Xu wenweak soon got results there. According to his investigation, all the top killers he knows have not visited xinmetropolis in the near future. According to his own words, if these people have really come to the new metropolis, they will leave some traces, and he will find them. Because for him, this is part of his life and work and has become a habit.

Xu wenweak is an intelligence dealer.

Since Xu wenweak said no, Ye Feng also determined that they were not these people.

Isn't it someone in the circle? This man is not a mercenary, nor a professional killer, but a capable man. Since he's not in the circle, why did this man find Mike?

Ye Feng felt a bit of fear. If he wasn't an insider, it would be difficult to do. A person who doesn't pay attention to rules and does what he wants is the most terrible enemy. A person who doesn't play cards according to routine is the most terrible enemy.

In the face of such an enemy, it is difficult for you to control the trend of the situation. You can only passively meet him, seemingly random but deadly attacks again and again. Such constant vigilance made Ye Feng feel a little suffocated.

"Are you sure it's not those people?" even if he knew the answer, Ye Feng still asked again.

"Of course, I'm the most professional. You should know."

"Well, it's true that you are the most professional, but if you're really not those people, things will be difficult."

"Yes, a lengtouqing, and a very powerful lengtouqing. Such a person is the most annoying to me."

"Who isn't? I hate such people most."

"How can you say? Once you were such a fool. If you didn't know me, you might be eaten by wild dogs now."

"It's not as exaggerated as you said. You still know me. I'm the chosen one."

"Well, well, I don't want to hear your nonsense. I've told you all the information I found. Ye Feng, do it yourself."

"Man, don't be so cold. I'm on a big deal."

"Maybe it's not as dangerous as you think, maybe the man just wants to kill Mike, maybe the man doesn't want to do it to you."

"I hope so, but you know, there will never be a long quiet life in my life. There are always villains trying to deal with me."

"That's because you are a villain. Ye Feng, villains will be attracted by villains. What do you say?"

"You damn fat man, I can't refute you."

Adeline is very concerned about the development of things. She comes to Ye Feng's room and asks him about it.

"Will there really be danger? Maybe things are not as serious as you think, Ye Feng."

"If it's not as serious as expected, but that man killed my friend, he must pay for it. If he didn't stare at me, I can only say it's wise, but if he stared at me, hum, I'll let him know what life is better than death."

After listening to Ye Feng's words, Irene was even more worried. She knew Ye Feng's character and that he was a very paranoid character. As long as he strengthened a certain belief, he would always do it. Adelin loved and hated such a character. Because sometimes it's very reliable, but sometimes he will cause unnecessary trouble. Even if this person doesn't have Ye Feng in his goal, Ye Feng will start with him.

Up to now, all he can do is support and help him silently. She can do less, but she can still do something. At least help find out the situation and ensure his safety, or where Adeline can help.

In fact, if Adeline can help Ye Feng, Ye Feng can still get some strong support. After all, relying on the power of the shield bearer alliance, as long as we find this person, we won't worry about bringing him to justice.

All we need to do now is find out who this person is, and no one can give a perfect solution to this.

If you can't lock this person's real identity as soon as possible, Ye Feng can only passively wait for this person to come to the door. And if this person can't find it, it's very difficult. If he doesn't come to find Ye Feng and Ye Feng can't find her, Ye Feng may not be able to avenge him. If Ye Feng's goal really doesn't include Ye Feng, Ye Feng may really be unable to do anything to this person, which Ye Feng can't stand.

A person can never leave his friend unharmed after hurting him. This is absolutely unbearable for Ye Feng. He must pay the price, the price of blood.

Since you intend to solve all problems with revenge, well, see who is more familiar with these. Ye Feng has never been a magnanimous person, and it is not too much to describe him even with a small belly chicken intestines. He is only kind to the people he thinks he cherishes, and he will only be extremely cruel to the people he thinks are the enemy. grim.

In a backward community in the new metropolis, it is called nameless street. That is, streets without names belong to places where the forgotten can hide.

This place is a place where many people can't go. It's here. The man who killed Mike is walking on the street. He's looking for his next prey. He's not sure whether this prey is waiting for him here. He only knows that he is bound to get this prey.

Killing Mike made him a little depressed. He didn't expect that the once powerful man was so vulnerable. He had hardly finished warming up, and the man had died. I hope this prey can give him a little fun. Or I'll take this trip all the way. It's too boring.

On the dark street of nameless street, a man in a dirty blanket sat against the wall. You can't see what these people look like, and you can't see the slightest evidence that they are living from their insensitive faces. They are just a group of walking dead, forgotten in the nameless street, waiting for death to come.

In the eyes of people in black, these people can't even catch up with a dog, which is totally ignored. He can kill many such wastes with one hand, even without wasting his strength.

He kicked open a half closed wooden door and the man entered the house. After just asking, he learned that his prey lived in this room. This is a room that can barely be called a house. It is dark inside. There is no light, no light. Only moonlight shoots in through the broken window, which can barely make people see some contours of the house.

There was hardly any furniture in the room. There was only some garbage. There seemed to be a figure in the garbage.

"Who are you?" a hoarse voice sounded.

"I'm here to kill you."

"My killer, hum, do you really think you can kill me?"

"I've never doubted this. I don't even know what doubt is."

"Then come on, you bastard."

The vague figure shrank in the corner of the wall suddenly rushed over. The man in black just smiled gently. The ironic smile on the corner of his mouth had not faded, and the man who rushed to it had fallen to the ground. His incredible hands covered his neck.

He wanted to cover his bloody neck, but it was too late. He was dying, on the verge of death.

Cut, you just wasted a little more time.

It was boring. The man in black stepped on the dirty man's body. After confirming that he was dead, he stepped out of the room.

Like killing a wild dog, his mood hardly had any waves. For the man in black, this is just a task, a task he is unwilling to complete but has to do. Who makes him need money.

The man who gave him the task could give him a lot of money. That's enough. As for other things, he doesn't care at all and doesn't want to care. Why the man wants to kill these people who live like dogs, he is not interested. If you can get money for killing a dog, you can kill a dog, even if the dog is a little stronger than an ordinary dog. At best, it's just a fierce dog. With a knife in hand, these fierce dogs have no chance to live.

The man in black walked in the dark street of nameless street and watched the homeless people on both sides of the road. The smile on his face became stronger and stronger. He knew that even if these people died, no one cared. If the rich would pay him and kill these people, he would not hesitate.

This trip is really easy, thought the man in black. He can get a lot of money without doing anything. Hum! You know, money is so easy to earn. I've come to take the task of killing people long ago.

Not long after the man in black left, several people carefully entered the room. They were surprised to find that the man was really dead.

"Go and call the man and tell him that he is dead."

"OK, I see."

Several people summed up. They went out of the room one after another. They didn't move the body because they knew someone would be interested in the body. All they needed to do was tell that person what happened.

Tonight is destined to be a long night. Many people can't sleep. In nameless street, this man represents a legend. Although everyone doesn't know his real origin, everyone knows one thing, that is, never provoke him. It was such a strong man that he was killed. It's terrible.

Who killed him is sacred.

Damn it, such people must not stay in nameless street for too long, otherwise how many people will die in the end is not certain.

Of course, this worry is unnecessary, because for a man in black, he won't kill without being paid. Does he like killing people? Of course, but he won't kill at will just because of his interest.

At least not during the mission.

For him, the current task is the top priority. If he can successfully complete it, the problems that perplex him will no longer be a problem.

After all, it's about money.

If he had enough money to spend, his life would be different now. Some people are born extremely rich, but some are born to run around because of money. He is the latter kind of person, but God still favors him. He is not an ordinary person, but has his own unique talent.

He knew from an early age that he was different and was complacent about it for a long time.

But the reality still broke his dream, and he had to struggle for survival.

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