In Ye Feng's words, that man is almost a demigod and can never be defeated.

"Our top priority now is to determine this person's identity and his purpose," Audrey said. "We must be clear about these things, otherwise we can only be passive all the time. What Ye Feng encountered may happen to each of us, and we must take it seriously."

"We've taken it too seriously," said Gemma. "The problem is that we can't start at all. Adelin, you said you asked your friend to investigate the identity of that man. Have you got any results?"

"I didn't find his real identity, but this face did find a real person," Edlin said. "You know, this man is engaged in a career that may only be done by himself. He is a person who specializes in threatening hero organizations."

"Uh... What do you mean? What does he live on?"

"Threaten the survival of organizations such as the shield bearer alliance," Edlin said. "Don't believe it. I was shocked when I first heard about it. I didn't expect such people to exist."

"Is it possible that an invisible person will threaten organizations such as the shield bearer alliance?" Ye Feng asked, "er... Of course it's true, because we were threatened by him, damn it."

"Yes, several organizations have been successfully threatened by him," Adelin said reluctantly. "It's just that such things are very damaging to the image, so the threatened organizations have not disclosed this information. He is eyeing our shield alliance this time."

"What is his usual practice? Harassing senior personnel?" Ye Feng asked.

"Almost. Although he can't kill easily, it doesn't mean he doesn't kill." Adelin said. "Do you remember the cat claw woman who died some time ago?"

"What's the matter? Doesn't it mean that she died honorably while performing a task?"

"No, she was actually killed by invisibility," Edlin said. "They hid the truth. It was because of the death of cat claw that they finally decided to pay the bastard."

"How much is it?"

"Seven hundred million."

"What?" Ye Feng spit out, "seven hundred million? Can we take it out?"

"Yes, but I don't want to give him the money," Edlin said. "If we give him the money, we will become his accomplices in disguise and indulge his behavior."

"That's right! You can't let him succeed. That bastard put me in hospital. I must catch him with my own hands!" Ye Feng said gnashing his teeth. In fact, what he really cares about is the 700 million, which is the most important. I'm kidding. I gave him $700 million because of fear. There's no door!!

"Of course, we will not give in. We are the alliance of shield holders. We are the most solid shield to surround the planet. A mere invisible person can frighten us all?" adlin said, "Absolutely impossible. I swear by my personality that this troublemaker of invisibility is over. We will catch him and put him in a prison where he can't escape!!"

"Yes, this is the Edlin I know," said Ye Feng. "Frowning is not your character at all!!"

"Just shouting slogans doesn't make any sense." Jane is still her style, pouring cold water. "We must come up with countermeasures. Adeline and I, Ye Feng have been attacked, and we're not sure who's next. We can't stay in this room all the time. It's unrealistic."

"Well... Let's do this first. Every time we travel, we have at least three people in a group, Jane and Coby take one group respectively, and Ye Feng and Audrey take one group." Edlin said, "Gemma and I should stay at home for a while. If we are attacked by that bastard, we can't stand it at once. Chu Qian, you and Rihanna should protect us at home. By the way, Ye Feng, you'd better talk to little Avril today and let her live in the school closest. Also, I'll call Kate later and tell her not to come here recently. Haley It's all right there. She's traveling around the world. "

"Well... No wonder I said I couldn't see her recently." Ye Feng muttered, "her career is tourism. Isn't she a psychologist?"

"Psychiatrists are just one of her hobbies. Her favorite thing is to spend money, and travel is the fastest and most comfortable way to spend money," Audrey said. "Who makes her rich."


"At present, let's do it first. We must seize the time to come up with a countermeasure. Damn it, the mixing methods that may have been thought of by the previous organizations have been put into practice, but they are useless." Adelin said, "this bastard really has two brushes, damn..."

Ye Feng was very optimistic: "don't worry, the boat will go straight to the bridge."

On the contrary, things are not moving towards the positive side. On the contrary, they are becoming more and more intense. Even though people have listened to Edlin's suggestions and kept a low profile recently, the invisible person has no intention of giving up. He is still harassing the normal life of Ye Feng and others frequently.

Moreover, he began to intensify his behavior.

He began to attack Ye Feng's car and others. Things like scratching and smashing glass happened from time to time. If Ye Feng's house had not been blessed by Dick, maybe he would have extended the devil's grasp here long ago. Fortunately, he couldn't enter the house, so Ye Feng and others could have a place to breathe.

They have been forced to breathe by this man.

When Chu Qian goes out to buy vegetables, when Edlin has to go out to deal with affairs, and when Jane can't help looking for delicious food outside, the invisible person always appears at the first time and takes everyone by surprise. If he wants to hurt people, he has countless opportunities to let Ye Feng and his friends live in the hospital, or even worse, in the morgue, but he didn't do so. He is really annoying and disturbing, but he hasn't done anything drastic so far. Although he stabbed Ye Feng, they analyzed it and determined that this person was sure that Ye Feng would not die because of his knife, that is, he was a very familiar and familiar existence to the people of the shield bearer alliance.

Such an enemy who knows you but you don't know him at all is the most terrible enemy. At least Ye Feng can't stand it at all. He is on the verge of collapse. He is tortured by the invisible person. He can't even sleep. He has only one idea left in his mind: go to find this person and work hard.

But the problem is that the other party doesn't care about Ye Feng's provocation at all. He seems to be immersed in this game of cat and mouse, watching Ye Feng and others getting depressed day by day, and he seems to get some fun from it. In a word, this bastard has changed the originally happy life of Ye Feng and others beyond recognition. Although he has not made too extreme behavior, Ye Feng and others have hated this bastard to the bone marrow.

Huang Liang also suffered from the intrusion of this invisible person. I don't know where he got the news. This bastard didn't even let Huang Liang and Lamia go. Originally, Huang Liang had temporarily withdrawn from the shield holder alliance because he wanted to spend some time with the most important woman in his life.

But the appearance of the invisible destroys his good mood. Even Ye Feng didn't know where Huang Liang and Lamia lived, but the invisible person really found Huang Liang. He also talked with Huang Liang for more than ten minutes.

For this unexpected visitor, Huang Liang remained vigilant throughout the whole process. His intuition is constantly warning him that he will not be the opponent of the invisible person with only one head exposed in front of him. However, because of the existence of Lamia, Huang Liang has no idea of running away. He wants to protect Lamia and will not repeat the mistakes again and let his family be hurt in front of him.

Of course, it's the same this time. The invisible person just talked with Huangliang from all over the world and didn't do anything to hurt Huangliang and Lamia. Otherwise, even if he died together, Huangliang would detonate the explosives he buried in the garden.

In this conversation, the person with real name stealth ability told Huangliang his name. Although he didn't know whether it was his real name, this was at least an important information.

He said his name was Jacob.

"Jacob?" Ye Feng looked at Huang Liang. "Is this a name?"

"I don't know. Anyway, he told me so." Huang Liang said that after the invisible person left his home, he immediately drove to Ye Feng and told him what had happened.

"Damn it, what on earth does he like about you? He even told you his name." Ye Feng said, "you don't have a special attraction for men, Huang Liang. I think you are very popular with men."

"Go away." Huang Liang rolled his eyes. "You are a pervert."

"I finally know some information about him," Adeline said. "Jacob, very good. I'll let someone investigate. Thank you, Huang Liang."

"Nothing," said Huang Liang. "Can I let Lamia stay here for a while? I -"

"OK, I see. You move in with her," said Ye Feng. "I know you are worried about the safety of Lamia. Don't worry, I may be the safest place in the world."

"OK, I'll carry my luggage."

"You even packed your luggage?" said Ye Feng. "Well, it seems that you really know me well and know that I can do anything for my friends."

Gemma is the happiest for Lamia to live in. There were people living in almost every room in the originally empty hair house. Ye Feng could only sleep on the sofa in the living room because his room was used by others.

There are so many people in the family. Although it is very lively, Ye Feng doesn't feel bored at all. He likes the life where everyone lives together. He has even considered buying both the upper and lower floors to make the space of the house bigger.

Perhaps after this thing is over, Ye Feng will really put this idea into practice, but now he can only deal with it on the sofa. All of a sudden, all of his friends live in their own homes. Of course, the most tired person is Chu Qian, who is responsible for taking care of everyone's daily life. In terms of housework, Lamia is also a good hand, and Rihanna can also help. As for Corby, Jane and Audrey, they can only fill in.

Edlin is busy and deals with all kinds of things every day. In fact, she is a good cook and has not been able to show you her cooking skills.

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