Ye Feng and Huang Liang could not go upstairs without beating him down.

"I'm the White Knight -"

"Can't you understand people? I don't care what your name is. Anyway, you can't live for three chapters." Ye Feng said, "hurry up and hit." he hooked his finger.

The man who claimed to be a white knight snorted coldly, and then pulled out the blade. It was a very gorgeous sword. In Huang Liang's view, it was a work of art.

Ye Feng's eyes were fixed on this gorgeous and beautiful weapon, and almost his saliva would flow out.

"You, Huang Liang, leave this man to me. I like this sword. You must not interfere." Ye Feng said, "it will become the booty of my trip."

"Come on, let's go. Don't waste time and don't let Mr. skeleton run away." Huang Liang said. "He's waiting for us, which means that Mr. skeleton already knows the fact that we're still alive."

"Here you are." the white man threw Ye Feng a sword. Of course, compared with the sword in his hand, the thing in Ye Feng's hand was like a fire stick.

"Chivalry?" Ye Feng smiled contemptuously. "Idiot, you will pay for your stupidity." he pulled out his sword and threw its scabbard on the ground. "Come on," Ye Feng picked a gorgeous sword flower and said to the knight, "come and die, idiot knight."

The speed of the white knight was so fast that he completely exceeded Ye Feng's tone, which meant that he had been at a disadvantage since the beginning of the battle.

The sharp sword was as fast as lightning in his hand. Ye Feng can only resist his attack in front of him.

"Damn it, it's not fair!" Ye Feng shouted, "I'm an expert at playing with guns, and I'm not a cold weapon expert!!" although he said so, his steps are not messy at all. Yes, as Ye Feng said, he is not a person who has much research on swordsmanship, but he is a combat master with rich combat experience after all. For Ye Feng, if you give him more than ten minutes, he can use the sharp blade in his hand to figure out a set of combat philosophy suitable for him.

But the problem now is that he doesn't have time.

Although the white knight was very gentlemanly and gave Ye Feng a weapon before the battle, after the battle officially started, the White Knight no longer maintained his "gentlemanly demeanor".

Are you kidding me? Be a gentleman in battle? He is a white knight, not an idiot knight in Ye Feng's mouth.

In a block, the two weapons were handed over together, making the sound of gold and iron.

Damn it, he's an expert. Ye Feng became more and more anxious. He realized that he might have met a real expert. Although the little white face hasn't used any incredible killer mace yet, his swordsmanship has surprised Ye Feng and Huang Liang standing aside to watch the war.

This guy's sword is so fast that he's not human!

But Ye Feng had no more time to be surprised.

The White Knight's sword has hit again. This time, Ye Feng realized in horror that he had to avoid it!

Facing the White Knight's sword, Ye Feng can only defend with all his strength. He turns and dodges in embarrassment, just to prevent the sharp blade from piercing his body.

He didn't dare to block with the weapon in his hand. The seemingly light sword was so heavy that Ye Feng couldn't bear it at all.

Damn it, damn it, damn it!

Ye Feng realized that the other party was deliberately exposing flaws and lured himself to the bait. In fact, Ye Feng was indeed seduced by such coarseness. He could not restrain his idea of attacking. Even though he knew that every time he shot, it meant that he was flirted with by the White Knight like a fish biting the hook.

For several times in a row, Ye Feng found himself occupying the absolute initiative. But every time he attacked, every time he tried to focus on the White Knight's temples, neck or other vital parts, the only person who was injured would be him.

Damn it, damn it, damn it!

Each attack seemed extremely deadly to Ye Feng, and was easily resolved by the white knight.

No one can stop such an attack. Ye Feng roared in his heart. no one!

But in fact, the White Knight blocked all the killing moves from Ye Feng. And Ye Feng could only put his sword in front of him in vain, trying to make himself less hurt.

He tried his best, but there were more and more wounds on his body.

Ye Feng didn't see the sword that hit him. The sharp pain made him out of breath. Ye Feng couldn't break free and couldn't hide. Before Ye Feng could relieve the pain, the next sword came one after another.

In the exclamation of Huang Liang, Ye Feng was forced to the corner by the white knight. His head hit the wall in the random block, making a dull noise, which made Ye Feng's situation more and more difficult.

It was another sword. The White Knight hit Ye Feng in the ribs. This was so heavy that Ye Feng fell directly to the ground. He curled up. As a result, his ears were almost cut off by the White Knight's sword.

"Ye Feng!!" Huang Liang called his name. But Ye Feng couldn't hear anything. Now there was a buzzing sound in his brain, and the whole world began to blur. He lost one fifth of his blood, making Ye Feng almost unable to stay awake.

Ye Feng's knees were soft and in a mess. At this moment, at the moment he fell, the battle was over. He, Ye Feng, was beaten by a man who became an idiot knight. He had no power to parry.

Ye Feng raised his sword powerlessly and wanted to make a final struggle, but his wrist could no longer give even a little strength. He could only use his hand powerlessly, but the sharp blade could not be blocked by his arm.

Ye Feng clearly felt the sharp edge stuck on the bone of his arm. He was shocked that he didn't faint directly.

What else do I insist on? Ye Feng thought in his heart. What I should do now is TM's direct fainting, so that the pain and TM's wounds are far away from me. Damn Mr. skeleton, damn idiot Knight!

"I can cut off your arms," said the White Knight coldly. "Just because of your insult to me just now, I am happy to do so. You must die. I don't know who you are, but Mr. skeleton -"

"Mr. skeleton, Mr. skeleton, yes, yes, you are his dog legs, the waste of the eye of heaven -"

Ye Feng's cruel words didn't finish, because his left arm had said goodbye to him.

"That's enough," said Huang Liang. "He can't do it anymore. It's me."

At this time, Huang Liang was very angry. His tight muscles were stiff because of rage. When he took over the sword thrown by the White Knight - the sword originally belonging to Ye Feng - Huang Liang just smiled contemptuously. Unlike Ye Feng, Huang Liang can be regarded as an expert in using cold weapons. For him, he is very familiar with the weapon of sword.

The steps and sword moves he had studied immediately revived in Huang Liang's mind, just as he had just practiced yesterday. Huang Liang held the not so sharp sword in his hand, and his heart was extremely calm and had no other thoughts.

The White Knight attacked, but Huang Liang's movements were natural and smooth. He jumped up. Facing the White Knight rushing towards him, Huang Liang turned around flexibly for half a week. While dodging this move, he turned back accurately to fight back. The sword in Huang Liang's hand stabbed out like a poisonous snake and hit the White Knight's wrist with unparalleled accuracy. Although the latter narrowly avoided the fate that his wrist was pierced, the long ferocious wound on his wrist was bleeding constantly.

"Yes, it's good." the White Knight sneered, as if the ferocious wound was not his, but on Huang Liang. "I haven't met an opponent who can make me bleed for a long time. You'll die ugly, I promise."

"Angry?" said Huang Liang contemptuously. "I really think I'm invincible when I beat waste. Hum, you idiot Knight -"

"I'm not an idiot Knight!" cried the White Knight angrily. "Do you know who I am?"

"I know, I remember who you are." Huang Liang said, "you are the battle head of the 'skeleton Pro corps'. We were colleagues before, and I am also the battle head. Before that, you were a failed actor of the acrobatic troupe. Yes, I have heard of your story."

As Huang Liang said, the White Knight really ran out of a circus.

As for why Huang Liang knew about it, it was because he talked about the white knight with his masters and martial brothers at that time in the process of learning fencing.

In short, he is a very independent swordsman.

People who can only use swords like the White Knight are rare now. He is famous in the swordsmanship world because he doesn't know how to be flexible. Of course, he is not a good reputation. For the white knight, challengers will come to the door from time to time. A senior brother of Huang Liang at that time was such a stunned young man. He was lucky. After the white knight defeated him, Didn't take his life together.

It was this man who told Huang Liang all kinds of history about the White Knight he knew. There were true and false. Huang Liang was not sure how much was true and whether it was all made up by others.

In a word, the white knight is a man with complex past experience.

It is precisely because his past is not ordinary that he did not become an ordinary person.

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