In this regard, no one has consulted Ye Feng. Although this is his home, his opinions are the least valued. Ye Feng has long been used to this.

This is life, isn't it?

Huangliang's stay made life less sad. Ye Feng doesn't need to face a group of women every day, but only himself. The dialogue between men still can't talk to women. Ye Feng can vent his inner irritability in front of Huangliang.

"I feel like a waste," Ye Feng said to Huang Liang. "I can't protect the person I want to protect. I'm not the opponent of that bastard. If he wants to destroy my life, he can do it easily, and what about me? I can only stand him!"

"Come on, Ye Feng, you think too much." Huang Liang comforted, "that man is not invincible, but you have gone through many ups and downs to get to the present."

"That's why I don't want to give up my present life." Ye Feng said sadly, "that bastard wants to destroy my life, you know? Huangliang, I even want to give the money to that bastard, as long as he never comes back."

"Maple Leaf..."

"I know that we must not compromise with blackmailers." Ye Feng smiled sadly. "I won't give him a penny. But I -"

"We'll catch this bastard, Ye Feng, I promise you." Huang Liang said solemnly.

After knowing Ye Feng for so long, Huang Liang saw him so decadent and desperate for the first time. In Huang Liang's impression, Ye Feng has always been a heartless person. He is completely egoistic and doesn't care about the experiences of others, but he finds that he is wrong. In fact, Ye Feng is a very delicate person in his heart. He doesn't care about others. He just puts all his heart on the people he thinks important to him.

"But how should we deal with him? He is not an ordinary invisible person. His own strength is enough for us to have a headache, and he can hide his whereabouts at will." Ye Feng said, "Damn, we must not catch him."

Huang Liang doesn't know how to cheer Ye Feng up. After all, what he said is true. A person who can be invisible at will is really terrible. You can't even imagine where he is hiding. He is likely to be in a stairwell downstairs or even standing in the corridor. You really can't feel his existence at all. Such an enemy is so terrible that people feel like a lump in the throat, but this is the reality they must face.

An enemy you can't fight and you can't find.

The shield bearer alliance has been at a standstill for more than a week, which makes Edlin extremely anxious. She even plans to privately give the money to the invisible person, just like several other organizations, to spend money and avoid disasters. But Jane's words finally put her off.

"He won't stop. The money he got before has been enough for him to spend ten lives, which shows that he doesn't want money at all, but for other purposes."

Edlin admitted that Jane made a lot of sense. In fact, she knew it very well, but she didn't want to admit it. Yes, that bastard has racked up billions of money. He can't take risks again because of lack of money. Moreover, this person has never mentioned money. Whether facing Edlin or others, he has never mentioned extortion, but Ye Feng and others unilaterally believe that this person must be for money.

The problem is that if he is only for money, there is at least room for turning, but if he is for other purposes, adlin really doesn't know what to do.

She can't let the shield alliance shut down, but she can't bear to risk letting her employees come back to work.

No one can survive that bastard's sneak attack, which is the consensus of everyone. You should know that the cat claw woman killed by him is a real capable person. The names of the criminals she caught with her own hands are all famous murderers, but it's chilling that such a recognized capable person died easily in the hands of the invisible person.

Edlin didn't deal with the cat claw woman, but Ye Feng had something to do with her for a period of romantic years, so when he heard that the cat claw woman had died, he didn't believe it at all.

"No way, that violent woman won't die!!" this was his reaction at that time.

However, when it was confirmed that the cat claw woman died in the hand of Jacob, who had been harassing their invisibility ability, Ye Feng was silent. He was clearly aware of how terrible the enemy was. At least he couldn't deal with it at all.

You know, cat claw abuse is like playing with him

Ye Feng and cat claw met about ten years ago.

But he is unknown, and cat claw woman is already a well-known female hero. It has remained in the top ten in terms of popularity.

After all, female heroes are rare, so even in the face of the pursuit of cat claw women, most people who still have a certain sense will show mercy on her. Even if they can easily kill her, they will never kill her, because no one can bear the consequences of that.

No one wants to see a beautiful woman like cat claw die miserably. If she is hurt, she is likely to face public anger, which no one can bear.

At the same time, the strength of cat claw woman itself is very strong. Although Ye Feng's strength has always been that thing, he is only more professional in being beaten, which is also because he has been beaten for many years.

In a word, Ye Feng didn't let the cat claw girl at all, but she still beat her fat. At that time, Ye Feng didn't know the real identity of the beauty who beat him. He just saw her by chance in a bar and couldn't help but want to chat up. However, in the process of chatting up, they gradually had a small contradiction because they didn't speculate.

Finally, the farce ended with Ye Feng being beaten up, so Ye Feng didn't dare to chat up for a long time. After a while, he and cat claw met again by chance. At that time, the cat claw woman was catching a capable criminal, and Ye Feng happened to know the hiding place of this person - in fact, he had frequent contacts with this person for a long time, but in front of the beautiful woman, he betrayed this person almost without any hesitation - and told the cat claw woman the news.

With Ye Feng's help, cat claw successfully arrested the man. Because of this opportunity, the two became friends, gradually warmed up their feelings and became lovers. Cat claw girl is an independent and free girl. In her eyes, there is nothing in the world that can't be tried. She will experience anything that stimulates adventure. Falling in love with Ye Feng is also one of these adventures.

That time was a painful and happy time in Ye Feng's life. It was difficult to maintain his love with cat claw woman, and Ye Feng was not good at maintaining emotion. At that time, he was still a young man. Although he is not very mature now, compared with Ye Feng at that time, ye Feng at this time can only be described as a gentleman.

Their love flame came suddenly and went quickly. The love was vigorous. It was very simple when they broke up. They just had a breakup dinner, just like studying what movie to see tomorrow. They simply broke up without any hesitation or nostalgia. The cat claw woman dumped Ye Feng.

Ye Feng even lived with cat claw girl for a month.

But in the end, the two broke up, and it was ugly. Ye Feng was badly hurt by the cat claw woman. Although he had the ability to heal himself, he still lay down for more than a week. It can be imagined that the cat claw woman gave him multiple hands at that time.

Since then, Ye Feng has never met the cat claw woman again. His life has fallen into the mire again for a long time, and the cat claw woman has always been with the wind and water.

When she was not doing well, Ye Feng had no face to take the initiative to meet the cat claw girl, and the cat claw girl soon made a new boyfriend, and her speed of changing her boyfriend was no slower than that of taking a bath, which made Ye Feng stop thinking for a short time, just taking it as a little memory when she was young and frivolous.

Until he knew about the death of cat claw.

Never believed, then relieved, and then heard that Edlin told the truth about the death of the cat claw woman, Ye Feng's mood was like a roller coaster, up and down. He suddenly realized that he had always had feelings for cat claw woman in his heart. Although he was no longer in strong love, he still felt severe pain when he heard the news that she was killed by someone.

Damn it, why did she die?

Ye Feng hid in the bathroom and felt disappointed. He didn't want others to see him like this. He was more afraid that such a thing would also happen to Kou Bi, Jane and others, because he was probably completely helpless and could only watch the tragedy with his own eyes.

Ye Feng began to consciously leave the house and stay outside for a long time. He tried to get in touch with the invisible person named Jacob. He wanted to talk to him and urgently wanted to know what he wanted to do.

The opportunity finally came. When Ye Feng sat on a wooden bench in the community in a daze, Jacob's head suddenly suspended in mid air and looked at him sarcastically.

"You finally appeared?" Ye Feng also smiled contemptuously.

"I think you seem to have something on your mind."

"Of course I have something on my mind, because of you."

"Really? You don't like me?"

"Don't disgust me," said Ye Feng in disgust. "You know why I'm upset. What do you want?"

"What do I want? I thought you all knew," Jacob said calmly. "I said at the beginning that I wanted to join the shield bearer alliance."



"You're a blackmail maniac. What can the shield alliance attract you?"

"I want to see if all the organizations in Xuancheng for justice can really stand the test," Jacob said. "If you stick to the bottom line and refuse me to join, you have to bear the results. If you choose to accept me, you will prove that you are no more than you."

"... you're crazy, you know?"

"Of course, the six psychiatrists who treated me have all gone to a mental hospital," Jacob said indifferently. "Yes, I'm a mental patient."

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