Waiting for Ye Feng upstairs is a beautiful woman.

It's hard to describe her excellent posture in words. In short, Huang Liang and Cao Yan look straight at her except Ye Feng, who serves beautiful women in life.

Huang Liang soon recovered his composure. He coughed awkwardly, put Ye Feng aside, stabbed Cao Yan, who was still staring at the beautiful woman.

"Don't be stunned and take good care of him." Huang Liang said to him.

"Yes, brother Liang." Cao Yan peeped at the beautiful woman in the distance reluctantly, and then reluctantly went to Ye Feng's face and waited for him. It was a series of curses from Ye Feng.

"If you're Mr. skeleton's war leader?" Huang Liang stopped five steps away from the woman. "Can you let us pass? We have something to talk to your boss."

"Our boss doesn't seem to want to see you." the woman said, "yes, I'm also the head of the war. I've heard your name, Huangliang, the executioner. It's a good name, isn't it?"

"It's all right," said Huang Liang. "Can you give me your name, madam?"

"Green demon."

"Green demon!?"

Huangliang has heard of the name of the green demon, which is almost unknown in their circle. It's not that the green demon's own strength is so rebellious. Her skill is really good, but few people know that they have seen her fight. It's said that all the people who fought with her have died miserably.

What really made the green demon famous was her legendary experience.

Because of her, two of the best hunting regiments in the industry fought to the death, and almost no one survived. Because the heads of these two hunting regiments are attracted to the green demon.

The green demon is the best of both worlds. She doesn't distinguish between two equally excellent men. That's her favorite.

This made the two men with strong self-esteem decide to decide who would love the green demon in the simplest way.

The two regiments ended up in a draw. Gradually, things got out of control, and the willful duel between two men became a battle between two large hunting regiments.

Peers are enemies. They don't like each other because they belong to a super first-class large team. In addition, the original rational heads of both sides also began to become unreasonable. Finally, the friction and struggle between the two sides became more and more frequent and out of line.

Inevitably, there were casualties.

In the whole process of conflict fermentation, the green demon has been obstructing it and almost fanning the flames, making the situation that had been blown up at one point completely out of control.

Two super first-class hunting regiments had a direct confrontation.

Only a few people survived, two green demon pursuers died in battle, and the two hunting regiments became history.

When people found out that the whole thing was actually the plan of the green demon. She set up this bureau with another hunting regiment. One sentence destroyed two hunting regiments and put the third-party hunting regiment in the first place.

The green demon got a lot of money, which was enough for her to spend her life.

But the problem is that not everyone is dead. Those who survived began to chase and kill the green demon and retaliate against her. In order to avoid losing their nickname, the green demon disappeared from then on. Almost no one has seen the shadow of the green demon again.

Anyway, she doesn't need to show up for money. For her, she has earned enough money for several generations this time. What she needs to do is to ensure that she can enjoy the money before she dies. After all, if you don't spend the money you earn, it's not for yourself, but for the bank. There are all kinds of rumors about where the green demon has gone and what she is sitting down. After all, her experience is really wonderful, and many people with ulterior motives want to find her and take a share of her wealth. But such people usually get nothing. Even if they find something, they will meet a more tragic ending.

The green demon will kill several people who want to spy on her situation from time to time. Her intimidation is very effective. Almost no one wants to disturb her life again. Gradually, she has become a legend, a person living in the story

Huang Liang didn't expect that he would see this woman here, in this way.

"You went to Mr. skeleton?"

"He can protect me," said the green demon. "That's enough."

"... well, get out of the way, or I'll have to destroy the flowers with my hands." Huang Liang said.

"Listen to him, beautiful lady." Ye Feng said to the green demon in a very magnetic and low voice. "He is not a gentleman like me. He will really do it to you."

"Shut up and stay honest!" yelled Huang Liang.

"You are Ye Feng?" the green demon looked at Ye Feng with interest. "Mr. skeleton often mentioned your name."

"Certainly not a good word."

"Well, that's true. You're a little more handsome than I thought," said the green demon. "He said you were a rich man."

"He's extremely handsome. I'm more handsome than him and more popular with girls than him." Ye Feng said. "You shouldn't have seen the screams of those girls when he entered the bar. It's full of fear."

"Well, I can imagine that when I first saw him, I was frightened by his mask." the green demon nodded. "His aesthetics really makes you confused."

"Yes, that's the feeling."

Watching Ye Feng and green demon of Mr. skeleton from Mr. tulao, Huang Liang suddenly felt very tired. He wanted to make complaints about finding a place to sleep.

"Well, there's enough gossip." the green demon stretched out and showed her graceful posture perfectly. "Let's talk about business."

"Thank you for remembering something serious." Huang Liang sneered.

"Hey, be polite to women," said Ye Feng. "Ms. green demon is a respectable woman -"

"From what point do you see that she is worthy of respect? From her face?" Huang Liang asked.

"Er... Use your tube!"

"Well, boys, don't quarrel over me. I've seen too many similar scenes." the green demon said lazily, "are you going together or one by one?"

"You only need to deal with Huangliang alone." Ye Feng said, "I can't fight you now. As for this idiot." he stretched out his hand and pointed to Cao Yan, "he can only flow saliva. Damn it, Cao Yan, can you not humiliate me?"

Cao Yan awkwardly wiped the saliva on the corner of his mouth with the back of his hand, ignoring Ye Feng's ridicule.

"OK, enough nonsense. Start to." Huang Liang pulled out his blade and stared at the green demon.

"It has already started, haven't you noticed?" the green demon smiled mysteriously, and then her graceful posture began to become more and more blurred and illusory, until she disappeared in front of Huangliang.

"I'll go. She still has this ability?" Ye Feng stared. "Big sister, don't go? Haven't talked enough!"

"Shut up, you idiot!" Huang Liang looked around nervously. His intuition told him that it was very dangerous now. The woman didn't leave. She was just somewhere outside Huang Liang's vision. Waiting for the right time.

He didn't wait long. Several big bears as tall as a person suddenly appeared in the spacious hall. They were on all fours on the marble floor tiles and gave a low roar to the three Huangliang people.

"Damn it... Is the green demon a trainer?!" Ye Feng exclaimed. The huge beasts were drooling, emitting an evil smell from their big mouths. "They, don't they have enough to eat? They don't look like good bears one by one..."

"Go to your M's good bear." Huang Liang cursed, "shut your mouth to me! Damn it, how can I deal with them alone!"

"That's your problem." Ye Feng shrugged and said, "anyway, I can't help now. You, Cao Yan, go and help your brother Liang share the power of his chest."

"Er... I, I shouldn't be able to help." Cao Yan hurriedly said, "I can only hold back brother Liang -"

"Stop TM ink, come here!" yelled Huang Liang.

Cao Yan could only reluctantly go to the side of Huangliang and face the three bears who were slowly approaching them. The battle is imminent.

"Damn it! They're coming!"

In the roar of sorghum, Cao Yan showed his assimilation ability and made his body invincible. He bravely faced the attack of two bears alone.

Although his bravery was because Huang Liang kicked him directly at two bears.

"Brother Liang!!!"

In Cao Yan's scream, he was pressed on the marble floor by two huge bears and tore at random, as if he were just a molar stick.

As for Huang Liang, although he only needs to face the attack of a bear. But it was a giant monster standing three meters high. Ye Feng, who was watching the war, had no doubt that these breasts were at least tons.

"Damn it, it's really a grand circus performance." Ye Feng leaned against the wall and looked leisurely at the chaotic war.

Huang Liang fought with the giant bear with the sword in his hand. He tried his best and it was difficult to cause substantive damage to the giant monster. On the contrary, Cao Yan broke the teeth of the two giant bears biting him because of his extremely hard body. The giant bears stared helplessly at Cao Yan, who let them bite. The human helplessness in their eyes amused Ye Feng.

"Hard stubble? Babies, it's also a good choice to temper your teeth with him." Ye Feng said and laughed.

But he suddenly found that the bears looked at him.

"Hey, guys, keep your concentration. Your enemy is under your claws." Ye Feng said quickly, "Damn it, something gave me a knife!"

Ye Feng's scream attracted the attention of Huang Liang and Cao Yan, but the bears would not miss such a good opportunity. They immediately launched a fierce attack on Huang Liang and Cao Yan.

"Ah ah!! damn beast!"

Huangliang's arm was hung with color, and a bear tore off a large piece of meat.

What makes Ye Feng very depressed is that he still doesn't know who stabbed himself. Looking at the bleeding wound, Ye Feng wanted to cry without tears.

"Shit, is it haunted?"

"Shut your mouth!" yelled Huang Liang. "Don't you see we're busy?"

"Yes, I'm not blind," said Ye Feng, "but I just said that an invisible thing stabbed me? Didn't you hear?"

"Yes! I'm not deaf!" yelled Huang Liang. "How could it be? It's your illusion!"

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