Meanwhile, Xu wenweak, who was sleeping, suddenly received a phone call.

He muttered and could only turn over and pick up his cell phone.

"Hello? What's up?"

"The man is dead."

"What? Are you sure that man is dead?"

"Yes, it's him. He's dead."

"Damn it!"

Xu muttered in a low voice. He immediately told the person at the other end of the phone to do as he arranged. After hanging up, he immediately called Ye Feng.

He looked at the time when he called. It's 2:30 in the morning. Usually, Ye Feng has gone to bed at this time, and Ye Feng is a person who hates being disturbed by others. If it's not a particularly urgent matter, he absolutely doesn't want to wake him up at this time, but it's too urgent for Xu wenweak to respond.

"Hello, Ye Feng, it's me."

"My cell phone has caller ID. I know it's you. What's up? Go ahead."

Ye Feng's tone is very irritable, because for him, it's time to sleep all day. He doesn't want anyone to disturb his rest. After all, Ye Feng is a person who never sleeps during the day. If he doesn't rest well at night, he will feel very uncomfortable all day.

Xu wenweak also knows this, but he has to call Yi Yefeng because he is worried that the consequences of not playing will be more serious.

"Ye Feng, the man is dead."

"Who's dead? Who's dead in these days?"

Ye Feng is very irritable. He couldn't accept the repeated news of death. In fact, he had realized who Xu wenweak said, but he didn't want to admit it.

"Ye Feng, it's that man."

"Who is that man?"

"You know, it's --"

"Well, stop talking. I know who it is. Hang up. I'll leave it to you. I'll call you tomorrow."

"I see, Ye Feng, you sleep."

After hanging up the phone, Xu wenweak knows that Ye Feng's mood is not beautiful. Now is definitely not a good time to talk to him.

Ye Feng threw his cell phone aside and lay in bed staring at the ceiling. His inner rage and anger completely dissipated his sleep. He knew he would never sleep again tonight. That man. Once his enemy, his comrades in arms, and even his mentor, such a man, died.

Chen Ming is one of the few people Ye Feng has worked with. He is about 30 years older than Ye Feng. Ye Feng never knew the exact age of the man. He could only roughly infer from his appearance that he was much older than himself.

This person has a very bad character, but he has high skills. In the one year of cooperation between Ye Feng and him, Ye Feng learned a lot. At that time, she was still a green and astringent lengtouqing. She had her own wrong understanding of many things. He didn't know the operation mode of the world. He was just thinking according to his naive thoughts, And do something wrong.

In a mission, he met Chen Ming. With superb skills and careful planning, Chen Ming let Ye Feng suffer. If he had not survived at that time, perhaps everything would not have happened after that.

At that time, he had not been physically transformed and had no current ability, so he was very weak. After completely defeating Chen Ming, he remembered this man. After a series of opportunities. He met this man again. Ye Feng seldom puts down his face and figure and takes the initiative to talk to Chen Ming.

Although Chen Ming has a bad temper, he doesn't know what characteristics he likes about Ye Feng. In short, it wasn't long before they formed a team together.

That period was a period of rapid improvement of Ye Feng's professional skills. Around Chen Ming, he learned what a mature mercenary should do, how to complete the task professionally, how to determine the correct relationship with the employer and let the employer pay if he protects himself.

It can be said that Ye Feng can grow into a little famous mercenary because of the foundation laid by Chen Ming

However, as Chen Ming is too old to work in high-intensity tasks soon, the relationship between Ye Feng and him has been gradually disconnected. When he heard the news of Chen Ming again, it was several years later. At that time, Ye Feng had been mixed with wind and water, and Chen Ming had become a tramp.

Wandering is a choice and an attitude. Ye Feng knows that there is a huge amount of money in Chen Ming's account that he doesn't even know how much money he has. But for life, he is tired of life. He just wants to live in the way he likes.

Ye Feng doesn't bother his life, but silently cares about Chen Ming's dynamics from time to time. He asked Xu wenweak to always pay attention to Chen Ming. In this way, several years have passed. Chen Ming disappeared from Ye Feng's life. He seems to be addicted to wandering and decadent life. In that case, let him decadent.

Ye Feng is a very nostalgic person, but he also wants to get rid of his past life, which makes him sometimes very tangled, but this is a person. People don't tangle.

He cherishes the people he used to know. But he also felt very guilty about what he had done in the past. He wanted to get rid of the past, but he couldn't get rid of it. He wants to protect the people he cherished in the past, but he can't. It is in such a tangled dilemma that Ye Feng is trying to maintain.

He hopes that with his own efforts, the people he cherishes can be safe, but the facts are always against him. The more he wants, the less he comes.

So many things happened in a short time that Xu wenweak couldn't sit still. He immediately flew to the new metropolis. First, he went to Kate to see Mike's body. After that, he immediately rushed to nameless street to check Chen Ming's body.

Chen Ming's body is still lying in the hut where he lives. No one dares to enter this room, and there is no need to enter this room, because there is only this body in this room except some garbage.

In fact, Xu wenweak had no contact with Chen Ming. When he met Ye Feng, Chen Ming had retired from the Jianghu. However, at the request of Ye Feng, he had been paying close attention to the man's movements. By calculation, this was indeed his first close contact with this man, although he had become a corpse.

There is no doubt that the man who killed Chen Ming is very sharp. The knife edge is definitely not cut by ordinary people. He is definitely an expert. In this regard, Xu wenweak has his own opinions. He knows that such a knife edge can not even be achieved by ordinary killers. He must be a top killer.

Although he doesn't have much combat effectiveness, after all, he has more contact with top killers and has a higher vision. He is also an expert. He was well aware of the power of this knife, and it was not difficult to analyze the traces from the scene. At that time, Chen Ming resisted before he was killed, but his resistance did not seem to have played any role.

From the footprints, it is not difficult to analyze that Chen Ming has been hit by a knife before he rushed to the killer. Although Chen Ming is old, his reaction and experience are incomparable. Ordinary people can't get close to him, let alone kill him in one fell swoop. But this man did it. He was very clean and didn't waste his second chance. He turned Chen Ming into a corpse with only one knife.

What kind of person is this? It's terrible. Even an old fox like Chen Ming was solved by him? God, where did so many crazy people come from? The world really doesn't let me calm down. Crouching tiger, Hidden Dragon... Even the top killers who have been paying close attention to the situation, it is difficult to do this, but this person has an unknown name, but he can clearly show such a person.

Xu wenweak asked someone to carry away Chen Ming's body. Before leaving, he talked to the people he bought. These people had inquired about the news with the people around him before he came. Almost no one saw the face of the man who killed Chen Ming.

Only one thing can be confirmed. The man is tall and thin. He wears a black windbreaker and can't see his face clearly. From the walking posture, he should be a man. Of course, it doesn't rule out that women are pretending.

A man in black is damned. How can I find out? There are such people all over the world.

Xu wenweak has a headache. He knows that he must give Ye Feng a satisfactory answer in the near future. Otherwise, with Ye Feng's character, he will make a storm in the city after all. It's not certain how it will end.

Xu wenweak has a headache, but he can only harden his head to find out about it. A man in black, a suspected man's killer, this is all the clues he has. What makes him feel speechless is that the place where this man jumps is really good: the night of typhoon, nameless street.

There can be no cameras in these places, and even if there are, it doesn't work at all, especially in the nameless street, where suspicious people live. No one will pay attention to a person in black.

Ye Feng, you really gave me a big problem!

Although the heart is very unhappy, Xu wenweak can only continue to check.


In the top room of a luxury hotel, a man had just finished taking a bath. He wiped his wet hair with a towel, picked up his cell phone and called his employer.

"The second one has been killed."

"Good. You'll finish the task in a few more. I've put the money into your account."

"Very good, happy cooperation. I like your character."

"As long as you can complete your task, money is not a problem. Remember what I said, you must kill all the targets."

"I remember you said one of the targets could not be killed easily?"

"Leave this matter to me. You deal with the others first."


"I don't worry about your work."

"I'll wait for the money. I'll finish the task."

"I know you are the best."

"It's no use praising me. I can't lose a penny."

"You are really a boring person."

”Inevitable. "

The man put down his cell phone, lay on the big bed in the suite and looked at the ceiling above his head.

The money came easily and the task was completed smoothly. He was already imagining that after completing his task, he would solve all his problems, and then go to live another life, a decent life, not like this.

Maybe I should buy some houses, maybe I'll buy some cars, maybe I'll find some women, maybe I'll live a life of people I hate, but in short, try to live comfortably, because I'm tired of killing. Ha ha, such a lie can't deceive myself. I like killing.

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