As Ye Feng expected, after returning to his home in the new metropolis for more than half a month, there was no warm welcome waiting for him. No, there was only a voice from jenma and others, 'are you back? Do you know how to go home? " Sarcasm like that.

Ye Feng is very relaxed and kind.

For him, the experience of more than half a month is enough for him to step down and live a life free from the world. He needs a thrilling adventure, but after that, he still needs a comfortable and quiet environment to lick his wounds.

This time he was particularly hurt. When he returned to his home, he didn't even have a good clue. Few people care much about what happened to Ye Feng. It upset him.

Audrey was still very busy. When Ye Feng came back, she saw her a few times, and she went abroad for various reasons. Edlin has always been very busy. As a leader, she must command the daily affairs of the whole shield bearer alliance. For her, this is a busy and quiet period of time. She doesn't even realize that Ye Feng has been away for a long time. After all, she focuses on her work.

Gemma and Chu Qian are still like that. They are used to staying at home. They don't go out if they can't go out, and don't contact with the outside world if they can't contact with the outside world. Chu Qian was not this character before, but she didn't know whether it was because she was red near Zhu and black near ink, or her nature was like this. She became more and more house girl.

Ye Feng didn't see Rihanna when she came back. Listening to jenma, Rihanna couldn't stand loneliness and went out to pick up the task again. Yes, she went on a trip under the guise of completing the task.

As for Jane and Kirby, their life is very regular now. After they are busy with the shield bearer alliance, they will play time in their own way. Jane has become a true gourmet. Her biggest hobby is eating. Now she has evolved to the point of cooking by herself. Ye Feng believes that Jane will become an excellent cook in a short time.

Kou Bi is very interested in art and clothing on earth. She seems to want to become a fashion designer and has begun to develop in this direction.

When Ye Feng heard that Kou Bi had begun to study relevant courses, he had to sigh that only more than half a month had passed, but so many changes had taken place.

Little Avril has finished her second doctoral thesis defense, and she has begun to study for her third doctoral degree. For her, Ye Feng has only one sentence: don't waste time studying and enjoy the beauty of life.

Little Avril smiled every time, and then continued to study hard.

Ye Feng can't understand the world of Xueba, just as others can't understand his longing for death.

For Ye Feng, life returned to a calm state again, calm and stagnant.

He is very satisfied to visit Ye Feng. What can be more comfortable than lying on the sofa and watching TV every day after a tense and exciting war?

There are many troubles disturbing Ye Feng. The first is Cao Yan, who has been collecting accounts.

Ye Feng didn't give him a penny. This makes Cao Yan harass Ye Feng almost all the time. Ye Feng's coping strategy was simple and rough. After he beat Cao Yan twice, Cao Yan finally gave up his heart.

What annoys Ye Feng is that red house keeps contacting him.

For the people in the red house, Ye Feng can't slap him in the face like Cao Yan. He can only communicate with the people in the red house and retell the events that happened on the island of banaya in great detail. As for what they are most interested in, why Mr. skeleton has become a big eggplant, Ye Feng has always been tight lipped. He doesn't want to be stared at by the people in the red house because of this, but he can't tell the truth. Otherwise, the people in the red house will have the idea of walkiri in Ye Feng's hand.

Life is not plain sailing.

Ye Feng can only continue to play Tai Chi with those people, hoping that one day the people in the red house will retreat and will no longer be curious about him. Ye Feng knew it would be a long process, but he could only endure it.

After all, he's a bully. For Ye Feng, the harvest in banaya was not big. He just had a dispensable sum of money. Perhaps he was most surprised to turn Mr. skeleton into a big eggplant. So far, he has lost a deep-seated enemy, but compared with Huang Liang, who has harvested an important woman in his life, Ye Feng's harvest is insignificant.

Huang Liang is like a changed person. He had a smile on his face after ten thousand years of poker. At the beginning, everyone didn't adapt, but gradually, everyone adapted to Huang Liang with a smile and happy all day.

Although it's scary, we are still very happy about Huang Liang's change and feel heartfelt blessing that he can find another half of his life.

Everyone thinks highly of Lamia. This woman who is stronger than men soon won the favor of Ye Feng's friends, especially Gemma. She can't worship Lamia. Ye Feng doesn't understand the magic of Lamia and can make Gemma five fans, but the little girl almost calls Lamia home as soon as she has time, The two seem to have endless topics.

Huangliang has temporarily returned to ordinary life. After all the changes on banaya Island, he absolutely has a good rest for a period of time, relax and enjoy the most ordinary but precious fun in life with his Lamia.

Ye Feng agrees with this move. He always thinks Huangliang is too hard. Ye Feng doesn't have an accurate figure on how many assets he, a miser, owns. However, after a rough investigation by zhenma, the deposit in Huangliang's bank account is at least one billion. He has already made all the money in his next life, It's time for him to enjoy the fruits of his hard work.

Huang Liang was only willing to spend money on one thing: refitting a car.

But now it's different. The car is second. Lamia has become the first in Huangliang's heart. Ye Fengda bet that even if Lamia asked Huangliang to buy her a star, Huangliang would not blink to pay the bill.

Simply Lamia is not a person who enjoys luxury. She is a person who can live a good life. She knows where to spend money and where not to spend money. And she was a self-taught financial expert. In her hands, the money in Huang Liang's account became active, not just eating interest.

Huang Liang couldn't help but marry home a virtuous wife. He also found an expert in paying attention to him and let him earn more and more money. It's not surprising that Huang Liang's face is full of smiles all the time.

Ye Feng sincerely wishes Huangliang and Lamia to go to the end hand in hand. If Huangliang doesn't die, this should be easy to achieve.

But the problem is that even if Huang Liang doesn't want to die, there is Ye Feng. Ye Feng is a little tangled now. He doesn't know whether he still wants to ask Huang Liang for help when he meets something like before.

Reason told him that he shouldn't do this, but Ye Feng had few friends. He could rest assured to give his back to another person. Ye Feng could only think of Huangliang.

This is a happy worry, at least for Ye Feng. He expects Huangliang and Lamia to live in peace all the time, but he is likely to become the one who breaks this peace.

Ye Feng still can't bear it.

However, fortunately, he has not encountered any difficulties in his life. Even if he does, he can ask Jane and Coby for help. Edlin will always help him out of the mire. However, Ye Feng is a man with some male chauvinism. He always thinks that his own things must be done by himself. He can ask his friends for help, but ask his lover for help? It's too low.

But what makes Ye Feng helpless is that his strength is really not worth mentioning compared with Kou Bi and them. Ye Feng always has the feeling that he is a little white face. Although he is raising Kou Bi and others, he does often need the protection of Kou Bi and others to survive from some broken things he has done before.

Ye Feng had a very miserable past, which meant that there were many enemies who hated him like Mr. skeleton. After returning from banaya Island, Ye Feng qiangbo recalled all kinds of things he had committed in the past. He made a list of people who might hold a grudge against him.

Damn it, there are six A4 pages.

He began to contact the people on the list one by one, using his own way to eliminate each other's hatred of himself. Or with a sincere apology, or with money. In a word, it took Ye Feng nearly a month, and finally achieved initial results.

The list has been shortened to five A4 pages.

There are hundreds of people who may retaliate against themselves, which makes Ye Feng almost collapse, but he doesn't want to just passively wait for the seeds of hatred to take root and sprout. At some time, a group of people who he may not remember at all appear and say they come to settle accounts after autumn.

Ye Feng can only continue to be patient and eliminate bad comments on himself.

After what happened to Mr. skeleton, he was really afraid. Who knows whether a person will encounter major events that can change his life. If there are several lucky people who won the grand prize like Mr. skeleton, his life will not pass. For Ye Feng, taking precautions is the only choice at present, He wants to seek forgiveness and forgiveness for what he has done, for himself and for those who have been hurt by him.

After all, when he gets older, people will eventually become kind and friendly, and Ye Feng has reached the age of menopause... He is also willing to make some compensation for some people he has hurt before. Those people he hurt intentionally or unintentionally have become a kind of karma barrier for Ye Feng. Whether he wants to face it or not, they are there, It cannot be ignored and will not dissipate by itself.

People always have to grow up. For Ye Feng, he has gradually understood how much inconvenience and danger his previous behavior style will bring to the people around him. He wants to change, because from Dick, he sees how a lonely person will be reduced to. He doesn't want to repeat the mistakes and become a person like Dick.

Although such a life is exciting every second, Ye Feng can feel the loneliness at the bottom of Dick's heart. If he is not afraid of being alone, why must he pull Ye Feng around the universe? Leaf maple can almost only play the role of dragging back.

It can only be said that man, as a social creature, cannot be alone.

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