When Ye Feng told his friends what had happened recently, the expressions on all his faces were very cold. Everyone realizes that things are not simple and may move in a faster direction.

"This is the end of the matter. There is no other way except to deal with it positively," Adelin said. "I will mobilize all the forces of the alliance to find out who this person is. Ye Feng, what you need to do is to ensure your own safety."

"I don't have to worry too much about my safety for the time being. I'm worried about your safety," Ye Feng said. "If they want to hurt you, there may be nothing I can do."

"We should not have been completely exposed, because if we had been exposed, they should have come to trouble us long ago, and most of us are in the shield alliance, and it's not so easy for them to trouble us. People who can't protect themselves should stay in the house recently and try not to go out," Edlin said, "After we get away from the limelight and this matter is solved, we will return to our normal life. Anyway, Gemma, you and Chu Qian don't go out much. Let us do the shopping and stay at home. Chu Qian, you must ensure the safety of gemma. She is the weakest point among us. If the other party finds out that Gemma exists, she will be happy Can be a breakthrough. "

"Don't worry. I'll pay attention to safety. I'll never go out without anything." jenma vowed, "I haven't lived enough."

"If only you knew." Adeline looked at her and said, "you are the easiest to do something unexpected. In short, you must put safety first, and other things are easy to discuss."

"I know, I know, as if I would make mistakes," Gemma muttered.

"Among these people here, you are the most likely to make mistakes." Ye Feng said, "well, in fact, I don't want to tell you about it, but now it's time to say it. In short, I hope you won't be hurt by me and me, not like Chen Ming and Mike."

At this point, Ye Feng's expression was a little ugly. He felt deep remorse when he thought that several people had died because of him.

"Don't worry, Ye Feng. We've been through so much, and we'll be fine this time." Adelin said with relief.

"Hope, I really don't want to see anyone die because of me." Ye Feng said. "Such things really make me haggard. I'm old now and I'm no longer suitable for this kind of fighting and killing. Alas, it's a headache."

"Ye Feng, how old are you? You always don't understand." jenma asked curiously.

"How old am I? It's very impolite to ask a man's age. Don't you know?"

"Talk about it. Don't be so stingy."

"It's not mean, but I don't know how old I am."

"I don't even know my age. So you're too careless?"

"Hey, I've experienced too many things. I don't have the mood to care how old I am. In short, I remember that I seem to be over 40, maybe 50." Ye Feng's tone was hesitant. "I really don't know, because you know I've experienced too many things."

"Well, can you be 50?" jenma's shocked eyes widened. "I can't imagine that you should be a 50-year-old."

"It's not that exaggerated. It may be more than 40 and more than 30."

"You can't be in your 30s. You were making waves more than 30 years ago, when you were a teenager and now you are at least in your 40s," Edlin said

"Well, you know me better than me." Ye Feng smiled awkwardly. He really didn't think about how old he was. In short, in his impression, he seemed to have lived for a long time, even things that others couldn't experience in their lives.

Maybe this is the experience, which makes people more unlovable. The discussion on age lasted for a long time, which calmed down some of the people's nervous mood. How will things develop after that? In fact, everyone has no place in their hearts, but they know that as long as they get together and face life together, they will always find a way.

If you live, you must continue to go on, you must face more and more troubles, and face things you don't want to face. This is life. You can't escape, you can only accept it.

Ye Feng feels a lot more relaxed when he can say all the words he has held in his heart for the past few days. That's the way it is. If you face the problem directly, you will at least have less anxiety and anxiety in your heart.

Ye Feng feels like this. While he is relieved, he can also think about how to deal with the crisis next. Adeline's words make Ye Feng think. Indeed, if the other party knows the current situation of his friends, he should focus on these people first, but he didn't, but killed the people Ye Feng knew in the past This shows that this person may not know much about his situation, which is also in line with why he didn't find Ye Feng directly, but went to kill others first.

The heaviest stone in Ye Feng's heart fell slightly.

When everyone is involved in this matter, everyone's strength is brought into play. Through his contacts, Adeline began to investigate the context of the matter. Although there were few clues, it was certain that someone from the explosive fire hunting Corps retaliated against Ye Feng, which has given her a general direction.

In this direction, she began her action.

first. Edlin found some other high-level people she knew and asked them about the explosive fire hunting Corps.

in fact. The mercenary regiment did not die completely after being destroyed by Ye Feng. Its members loosely became independent individuals one by one, but still adhered to their previous style of behavior. One by one, ruthless and cruel.

In front of them, there is only the word "interest" without any other constraints. That is, the fate of these people is very tragic. They die and escape. Few people can survive, but they are real ruthless characters who have been chased and fled countless times.

These people are very protective of their whereabouts, and some even use some means to create fake death. In other words, even those who die may not really die.

After investigating here, adlin not only felt a headache, but also realized that the enemy Ye Feng faced was very cunning, and he was far more terrible and secret than they thought.

Because this person may be a person who has died nominally. You can't check a dead person. A dead person won't leave any traces for you to investigate. You can't check his communication records or his bank card records.

This person may be living and moving in the name of others, and you don't know who he chose. He can pick any one in the crowd, kill him, and then continue to live in his name.

If so, it is basically impossible to investigate the person's future. This possibility is very large, because if she thinks in transposition, Edlin will use this method, which is very hidden and can not be tracked.

Edlin felt a little confused. Counting the age, the members of the explosive fire hunting regiment who are still alive are at least over 50 years old, and some of them are even 60 or 70 years old. After all, they are an old mercenary regiment, and Ye Feng dealt with them many years ago.

As for how old Ye Feng is, Edlin doesn't have an accurate answer. She only knows that Ye Feng is much older than he looks.

According to the age, the people who carry out the appointment plan should not be one of the members of the explosive fire hunting corps, because even if these people are capable, the years will fade their ability, and their strength should not be enough to complete other tasks.

Chen Ming and Mike don't mention it for the moment. Sentry alone is not a role that ordinary people can kill, but a top killer. He may also be in a hurry and have no way to start.

So the identity of the killer is very doubtful. Who is he? Is it a member of the explosive fire hunting corps? Or is he a hired killer, and the person who hired him is from the explosive fire hunting corps?

All this is still under investigation.

According to adlin's suggestion, Ye Feng has stayed at home these days. Although he was very anxious, he also knew that he could not do much, so he could only let Xu wenweak try to find clues from his old friends.

These people are all freaks. They are all isolated freaks. Ye Feng has a headache. He can't find them at all. He doesn't know why the other party can find these people, but he can't find them. Is it difficult for the other party to calculate the position of these people?

Ye Feng couldn't help laughing at his idea.

Xu wenweak is very busy. While looking for the whereabouts of the remaining members of the explosive fire hunting corps, he also has to search for the location of those who are related to Ye Feng. These people are difficult to track one by one. He can only do everything he can to use all his informants.

Even so, the efficiency is very low. After a few days, others can't lock the position of any one of them. This gave him a headache, because he knew that if he heard the news of another person's death, Ye Feng would take him as a vent.

This is the case. Someone must come out to solve the problem, and he is the one to solve the problem. If he can't solve the problem, how Ye Feng will treat him, Xu wenweak doesn't know. He may not be in danger, at least not from Ye Feng, but in the face of his anger, he has a headache. He avoids this situation because he knows. Once one party is finally killed, it will be his turn, and he doesn't want to live. We must make a decision on this matter for both people and ourselves.

The relationship between him and Ye Feng is too close. Those who know a little about it will know that as long as he is there, there will be a stable source of information in the future, but if ye Feng is there, he will use the security guarantee. As long as one of them dies, our cooperative relationship will completely collapse. It goes without saying what consequences may result after that. Both people may die.

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