I don't know how many times I sprained my foot today. Ye Feng has no other way except scolding his mother in the bottom of his heart.

As long as he was not attacked, he had to continue to live like this.

Simply have Jane to suffer with him.

The initiator of this incident is Jane. Being able to watch Jane scold when she is tortured by this broken machine armor, Ye Feng still feels a little cool in the bottom of his heart.

Of course, he will never let Jane see how happy he is. After all, for Ye Feng, Jane's anger is something she has to guard against.

If Jane takes him as a vent, Ye Feng's end will not be better than being attacked by Jacob.

"Damn it, I don't know what that bastard Jacob is doing." Ye Feng complains softly to Jane through the communicator, "do you think he has found out our plan, so he hasn't started yet. We've been hanging around outside for more than a week, let alone a killer. There's no one to talk to."

"That's because I'm here, so there are no people to talk to." Jane said. "You can test whether someone will come to talk to me if I leave. Ye Feng, do you want to be talked to?"

"Of course not. Don't disgust me, Jane." Ye Feng said unhappily, "if anyone dares to come up and chat up with me, I'll abolish him!"

"All right, all right, keep your voice down and don't be heard that you're not a woman," Jane warned.

"I see..."

When things come, you can never know in advance. Ye Feng suddenly felt a sharp pain in his abdomen like a needle. When he subconsciously looked down, he saw that a dagger had been inserted into his body.

"Jane..." Ye Feng looked at Jane behind him and found that she had risen into the air and galloped away, "you take care of me..."

In the screams of the crowd, Ye Feng fell in a pool of blood and was dying.

When he regained consciousness again, he found that he had returned home. Gemma sat by his bed and was looking at something attentively.


"Are you awake?" Gemma put down her e-book. "Did you sleep well?"

"I'm hurt. Can I sleep well?"

"Aren't you used to it?"

"You're used to it," said Ye Feng angrily. "Even if I can recover, it still hurts the same."

"Well, didn't you sleep well?"

"Of course not. Has the bastard who stabbed me been caught?" Ye Feng asked,

"Of course I was caught. It's Jane," said jenma. "It's confirmed that it's the bastard who hurt sister Chu Qian."

"Really?" Ye Feng immediately opened the quilt and wanted to get out of bed. "Where's that bastard? I want -"

"Come on, don't get excited. Just stay in bed and wait for you to get well. You don't have to make trouble if Edlin and them discuss things."

"But --"

"Shut up and sleep."


Meanwhile, the man who attacked Ye Feng is being interrogated by Jane and Edlin. This is a man who can't be found in the crowd. He has a small inch. His facial features are mediocre. He looks insignificant. It seems that he is just an ordinary middle-aged man. A man crushed by life drinks medlar in a thermos cup every day.

But he stabbed Chu Qian and Ye Feng himself.

"Aren't you going to speak yet?" Jane asked.

The man didn't respond. He just sat in his chair and didn't say a word.

"You have a seed. You haven't said a word for two days," Jane said. "Well, in that case, I can only use means."

"What means?" asked Edlin.

"Did you forget? The machine built by the shield bearer alliance at a huge expense," Jane said. "It's the machine that can read people's brain memory."

"Didn't I order Ranran to destroy it?" adlin changed his face. "That thing is so inhumane that all those who have been read will die. Have you forgotten the tragedy of those experimental bodies?"

"It doesn't matter. It's just right for this guy who doesn't talk," Jane said. "Look at him. I'll debug the equipment now."

"That device is right here?"

"Yes, you don't know how much manpower and material resources I spent to carry it here secretly."

"Jane, no! I can't allow you to use that machine!"

"Adeline, this is not the time for women."

"But --"

"Don't get in my way." Jane said coldly. "This bastard hurt Chu Qian and Ye Feng. I must make him pay the price!"

"But, Janet, you can't be blindfolded by hatred. If you do that, what's the difference between you and this bastard?"

"It doesn't matter. Even if I become an asshole like them, I won't hesitate!"


"Get out of my way, Edlin!"

"I can't watch you -"

Jane knocked Edlin unconscious with a knife.

"Sorry, adlin, I have to do this." Jane took adlin's paralyzed body and walked out.

"Wait." the man who had been silent suddenly opened his mouth. His voice sounded unusually hoarse, as if there was something wrong with his vocal cords.

"Are you willing to talk?" Jane looked at him contemptuously and continued to walk to the door.

"Wait, I have something to say."

"I'm not interested. I'll see it in your mind anyway," Jane said.

"Wait!" the man shouted urgently, "you don't need this step. I can tell you what you want to know."

"Hum. If I find out you dare to deceive me," Jane threatened, "I will let you experience more painful torture than death. Do you understand?"

"Of course..." the man's forehead is covered with sweat. He has been completely frightened. The psychological defense created these days has been completely broken by Jane.

"Tell me who you are first."

"I'm just an ordinary killer," the man said. "That's all."

Jane sniffed at his statement. "Ordinary killer, your boss is that bastard Jacob."

"He's just one of my more important customers. He releases the task and I'll finish it. That's all," the man said.

"What I said is true."

"I'll judge. What's your name?"


"Real name."

"... Liu Liang."

"It's a very common name." Jane Tucao said, "I warn you, every word you say, I will make complaints about it. If there is a lie, you can wait and see."

"Of course, I promise I'm telling the truth," Liu Liang said. "It's just a job for me. I don't need to take my life in order to keep other people's secrets."

"You still want to be open," Jane said sarcastically. "Were you waiting for Jacob to help you? He's just an ordinary client."

"People are lucky." Liu Liang smiled mockingly. "What do you want to know? But I'm afraid I don't know much. Maybe I can't satisfy you."

"How long have you been working with Jacob?"

"It's been three years."

"Why did he find you?"

"Because I'm a qualified killer," Liu Liang said, "and the price is reasonable."

"What kind of tasks do Jacob usually give you?"

"The target of assassination is usually not a particularly difficult existence," Liu Liang said. "Jacob knows my ability."

"So you dare to sneak around?" Jane asked. "How many people have you killed related to the shield bearer alliance?"

Liu Liang said, "seven people."

"Only seven?"

"There are only seven people," Liu Liang said. "Jacob won't give me all the tasks. As far as I know, he has at least two killers. He has long-term business contacts, and there are countless short-term ones. He is a generous customer."

"Hum, I'm not listening to you praise him."

"I don't know much."

"You did Chu Qian? The woman you stabbed in the street."

"Well, it's me."

"With this alone, I will kill you and make you die miserably," said Jane coldly. "Do you know anything else?"

"Er... Jacob and I communicate online, and I haven't met him." Liu Liang said, "I know very limited things. I don't have any personal grudges with the mission goal. It's just a business, isn't it?"

The coldness in Jane's eyes made him shudder. Liu Liang realized that if he couldn't handle it well, he would die miserably on the spot. The woman would do it to him, and she would.

"No, it's not. For you, maybe it's just a business, but for me, you TM is an unforgivable bastard." Jane said. "Tell me how you and Jacob contact online."

"I --"

"Say it right away!" Jane directly clutched Liu Liang's neck and almost broke his neck with great strength.

"I, I said, I said, you release me first!!" Liu Liang patted Jane's arm.

"Say it, don't try to play tricks!"

Liu Liang obediently said the way he contacted Jacob on the Internet. They communicated in a very special way in a work chat room.

"Hello?" Liu Liang shouted loudly as she watched Jane leave. "How would you treat me?"

"By the way, I forgot one thing for you. When Jacob gave you a task, did he set a specific time for the task?" Jane asked back.

"No, I just send him a picture and ask him to confirm."

"In other words, he doesn't know where you are now?"

"I don't know," Liu Liang said.

"Good, you can die." Jane said this, turned and walked to the door. Adrian, who had been unconscious, suddenly woke up.

"Idiot, you don't really think Jane and I will quarrel over you bastard?" Adelin looked at Liu Liang contemptuously. "You deserve a scum like you?"

"You, are you acting?"

"Of course, of course it's acting. Thanks to your cooperation, we saved a lot of effort." Adelin moved his body. "If you're so mentally disabled, it means you're an expert? Hum, you're an idiot expert at best."

"You, you --"

"What are we doing? We've been merciful to you since we didn't kill you right away," adlin said.

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