Xu wenweak first found the answer to the investigation of this strange eardrop. He rushed to Xindu to talk to Ye Feng face to face.

"Ye Feng, I already know what this pendant came from."

"What did you say?"

In a dark restaurant, Xu wenweak and Ye Feng sit face to face.

"This pendant, if there is no big deviation in the survey results, it should be related to the explosive fire hunting Corps."

"Yanexplosive hunting regiment?"

Xu Wen nodded: "yes, that's the name. You should still remember it. Evil wind, it was you who destroyed and disintegrated the explosive fire hunting Corps."

"Yes, I did."

The explosive fire hunting Corps used to be a very large organization, with dozens of core figures and hundreds of peripheral members. Among these dozens of core figures, eight with super strength and ability are the core of the explosive fire hunting Corps. Five of these eight people died in the battle launched by Ye Feng.

Of course, Ye Feng plays Yin moves, because if he plays it head-on, he may not be able to beat any of the five, but Ye Feng still has a set of Yin moves.

He released a very high reward task in the name of others, successfully attracted five of the eight super capable people, led them to the same place in a dilapidated factory, and then Ye Feng sent them to heaven with tons of explosives.

After finding out that Ye Feng did it, the other three immediately mobilized the strength of the whole hunting corps to encircle, suppress and hunt Ye Feng, but Ye Feng was only one person, and several of his friends played a great role in this process, so Ye Feng was able to hide flexibly in various cities.

Finally, in this tug of war, Ye Feng laughed to the end. The behemoth of the explosive fire hunting Corps finally became a beach of loose sand and fell apart.

As for Ye Feng's trouble with the explosive fire hunting corps, it's because the hunting Corps killed Mike's daughter. Mike's daughter was killed by these people. Some people paid a lot of money to hire the hunting corps to perform such an inhumane task. The explosive fire hunting corps, which has always been only in line with the money, did not hesitate to extend the butcher's knife to a minor child.

Ye Feng made them pay a terrible price for this. For Ye Feng, some things he wouldn't ask about, but some things he had to manage. Even if he paid his life, he would not hesitate. At that time, he cheated more than now, so he killed the whole yanburst corps with his own strength and the help of several people. This matter has become an insignificant thing in Ye Feng's many memories and has been forgotten in the corner. It was not until Xu wenweak mentioned the name that he remembered that he had done such an earth shaking thing. Ye Feng not only lamented that he was really energetic at that time. The heart is still full of anger.

"This pendant is the pendant of the explosive fire hunting Corps. It's a sign, Ye Feng. Don't you remember?"

"Maybe I remember. I still have some impressions of this pendant, but it's not so deep. Is this man here for revenge?"

"I don't know. This killer may not be those people of the explosive fire hunting corps at that time. Because the end of those people is very miserable. Those who didn't die in your hands have also been killed by others. I think some escaped fish hired a top killer to carry out this thing."

"Well, your idea is more realistic. He may deliberately let the killer wear this eardrop. It's really bad fun."

"Ye Feng, what do you think we should do about this matter? Well, first check the fish that have escaped the net to see how many people are still alive. Check one by one to see who is the most suitable person behind the scenes and find him. Let me do the next thing.

"Yes, that's it, Ye Feng. You must pay attention to your safety."

"You, too, are weak. Many people know that you and I are too close."

"You don't have to worry about my safety. Too many people need me to live. If someone wants to do something to me, he's really tired of living."

"Well, you've kept a low profile lately."

"That's what you said. When didn't I keep a low profile?"

Watching Xu wenweak disappear from the door of the restaurant, Ye Feng is a little anxious. Sure enough, as he imagined, this thing came for him. Mike and Chen Ming may have died just to revenge Ye Feng, and this man has achieved his goal. Ye Feng is very angry and hurt.

For his own sake, two friends have died. These two people played a key role in the confrontation between him and the explosive fire hunting Corps. What made Ye Feng shudder was that he knew that several of his friends had also played a role in the process, but Ye Feng knew nothing about their whereabouts.

The man in black sat on the bed in his room and looked at the task target information sent by his client on his mobile phone.

The man's name once made people in black yearn for it. It's a thunderous name, but now he has become his prey. It's really unpredictable!

Yes, thought the man in black. I didn't expect such a figure to die in my hands one day. Hum, yes, my time has come. Old folks, just die. Living in other people's memories, boasting and legends is a good destination, isn't it?

The man in black tidied up his equipment, put on his suit, and then walked out of the hotel room. He was going to harvest a human life tonight. It's normal for him to breathe, but for the target character, his life is coming to an end tonight.

I don't know if he has a hunch that he will be found by the God of death. The man in black thinks, if so, I hope he can move faster and run faster. Don't let this life and death chase seem too boring.

At the same time, Xu wenweak is searching for those members who are still alive in the world. After his investigation, most of them have died. Because they have done too many unreasonable things, when they are in power, some people's anger can be hidden, but once they lose power, their anger will be ten times Retaliate against them a hundred times.

Most of the people of the explosive fire hunting Corps entered other organizations after the explosive fire hunting Corps was dissolved. Those who did not join other organizations were basically killed at the door soon. Even those who join the organization and want to be protected will die one by one in the next few years in a variety of ways. There is no way to know who did it.

The most important thing for people in this industry is enemies. Once you don't abide by some clear rules in everyone's mind, but act recklessly, you will have more enemies, your death time will be faster, and your death method will be more tragic.

People who enter this profession are mentally prepared and know that they may not get a good end, but everyone wants to avoid dying too miserable. Therefore, the existence of a set of rules makes everyone have a little fear in their hearts, but if there are rules, there will be people who break and ignore the rules, The people of the explosive fire hunting regiment never act according to the commonly known rules of these agreements. It is precisely because of this that they collected money and killed Mike's family. It is also because of this that Ye Feng came to the door to destroy the hunting regiment.

The cycle of cause and effect, repeated retribution and the reversal of things when they reach the extreme will eventually bring disaster. This is the truth Ye Feng learned and the life philosophy he learned after paying countless painful costs.

You can't do too much. It's good for people and yourself to keep everything.

In fact, for Ye Feng, his heart calmed down a lot after he knew it was the explosive fire hunting Corps. Because at least he knows who the enemy is and why he came to the door, he can also guess how the enemy's next actions will be carried out.

There is no doubt that both Mike and Chen Ming played a key role in Ye Feng's destruction of the explosive fire hunting corps, that is, the other party's goal is to retaliate against Ye Feng and those who help Ye Feng.

The reason why they didn't find Ye Feng at the beginning may be that Ye Feng's own ability makes them afraid, and Ye Feng doesn't show up all the time. He often hides in his own home and often doesn't even know where his friends are going, so it's not easy to find him and attack him.

On the contrary, if you start with his friend, Ye Feng can automatically stand up and expose his whereabouts. In this way, it will be easy for him to start.

Ye Feng thought over and over about the whole thing. There is no doubt that each other's real goal is him, but he will first start from his friends around Ye Feng, eradicate them one by one, and then destroy Ye Feng's reason, let Ye Feng make impulsive behavior, expose flaws, and then seize the flaws and kill Ye Feng in one fell swoop.

Ye Feng has reason to believe that the other party is preparing a special weapon, which can ignore his self-healing ability and kill him. There are dozens or even hundreds of such weapons in Ye Feng's collection cabinet. He didn't believe how difficult it would be if a person wanted to get such a weapon. Just smash it with money.

Therefore, Ye Feng is now in a very dangerous situation. However, danger is always inevitable. People must face danger when they are alive. They may be killed by a car when walking on the sidewalk, and may be killed by a falling lamp when sitting at home. Life is full of danger everywhere, but the danger is different in how much and severity.

Ye Feng is used to danger. He's just not used to the people around him dying because of himself. Even though he hasn't seen those people for years and can't even call them friends, Ye Feng doesn't want to let others die because of himself. Although he has killed many people, Ye Feng still wants to have a clear conscience.

It may sound funny, even ridiculous. But this is Ye Feng's idea. Once he did many things he didn't want to do because of himself or objective reasons. He didn't want to kill some people.

At that time, he had no choice. He had to do his best for his own survival, but now he has the ability to choose, so he doesn't want to repeat it. If he can, he wants to make up for his mistakes in the past.

Of course, it would be better if we could completely abandon those unforgettable memories of the past.

But the reality is that there must be consequences. You can't avoid what happened before and the consequences.

Ye Feng knows this very well.

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