"Fart nm!!" Ye Feng cursed, "I can tell what is illusion and what is reality!"

"Then shut your mouth!"

Ye Feng seldom shut his mouth.

Although he didn't know who stabbed him just now, he was always troubled by a question: why is the castle so quiet.

You know, this is a big castle with at least dozens of hundreds of people. Why is there no one else's voice except the cries of the three of them and the three bears?

Damn it, where did they all go?

What about Mr. skeleton's lackeys? What about the idiots who call themselves the skeleton Pro corps? Did they all run away? Why? Because of fear of sorghum? No way

At this time, Ye Feng's state makes him have to think about the problems of small soldiers that may appear at any time.

But in fact, because of Huang Liang's small move, almost all the members of the "skeleton Pro corps" in the castle can't move normally, because they have become idiots.

I don't know that bastard took the bottle of idiot powder found from Huangliang to the kitchen of the castle. A careless cook, a very idiot, took the white powder as a seasoning and poured it all into the food for the members of the skeleton Pro Corps.

This caused great trouble.

Because this group of people who suddenly become idiots have powerful weapons in their hands, the situation of wiping guns and going off fire in the whole castle occurs frequently. But when Mr. skeleton realized that something was wrong - almost all his men had become idiots, so that no one went to Mr. skeleton to discuss it - the situation was completely out of control.

Blood flowed in the castle.

Mr. skeleton angrily dealt with the people of the "skeleton Pro corps" fooling around in the castle together with several of his battle commanders and several people.

That's why the castle is so quiet that there seems to be no one at all.

In fact, except for a few people, there are not many people in nuota's castle. They have either become corpses or have been locked up and wait for some time to become corpses.

Although this is good news for the three of Ye Feng, they don't know this situation, and even if they do, they can't be happy about it.

Because they are in a hard fight.

A very difficult battle.

Not only did the three bears not be solved, but there were three more wolves.

Yes, there are three more ferocious beasts.

This time, Ye Feng couldn't stay out of it - although he was stabbed - three wolves stared at him, kept their saliva and rushed at him.

"Damn it!" Ye Feng could only wave his arm and smash the wolves that rushed to him with the warkiri that could not be fired. This weapon did play a certain role. After being hit several times, the wolves no longer rushed to bite Ye Feng, but circled around him. The three wolves walked in a neat and uniform pace, staring at the Yellow sorghum, like a plate of fruit pudding.

"The meat of those two people is more delicious!" Ye Feng stretched out his hand and pointed to Huangliang and Cao Yan. "Learn from those good bears, bite them, bite them."

"You bastard! Why don't you die!" Huang Liang cursed. He has become a blood gourd.

Among the three, only Cao Yan was the most leisurely. He lay flat on the marble brick and let the two bears tear and bite at his body in vain. It didn't matter. On the contrary, the two unlucky bears had blood in their mouths. Cao Yan's body is too hard.

"Brother Liang, can I help you?" he asked leisurely.

"Get out and stay!" Huang Liang touched the blood on his face with the back of his hand. He was a little strange. Why did he persist today and still haven't fallen down. If it was this amount of bleeding, he should have fallen long ago. Why can he still fight now?

Damn it, when am I like Ye Feng? Don't care about bleeding? Huang Liang is a little confused. Although his body has been dyed red by his own blood, he can still continue to fight with the bear?!

This is strange.

Like Huang Liang, Ye Feng feels incredible that he can still maintain consciousness. He was seriously injured because of the white knight, but he could still maintain his consciousness, which made Ye Feng feel incredible. For the absolute winner who has become the injured world, Ye Feng knows what kind of state his body will become under what degree of injury.

But he didn't feel anything.

Really not.

For him, his body was very painful because it was full of scars, including those caused by the white knight and those stabbed by something unknown just now.

As for the bite marks caused by wolves, Ye Feng suddenly didn't seem to be very serious. He didn't feel the numbness of his body or the feeling of death that life was leaving him.

What's going on? Is the self-healing gene in my body getting worse? No feeling

"Shit!!" Ye Feng roared.

"What's the matter?" Huang Liang turned to look at him.

"Brother Feng, have you been bitten by mosquitoes?" Cao Yan lay on the ground, very leisurely. Although he faced the most attacks, he had nothing at all. Compared with the miserable Huangliang and Ye Feng, he was almost on vacation.

"Someone stabbed me again!" Ye Feng screamed. He had just realized the pain of a sharp blade inserted into his body. He was almost out of his mind. On his flank, a long wound was bleeding.

"It was a wolf bite!" Cao Yan said, "brother Feng, I didn't realize someone stabbed you."

"You TM, what can you see? You are blind!" Ye Feng shouted angrily, "it's definitely not those beasts, it's a knife. Something invisible stabbed me!"

"I said - eh?" Cao Yan was stunned and swallowed the sarcastic words he just wanted to say. "I feel I've been stabbed..." he said, "someone stabbed me!"

"I'll tell you, I'll tell you there's something invisible walking around us with a knife!" Ye Feng shouted, "it's not right, it's not right!"

"Damn... What's going on?!"

Huangliang began to observe the surrounding environment carefully. He let go of all his senses and listened carefully to every subtle sound around him. He realized the anomaly!

The bears, the behemoths, make too little noise when they move and bite. With their huge size, it is absolutely impossible to make such a sound. Every step they take should even cause the tremor of the floor. But this did not happen.


Huangliang immediately realized the truth.

Yes, the invisible knife, these ferocious bears and wolves, Huangliang has seen through this clever trick.

Damn it, how can I tell Ye Feng and Cao Yan about this? Forget Cao Yan. Huang Liang thought. He can't help anyway, Ye Feng? Ye Feng can't fart. Damn it, in the end, I have to come alone!

Huang Liang was helpless, but he could only do so.

Under the confused gaze of Huangliang Ye Feng and Cao Yan, Huangliang put down the blade in his hand. He closed his eyes and let his body be fiercely bitten by the bear in front of him.

"Hey?! are you crazy? You're not dying? Get away! Get away!" Ye Feng screamed, "Huang Liang, your brain is broken by donkey fart?"

"Shut up, don't disturb me!" yelled Huang Liang. "If you want to survive, shut up! Don't say a word!"

"Really sick!" Ye Feng cursed, but he shut his mouth obediently.

On the right!

Huang Liang suddenly stabbed the sharp blade out of his hand. He obviously felt the touch of the blade inserted into the flesh and blood. Huang Liang flung his wrist violently, and inserted some of his sword blade into his body.

A cry of pain sounded beside him.

Got you!

Huangliang jerked back the blade and opened his eyes. He saw a bright red blood on the blade.

Three bears and three wolves suddenly stood still, as if the switch on their bodies had been turned off. Ye Feng and Cao Yan stared at the strange scene in front of them and dared not make a sound. They stared at the yellow beam with a ferocious sneer on their face and other worlds that seemed to be frozen.

Three bears and three wolves disappeared without warning, and the green demon appeared in the sight of the three again. She knelt down at the foot of Huangliang and was pressing her blood stained abdomen with both hands. She was injured, very seriously.

"What's the matter? What about those beasts?" Ye Feng asked, "this woman -"

"It's an illusion." Huang Liang said. He wiped the sweat on his forehead. "Those animals are the illusion she created for us, so we can fight them until now. You can't think about it. Just a few of us can fight with a big bear?"

"Yes, in my state, for those wolves, it's a panting wine and food." Ye Feng said, "I thought it was because I was powerful again."

"Don't dream." the green demon coughed up a mouthful of blood. "You're an idiot. Damn it, the executor deserves his reputation. You've seen through it so quickly."

"That's because you're too anxious," said Huang Liang. "If you can wait until we are tortured and collapsed by these fantasies, maybe I won't find the flaws in it. The pain is very realistic -"

"Thank you." the green demon said without changing his face. It seemed that it was not her but someone else who was held against his neck by the blade.

In fact, the green demon itself has no special ability. She uses hallucinogens and other auxiliary means to create almost indistinguishable hallucinations. In this scene, because the illusion is real enough, the human pain nerve will really respond. Even if the body is not hurt at the physical level, the nerve center determines that the body is hurt, the pain nerve will work normally, and then the people in the illusion will feel the real pain.

It's really a real pain, and people can be hurt to death and scared to death.

In fact, people are easily scared to death. The green demon used to watch a group of old men play themselves to death more than once. She enjoys this way of killing people. Her magic is based on technology, not those ethereal things, but its power is not much worse than the legendary magic. What makes the green demon very proud is that she once cheated a person with the ability of hallucinating and used this set of things she figured out.

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