"- but you're too anxious," Huang Liang continued. "If I were you, I wouldn't rush at Ye Feng."

"I can't help it," said the green demon with a bitter smile. "This bastard's recovery speed is amazing. I'm worried that if he waits a little longer, he can fight normally. Then you may find my illusion."

The green demon also has to. It was the first time she met opponents like Ye Feng, Huang Liang and Cao Yan. Although this person fell into the trap set by her for various reasons, the problem is that they fell into the trap, but no one really fell into the trap.

Because of his amazing willpower, Huang Liang refused to give up even though he had been bitten in the process of fighting with the imaginary bear. Hallucinations are hallucinations after all. If the person who is hallucinated doesn't give up, he won't fall down because of serious physical injuries. After all, there are no wounds bitten by bears on Huangliang.

Because of his strong willpower, Huangliang finally saw through the trick of the green demon.

And Cao Yan, in a way, is that a blind cat meets a dead mouse.

Although he did not have such a strong willpower as Huang Liang, he believed in one thing: in the state of assimilation, those chest claws and big mouth could not cause substantive damage to himself.

It is precisely because he firmly believes in this matter that Cao Yan has nothing to do from beginning to end. Instead, he is the most leisurely person in the team. Because he firmly believes that he will not be hurt, and the illusion is rooted in a person's mind. If a soft egg faced the same situation, he might have given up long ago and was scared to death by himself, but unfortunately, Cao Yan always believed that he would not be affected by the bear.

He thinks so. The imaginary bear can only do nothing to him.

Ye Feng, who let the green demon show his flaws, is that he is so familiar with the injury that he doesn't care at all.

With his indifferent attitude, the three wolves prepared by the green demon failed to appear in the illusion at the beginning. After a long time, when the green demon gave Ye Feng a knife - the green demon would not be invisible, but the three of Ye Feng were immersed in the illusion and couldn't see her - Ye Feng made the three wolves appear because of fear.

But Ye Feng's recovery speed is too terrible. Even if the green demon stabs the key position with a knife, Ye Feng always looks like nothing after a few seconds.

In fact, this is because of the special operation mode of the self-healing gene in maple leaf. As long as the key part of maple leaf's body is injured, the self-healing gene will try its best to treat the injury.

In other words, if the green demon stabbed other parts, perhaps Ye Feng might faint because of too much bleeding. After all, he had a real wound.

As Huang Liang said, the green demon is too anxious.

"What shall we do with her?" Ye Feng asked. "Kill her directly. What do you say?"

"I have no opinion," said Huang Liang.

"What a pity," Cao Yan said, "such a big girl like flowers -"

"She is definitely your mother's age." Ye Feng sarcastically said, "boy, your opinion is not important."

"Well," Huang Liang suggested, "let's give her a simple treatment of the wound and lock her up somewhere. Give her to the people in the red house, if we can kill Mr. skeleton."

"If we can't kill that bone stick," said Ye Feng with a sneer, "let's let this woman rot slowly. For safety's sake, we'd better hide her in a place where no one can find her."

"Yes." Huang Liang nodded.

"But --"

"Shut up!", "stop fooling around!"

Ye Feng and Huang Liang turned their heads and stared at Cao Yan at the same time.

"All right, all right." Cao Yan raised his hands and made a surrender, "what you say is what you say."

The green demon, who had not spoken for a long time, said, "you are really three simple boys. I didn't expect that you were only going to put me in a small black room."

"We are decent people!" Ye Feng said affectably. "You are those waste idiots you often contact."

"Maybe, maybe you are different from them," said the green demon, "but I can't be more familiar with the young man's eyes."

Ye Feng and Huang Liang looked at Cao Yan, who was embarrassed and evasive. The latter coughed a few times and pretended that nothing had happened.

"I knew he was an asshole and an idiot." Ye Feng said disgustedly, "Damn it, I still can't move now, green demon, the knives you just stabbed are really deadly."

"Beating is pro scolding is love, which can only show that I really like you." the green demon joked.

"You'd better like others. My old arms and legs can't stand your liking." Ye Feng shook his head with a bitter face. "The time for chatting is too long. Let's take action, Huangliang."

After a lot of effort, Ye Feng found a humble room and shut the green demon with hands and feet tied and rags in his mouth into the room. Huang Liang simply bandaged the wound on her abdomen. Whether she could survive in the end is not what Huang Liang cares about.

Climbing to the top as like as two peas, the three men who were in front of the leaves were different from the previous ones, not one person, but two people, two people who were exactly alike.

"Damn it, it's the magic brothers." Huang Liang spat after seeing their faces clearly.

"Idiot brothers?" Ye Feng doesn't know the twins.

"It's the brother of magic energy," Cao Yan said. He usually knows everything about these people. "They are a legend."

"Those who live can't be called legends. Only when people die can they be called legends."

"They really died before," Huang Liang said. "I saw it with my own eyes."

"You saw it with your own eyes?" Ye Feng was stunned. "Damn it, you must have read it wrong. I said you should go and get a pair of glasses."

"It's impossible. I killed them myself." Huang Liang's face was gloomy. "I cut off their throats."

"Well... It's impossible." Ye Feng exclaimed, "no one can survive when his throat is cut, except me and the only few people who can do it. Darling, do they have strong self-healing ability?"

After careful observation, Ye Feng found a bright eye scar on the neck of the bald magic brothers. It looked terrible. He couldn't imagine that someone could survive such a scar. And these two scars also confirmed one thing for him, that is, they can't have self-healing ability. Because that won't leave scars. The self-healing ability usually treats the scars together. Otherwise, Ye Feng will have dense scars on his body, because he has been hurt too much.

"No." Huang Liang's words confirmed Ye Feng's idea, "at least when I kill them, they must have no self-healing ability."

"Damn it, then why are they still alive!" Ye Feng asked. He stretched out his hand and pointed to the two magic brothers who had been killed by Huangliang.

"I don't know... But I'm sure all this has something to do with Mr. skeleton..."

"Haven't seen you for a long time, Huang Liang, but our brothers have never forgotten you." the magic brothers said in one voice. This scene looks as like as two peas of two identical looks.

"I don't like being remembered by men," said Huang Liang. "Why don't you two stay in the coffin? If I were you, I would go to hell honestly after being wiped!"

"Sorry to make you feel sorry," said the magic brother, "but we are really unwilling to let you live happily. What do you say, brother."

"Yes, brother."

"Then I have to send you to hell again." Huang Liang said, "Ye Feng, how are you recovering? Can you play?"

"Ah? Me? Aren't you going to beat them both alone?" Ye Feng looked like he didn't hear anything. "It's a rare opportunity. I'll give it to you."

"Don't try to put all the trouble on me!" Huang Liang reached out and dragged Ye Feng, who wanted to hide aside, to his side. "Cao Yan, stay on the side!"

"Get it!" Cao yanle ran to one side.

"You're not such a temper." Ye Feng looked at Huang Liang's expression. "You've always been a stubborn character with a swollen face and a fat man. What's the matter today? It's just two bald Wu Ke."

"They are not ordinary baldheads, but magic brothers." Huang Liang pondered.

Huang Liang was really surprised that Ye Feng had never heard of the name of the magic energy brothers. The two brothers were actually very famous, of course.

In fact, the two brothers came from a fairly good family. But the problem is that a father who can make money is not necessarily a good father. At least the father of the magic brothers is not a good father.

When the magic brothers were young, they began to endure their father's domestic violence. But at least my mother was protecting them at that time. But after his mother died of cancer, the only protection that could protect them from being beaten by drugs was lost, and his father used alcohol to relieve his worries every day, beating and scolding their brothers whenever he had time.

At the age of twelve, in another fierce quarrel with his father, the brothers accidentally killed his father. Because of fear, the two children took home the cash and left the home full of painful memories.

Before they left, a big fire burned their home to ruins.

In this way, the two brothers lived a helpless life early. In order to survive, they fought with stray cats and dogs countless times for some food in the trash can. If they were not twins, they might have died long ago. They face too many things that people in their grade and even much older than them should not experience. Too much suffering makes them extremely cold. In their eyes, the world is gray, people are ugly, and only brothers can trust each other.

They only have each other.

Also only willing to believe in each other.

In order to live, the magic brothers have done too many things, but they don't think there is anything wrong with their actions. They just want to live. They just live for no other reason.

All who hinder them must die.

Their means to solve the problem is so single that it is enough to kill the people in the way without asking the reason or source.

For them, life is to open your eyes, make money, kill people, then close your eyes to sleep, and then start a new day.

This is their life, an endless nightmare under the gray sky.

No one will wake them up

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