When he came to this ordinary apartment, the man in black stepped up the stairs and walked to the second floor. When he passed the front desk on the first floor, he asked whether the man was at home. The woman at the front desk told him that the man didn't go out and should still be at home, so he walked forward.

Upstairs is a separate compartment, which may have different lives and situations. The man in black doesn't care about the fate of those people behind other doors. He cares about the fate of the person behind one of the doors. What he can be sure is that this person will die today and in his hands.

Will he suffer? The man in black didn't know, but he hoped that the man could resist to make the trip less boring.

Standing in front of the shabby wooden door, the man in black stabilized his mind and knocked on the door.

"Water charge." no one answered in room.

The black man shouted again, "water collector, please open the door."

The door was opened by a small crack, and the chain on the door was not released. A pair of turbid eyes looked at the people in black standing at the door through the crack of a finger wide door.

"Who are you? I haven't seen you," said the man.

"Of course you haven't seen me, because this is the first time you and I have met." but

Before the other party didn't react, the man in black took out a sharp knife, slipped down and broke the chain. He pushed the door into the house, and then closed the door gently with his backhand.

Early the next morning, the landlord who really came to collect the rent found the door open and unlocked. He swears and walks in. To his great horror, he saw the body of a man lying on the floor, the man who had owed him more than half a year's rent.

He realized that the man might have been dead for some time. It's not so strange for a person who speaks in this environment to encounter such a thing. He didn't even panic or feel too surprised. He just thought it was another broken thing. Then he called the police. He didn't want to pick up the body himself. Someone else will take care of it.

That afternoon, Xu wenweak received a phone call. He heard about the death of a man and immediately realized that things really continued to develop in a more collapsing direction. This is the third person who died recently. He had to tell this to Ye Feng, who was very upset.

As he imagined, Ye Feng was about to collapse after hearing this. They are still pursuing each other's true identity, but the other party has done so many things that they never expected. The death of the third man was closely related to him. The man's name was sentry.

At that time, when Ye Feng fought with the explosive fire hunting corps, he once helped Ye Feng a little. Although Ye Feng didn't have a very close relationship with him, they were nodding friends. If they met, they would say a word or two.

It seems that the other party has many goals. Even those who are not very close to Ye Feng are listed in the list of cold must kill because they have helped Ye Feng before.

Ye Feng realizes that these people are extremely ferocious. They have no mercy. As long as they are related to Ye Feng's car, they will become their target.

Such a scope is too large. There were many people who helped Ye Feng at the beginning, and even some people can't remember their names now.

If these people die because of themselves, Ye Feng will feel sorry. Indeed, they live well. Maybe they don't live well, but at least they are alive, but they are killed because they know you. It's too sad to say.

But Ye Feng didn't know who the other party wanted to kill. He wants to remind those people to pay attention to safety, and the other party may not believe it, and Ye Feng may not be able to find them, so this has become a dead knot: Ye Feng can't find that person, and that person may have some channel to find the target he wants to kill.

As more and more targets are killed, more and more people are involved in this dispute, more and more lives are deprived and slaughtered, and Ye Feng will bear more and more pressure, because he will worry about whether the butcher's knife will reach her current friends.

When the past friends are killed, the other party will focus on Ye Feng's current friends. It's hard to say what will happen at that time.

It may be selfish to say so, but for Ye Feng, he just feels very angry about the death of some people, but he can't accept the death of some people. If these people around him die because of him, Ye Feng will definitely collapse completely. He must find this person and stop him before all this happens.

As a sentinel, Ye Feng doesn't know much. He only knows that there are some contradictions between him and the explosive fire hunting Corps. It is for this reason that he played a role in the battle between Ye Feng and the explosive fire hunting Corps.

He helped Ye Feng escape from the city and bought him time.

Of course, sentry is his title. As for what his real name is, Ye Feng doesn't know. This man took the initiative to find Ye Feng. At that time, Ye Feng was being chased by the explosive fire hunting corps and had reached a desperate situation. The man's sudden appearance helped Ye Feng a great deal and saved him from the near death.

This man's ability is very characteristic. His ability is to adapt. As long as he is given time, he can adapt to any kind of injury and any kind of environment.

For example, if the sentry is thrown into the deep sea, she will evolve gills like fish to breathe underwater; If you throw him into the volcano, he will evolve heat-resistant skin to ensure his survival.

It can be said that as long as he is given time and reaction time, the Sentry will adapt to any danger, any situation and any environment.

Few people can hurt him, as long as he is always vigilant. But his ability is not natural. He must use willpower to control the body for shape transformation. For example, if you kill him while he is sleeping, he will not be able to adapt and produce skin harder than steel.

Therefore, the sentry takes his whereabouts and the confidentiality of his private life very seriously. Because of this, the communication between Ye Feng and him can only be carried out with the consent of the sentry.

When Ye Feng heard Xu wenweak say that Shaobing was killed, Ye Feng's first reaction was not to believe it. He couldn't believe that someone in the world could kill sentinels.

This man is a person Ye Feng is afraid of. It is almost impossible to kill him head-on. But that's what happened.

Maybe the man was a sneak attack, Ye Feng thought. Maybe the man came to the door and killed the sentry in his sleep, but the information Xu wenweak told him denied this.

Judging from the traces on the scene, the sentry was completely awake at that time. He even fought with this man. The battle was not very fierce, only a few times, and he was killed by his attacker.

Ye Feng fell silent when he learned the news.

How strong is a man who can kill the sentry head-on? Ye Feng can't even imagine. He knows very well that as long as the sentry has reaction time, he will assemble the strongest armor to resist all damage. He has the ability to use it.

But this man killed the sentry in such a positive way, and it didn't seem to take much effort.

Who is this man? Why is it so easy for him to kill? Even a capable person like a sentry, you can't do much in front of him. Mike and Chen Ming were even killed by him. How powerful is this man? Ye Feng has no concept.

Ye Feng asked himself, can you kill the sentry face to face? Of course, the answer is No. Ye Feng is not good at attacking. His ability is to be beaten, and his ability of the sentry is also to be beaten. It is difficult for two people who can only be beaten to fight each other.

Although the sentry was a powerful shield and could hardly be conquered, this man conquered her. In the duel between the spear and the shield, there is no doubt that the spear won and the shield was broken.

So the sentry died.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng couldn't help but have a headache. Even the guard can't resist this man's attack. Can his healing ability really ensure safety? He doesn't know. He's not even sure at all.

The only thing Ye Feng can be sure of is that if he fights face-to-face with this person, he is likely not to be an opponent and will even be killed by the other party.

He realized that even if he wanted to continue to hide it, the objective environment could not do it. Although his friends knew about Mike's death, Ye Feng didn't intend to tell them about Chen Ming's death and the sentry's death.

But all this must be changed. Ye Feng knows that it is absolutely impossible to defeat this man alone with his own strength. This man is fierce and has unique skills.

The sentry couldn't do a few moves under his hand, and he had little hope of winning himself. Ye Feng never fights a battle that will be defeated. He knows that his ability may not be strong, but there are many others.

I have many people, I can do you. That's what Ye Feng thinks now.

It's time to have a showdown with his friends. He knows they will become his solid backing, and as long as they are here, Ye Feng can't fail,

This person can come to the door and see who will become prey.

But Ye Feng still has some worries in his heart. He didn't know if the man would try his best and if ye Feng's friends could resist.

In front of the extremely sharp spear, maybe everything will be broken, and one force will drop ten meetings. This is what makes Ye Feng the most headache. He is a powerful opponent.

A strong enemy means a strong challenge. If you can, Ye Feng hopes that all the villains who jump out are idiots who break at the touch of a touch. At least he can crush them with one finger.

But reality is always cruel, otherwise it would not be reality.

For Ye Feng, he is already helpless. There are always people who are much better than himself who want to find their own trouble. He wants to get rid of these damn troubles, but the problem is that if people want to get rid of it, they can't just talk about it. When people are in the Jianghu, they can't help it. This sentence makes Ye Feng extremely helpless.

The tree wants to be quiet but the wind doesn't stop. Those who hurt others will always be hurt by others. This sentence is the truth. Ye Feng knows it, but he doesn't want to accept it.

I don't want to accept it, but I can only face it.

This is the helplessness of being a mortal.

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