"Are you going to use this thing to kill me?" Mr. skeleton looked contemptuously at warkiri in Huang Liang's hand. He couldn't know that this was not an ordinary pistol, but a pistol blessed by the gods. Ye Feng didn't want to explain at all. He joked that he wanted to take Mr. skeleton by surprise.

"Valkiri, he despises you."

"Are you stupid by me?" Mr. skeleton laughed. "You're talking to a pistol? Ye Feng, I should have started gently just now. Damn it, if you really become an idiot, I'll have less fun."

"Valkiri, show your best skill and let this damn idiot watch and see what a curse comes from the mouth." Ye Feng ignored Mr. skeleton, but focused on the weapons in his hand, as if at this moment, he and the weapons in his hand were the only existence in the world. Mr. skeleton was not important at all.

"Hey." Mr. skeleton looked at Ye Feng discontentedly, "is the madness over? I'm not interested in playing with you. Wait for me, I'll send your two idiot Companions to hell, and then have a good play with you."

Mr. skeleton turned to look at Huang Liang. The latter was in a dying coma. He could reach this point with human body and Mr. skeleton. Even Mr. skeleton respected Huang Liang.

So he intends to express his respect for Huangliang with a clean death.

But Ye Feng will not let him do so.

"Bone shelf, farewell," said Ye Feng coldly.

"Are you sick -"

Ye Feng pulled the trigger. Mr. skeleton didn't even resist the attack. He knew that his armor could resist nuclear explosion. He didn't even want to move a small caliber bullet.

He should be on guard, not so careless.

He became a big eggplant.

Yes, the big eggplant, which is much taller than one person, comes out of that suit of armor. Mr. skeleton's suit of armor has become an eggplant shape, which fits tightly to Mr. skeleton's body.

The big eggplant shook a few times and then fell to the ground.

Cao yanmeng B, Ye Feng B, only fainted Huangliang didn't see this scene. Ye Feng was stunned and immediately walked to Mr. skeleton. He reached out and poked Mr. skeleton, who had become a big eggplant, and found that there was no movement.

"Damn, he's really turned into eggplant? Really or not, does he still realize it? I know eggplant is eggplant, but he -- well, well, real eggplant can also make fish flavored eggplant. Damn, I don't want to eat fish flavored eggplant made by him. Damn, can you help me take off his armor? I know, I know, you don't have hands, you can't help me This is busy. "

Ye Feng walked to Huangliang and shook him. "Man, are you dead? You can't die. You haven't been filial to me yet -"

"Shut up, I'm not dead..." Huang Liang coughed weakly. "But if you fool me like this again, I may die in your hands. Where's Mr. skeleton?"

"It has become an eggplant." Ye Feng sat down next to him.

"Ah?" Huang Liang said, "what do you mean? What has he become?"

"Eggplant." Cao Yan slowly climbed over, "I saw it with my own eyes, brother Liang. Look, that's Mr. skeleton."

"Damn..." Huang Liang looked at the direction of Cao Yan's fingers. A big eggplant that was more than one person was lying on the ground, motionless, "er... Really NIMA is a big eggplant. Why?"

"Yes, brother Feng, why?"

"I don't know," said Ye Feng. "Ask valkiri."

"Is that the gun again?" Huang Liang looked at Huang Liang. "Damn it, what is that gun?"

"It's all right. Anyway, it's enough that we can survive." Ye Feng said, "Damn, I'm almost tired. You're disturbing me. Let me sleep first."

Under the gaze of Huang Liang and Cao Yan, Ye Feng fell asleep.

"Your heart is really big." Huang Liang said helplessly, "well, well, I'll sleep first. Don't sleep."

"Er... Brother Liang, your heart is really big enough."

Cao Yan sighed and insisted on not sleeping.

Half an hour later, when a group of shouting people rushed to the place where Huangliang three people were, Cao Yan was very frightened. But Cao Yan was relieved when he saw the two people chasing after these people.

It's Lamia and beitik.

When they saw the three Cao Yan fallen together, they immediately gave up chasing the people of the "skeleton Pro corps" and went to the three Huangliang.

When Huang Liang saw Lamia, his eyes lit up, as if the whole person had lived, and there was sunshine on his face. He had to struggle to sit up, but he was seriously injured and still failed to sit up.

"OK, just be honest and show it to Lamia?" Ye Feng teased, "Damn it, it hurts me. You've cleaned up the idiots in the fortress?"

"Almost, everyone who can run has run away," said bettick. "It seems that there are a lot of people coming back from outside the airport. We'd better hurry."

"Yes, but before we leave, we have to take the big eggplant." Ye Feng pointed to the big eggplant lying aside. "Also, we have to leave some small gifts to those people."

"What do you want?"

"Put a timing detonator in their arsenal," said Ye Feng with a sneer. "Let those who dare to come back taste the power of fireworks."

"You're really cruel," said Betty excitedly. "I'll prepare now." he ran away.

Lamia helped Huang Liang to stand up. Ye Feng could only walk with the wall. As for Cao Yan, he had to take a big eggplant. After all, his injury was the lightest.

"What are you going to do with this big eggplant?" Lamia asked. "Are you going to eat it?"

"That's a waste. I'm going to give this big eggplant to Lisa as a wedding gift. She will be very happy." Ye Feng said. "As for how to deal with this big eggplant, that is, Mr. skeleton, let Lisa and red house worry. Our task has been completed. By the way, Lamia, have you packed your bags?"

"What do you mean?"

"Don't you want to leave with Huang Liang? After you leave banaya, do you want to meet Xindu with us first, or go directly for your honeymoon?" Ye Feng asked, "I know several places that are very suitable for your honeymoon. I can give you the contact information of the local hotel and mention my name -"

"People will drive us out," said Huang Liang weakly. "We don't need you to worry about our affairs. Just care about your own affairs."

"Well, you are all adults and have experience. You don't need someone to show you the way." Ye Feng shrugged and said, "I'll prepare the red envelope for your child's full moon wine. Don't worry, my red envelope will be the biggest in the whole audience. As for Cao Yan, don't invite him. He won't package more than 200 yuan."

"You, you nonsense!" Cao Yan's cheeks are red. He is so big that he has never wrapped more than two hundred red envelopes. "

"All right, let's talk about these things later. We'd better leave the fort and go to a safe place." Huang Liang said, "I can't hold it anymore, Lamia. I'll sleep first."

"He really paid a lot, my buddy Huang Liang," said Ye Feng. "I will redouble his pay, or you will ask me to be the master of ceremonies for your wedding. I will certainly bring the atmosphere of the scene --"

"Shut up, Ye Feng, if you don't let me do it myself."

"OK, OK, Lamia, I'll shut up now."

Banaya is a mess on this island. The news of Mr. skeleton's death soon spread all over the island. At first, no one believed it until there was a huge explosion in the fortress and the nearby area became ruins. People really began to believe that Mr. skeleton, his fortress and skeleton Pro corps had become a thing of the past.

The carnival began all night at banaya. Everyone joined in the celebration of freedom. Ye Feng and his party, who achieved all this, quietly left the island by boat.

They drove away Mr. skeleton's most luxurious yacht.

Of course, they brought the huge eggplant that Mr. skeleton turned into. Although the eggplant has been motionless, Ye Feng and Huang Liang still decided to tie it up. It's always right to be careful.

After arriving on the land, Ye Feng immediately contacted the people in the red house. What he didn't expect was that Lisa came in person.

"I knew you would work miracles," she said to Ye Feng. She was very satisfied with Ye Feng's achievements. She not only paid off the remaining money, but also gave Ye Feng an extra 2 million as a bonus. Mr. skeleton, who turned into a big eggplant, and the lost device in the red house were sent away overnight.

Lisa has been trying to figure out why Mr. skeleton has become a big eggplant, but Ye Feng and Huang Liang have three thousand mouths and don't tell Lisa the truth. After all, she represents a red house, which is trouble and danger.

Lisa saw that she couldn't ask about the situation, so she didn't force it too much. She walked away in the wind without taking a cloud. Ye Feng is a little melancholy. His former girlfriend is married, but he still doesn't give up. However, life is like this. It is impossible for people not to be separated all their life. There will always be a time when the song ends. Ye Feng only hopes that when the day of separation comes, he can be free and easy and leave the best memories to each other.

In fact, Ye Feng was crying.

As for Lisa, she was very calm.

"Hey, Ye Feng, come on, you'll bless me from the bottom of your heart, won't you?"

"When, of course, I will bless you. I will always remember the good times we spent together. Oh, my God, it's the first time I sent my ex girlfriend into the arms of another man. Lisa, my heart is breaking -"

"Who told you I was going to marry a man?"

"Er... You mean, you mean --" Ye Feng was stunned and stared at her foolishly.

"I found my guardian angel, Ye Feng. I hope you can choose one of your guardian angels." Lisa patted Ye Feng's face and turned away smartly.

"She didn't marry a smelly man! She didn't marry a smelly man!" Ye Feng turned around excitedly. "Great, I knew God wouldn't abandon me. How could a man take my ex girlfriend and never!"

"What an idiot." Lisa smiled helplessly, but didn't look back.

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