
"Let's go home."


Ye Feng was thinking about countermeasures along the way, but what made him extremely desperate was that, as Edlin said, a madman without any purpose just wanted to drag you down. You can't think of a good way to deal with him. Moreover, he is not alone. Who knows how many people stand behind him and how many bastards like him are planning a new round of attack on the shield bearer alliance.

No one knows.

Ye Feng and others could not even take precautions before the attack came.

When it happened, Ye Feng didn't notice it at all, because it was not Jacob, but another man he hadn't met, a man who looked very ordinary. He was a man you couldn't remember his appearance at all.

When he passed by Chu Qian - when she and Ye Feng went out to buy daily necessities - he directly inserted a sharp dagger into Chu Qian's body. Under Ye Feng's shocked gaze, Chu Qian fell directly into a pool of blood. Ye Feng turned to find the murderer, but he had already mixed into the crowd and disappeared.

Ye Feng immediately sent Chu Qian to the nearest hospital. After more than ten hours of surgery, she finally turned the corner and was admitted to the ICU.

Ye Feng blames himself and wants to commit suicide.

"---- at that time, all my attention was focused on guarding against Jacob. I didn't expect to kill Cheng Yaojin halfway." Ye Feng scolded himself. Sitting on the plastic bench in the hospital corridor, he buried his face in his hands. "It was so sudden that I couldn't stop that bastard."

If ye Feng's armor hadn't recorded what happened at that time, the people wouldn't even find any information about the man who did it to Chu Qian.

He was an insignificant man. When passing by Chu Qian, he suddenly pulled out his dagger, and Ye Feng didn't see it at all because his sight was blocked. Until Chu Qian had been stabbed and fell to the ground, and the man mixed into the crowd, Ye Feng didn't react later.

"It's not all your fault," Jemma comforted. "If it were any of us, we couldn't stop it. These are a group of shameless bastards."

"Gemma is right, Ye Feng. It's hard for the other party to be on guard if they take such an abusive way." Adelin also said, "Chu qian can survive. She will recover as before, I promise."

"..." Ye Feng still lowered his head and didn't speak.

"Ye Feng, don't do this." Jane patted him on the shoulder. "We are all worried about Chu Qian, but now is not the time to blame ourselves. We must take action and let that bastard Jacob pay the price."

"What do you think we should do?" Ye Feng looked up at Jane.

"It's very simple. Doesn't he want to kill us one by one?" Jane said. "Then we'll give him this chance and let him attack us."

"You mean --"

"Let's wait for the hare again," Jane said. "But this time we can't repeat the mistakes. The last failure was that we let Jacob guess our deployment. This time, we must not make the same mistake again."

"What are you going to do?"

Jane smiled. "It's easy to find someone who's not afraid of getting hurt."

"It must be me," said Ye Feng.

"Then disguise Ye Feng as one of us," Jane said. "Jenma, how about pretending to be you? Ye Feng is not too tall when you wear high heels."

"Ah? I disguised as Gemma?"

"Leaf maple disguised as me?"

Ye Feng and jenma both stared at Jane.

"Yes, Jacob certainly won't attack Ye Feng, because he knows that Ye Feng is wearing armor. He will only attack the person protected by Ye Feng, which is certain." Jane said, "in that case, we can set a trap according to this idea."

"Entice Jacob and his gang to attack Gemma disguised by Ye Feng." Adelin brightened his eyes, "that's a good idea!!"

"That's right." Jane said, "Ye Feng is not afraid of being stabbed. At the moment of his sneak attack, Ye Feng, you can catch the killer, and I hidden in the armor will directly subdue the bastard. Even if we can't catch Jacob directly and catch one of his accomplices, it will be of great help to our current situation!"

"Jane, you are really great. I love you to death." Ye Feng said excitedly, "yes, that's what we'll do."

"Just, can we really confuse the false with the true and let those bastards of Jacob think that Ye Feng is Gemma?"

"It's very simple. We just need to find a good makeup artist," adlin said. "I can do it."

"And Ye Feng has pretended to be a woman before," Rihanna said. "He has experience in this field."

"Hahaha..." Ye Feng laughed a few times. "I hope this plan can make a breakthrough, otherwise, I will be worried to death."

"Don't worry," Jane said. "If there's no big mistake, Jacob will get caught."

What makes Ye Feng extremely speechless is that they really dress Ye Feng up as zhenma. The makeup artist Edlin found did have two brushes. In his hands, Ye Feng became a charming little girl from a man. Ye Feng didn't know how he did it. This technique is comparable to magic.

"Not bad." Jane looked carefully at the Huang Liang with her makeup. "It's just that she's too tall. Her arms and legs are not a girl. Well, you shouldn't wear a skirt."

"Thank God." Ye Feng breathed a sigh of relief.

As for others, especially Gemma, they are very sorry.

"I really want to see you in a skirt," Lamia said.

"If I really wear a skirt, Huang Liang will abandon it and put it into my arms." Ye Feng lifted his hair and disgusted Huang Liang.

"If you talk nonsense again, I'll beat you," he said.

"Jane, can I really deceive Jacob?" Ye Feng looked at Jane with some tears.

"Of course, but before that, we have to let you go out more," Jane said. "After all, Jacob doesn't know how many beautiful women there are in this room. He shouldn't notice one more and one less."


In the next few days, Jane went out with Ye Feng disguised as zhenma in her suit of flexible armor. Ye Feng deliberately buys things in the name of zhenma and makes a lot of moves.

Ye Feng has never been to the doll shop before. This time. He has never entered a cosmetics store. This time, he has never changed women's clothes in the fitting room of the mall. This time.

Ye Feng's three views were greatly impacted, and he almost collapsed directly.

"I can't do it." when he got home, Ye Feng threw the red hair cover on his head to the ground. He was sweating and was almost hot to death, "let Jacob take me away!!!"

"All right, don't complain." Jane is also a little exhausted. This armor that always has some small problems makes her very unhappy. She can feel Ye Feng's feelings before. Jane really wants to throw this shit into the garbage.

"I really can't stand it! I'm a pure man -"

"Everyone knows you are a pure man. If you wear women's clothes, you are not a pure man, and few people in the world are pure men." jenma said calmly, "you imitate my face and my dressing style. I don't complain at all -"

"You have a fart complaint!!" Ye Feng shouted, "I'm staring at your face and luring bad guys out to take the initiative. Gemma, if you don't thank me, at least don't fall into the well!"

"Am I falling into a well?"

"You've been secretly photographing my women's clothes. This is falling into a well!!" Ye Feng said sadly and angrily.

"Er... Well, you found it." Gemma didn't even blush. "Anyway, you're like this. Let me be happy."

"Look, Jane, I've become a joke." Ye Feng sat down on the sofa with broken cans. He was tortured by clothes. He couldn't breathe. "How do you put up with high heels? Isn't it uncomfortable?"

"Of course it's hard, but it's the price of beauty," said Gemma. "Just get used to it."

"I can't get used to it."

"Ye Feng, hold on."

"Jane, is it worth sticking to?" Ye Feng looked at Jane silently. "Will that bastard Jacob really fall into the trap?"

"It should be," Jane said. "Gemma scolded him before. If he was a small bellied man - he must be a small bellied man - he would try to revenge Gemma."

"Jenma hasn't gone out before because she doesn't want to be retaliated by him. This time, I disguised as jenma. If he is dazzled by anger, he will try to do something about the jenma I disguised as." Ye Feng said, "well, at least one day I will become a pure man again. Jacob, you better do it to me quickly."

"I never thought you would miss Jacob one day," Jemma joked.

"Yes, the world is really wonderful. I would want that bastard Jacob to take the initiative to attack me, and the sooner the better." Ye Feng said, "people are in different situations, and their thoughts will be completely different."

"Did you know?"

"I've understood this for a long time. I just didn't think that one day I need to disguise as a woman to protect my women."

"Who are your women?" jenma said with a red face. "It's shameless."

Jane said, "OK, Ye Feng, have a rest. We have to go out in the afternoon."

"Still going out?" Ye Feng wailed, "Jacob, you hurry to stab me!! man, I really can't stand it. Who invented the high heels? Come out, I'll fight with you!"

Life still starts with Ye Feng, a poor little man. Although he claims to be a man who bleeds without tears, Ye Feng doesn't know how many tears he has shed in the past few days. He has never felt that walking is a torture in his life. Yes, Ye Feng will feel tired and tired after walking for a long time, but now he feels the urge to cry when he sees shoes. Ye Feng feels it for the first time.

For him, it's really too difficult to be a woman. He is extremely grateful to his mother who has never met him for turning him into a boy. If he had to make up every day, wear girdle every day and endure high heels every day, Ye Feng would definitely go crazy because he couldn't stand it.

Too nm uncomfortable!!!

Ye Feng couldn't understand why some people like to wear women's clothes

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