The second person selected by Kou Bi is Ouyang Hua. This person's identity is very special. He is the executive of a joint group, that is to say, the alliance he manages is the cooperation of dozens of large enterprises. The power in hand is beyond ordinary people's imagination.

Such a man is so powerful that ordinary people can't get close to him at all. However, for CORBI, this is no problem at all. According to Gemma, this person is currently attending the economic forum summit in a country.

After learning the exact news, Kou Bi immediately flew to the city where the man lived and managed to find the five-star hotel where OuYangHua lived. In the top suite of this five-star hotel, Kou Bi met OuYangHua himself, a tall, thin old man with white hair. It looks very smart and has the momentum of a superior.

Standing close to him, Kobi decided that this man was likely to do such a thing. Different from McGrady, Ouyang Hua is a very serious person. He is very serious and responsible for his work. He spends most of his time on his work every day.

Perhaps such a person can succeed, and such a person who regards work as fun can make a career. OuYangHua is talking to people and making phone calls almost all the time. Similarly, Corby had to improve his spirit almost every minute to see what he was talking about.

Unfortunately, she didn't hear any valuable information. At least for her, this information is of little value, just some information between business alliances and some trade secrets.

Although I also heard some very dark news involving illegal fields, these information has nothing to do with Ye Feng and them. So after observing for two days, Kou Bi decided that OuYangHua was not the person he wanted. She put a bug in OuYangHua's suitcase, and Kou Bi left the old man.

The third target she chose was a man named Wang Qiang. The identity of this man named Wang Qiang is very special. He is the head of an organization.

This organization involves many aspects of business, the most famous of which is their transportation business. Their clients are all inclusive, mainly giving money, and they will help you transport what you want to transport. Their service tenet is to ask customers what to rush for transportation, just to achieve the goal they want.

This makes many people come to him and look for his organizations to carry out transportation work. Of course, many of them are contraband.

Because of its growing power, it has almost monopolized this industry. This also makes Wang Qiang's reputation stronger and stronger. Almost everyone wants to have a good relationship with him, because many people have some ulterior purposes and ulterior secrets need this special service.

This person's hand is also more and more extensive. He is not only engaged in the transportation industry, but also engaged in all aspects. As long as he makes money, he will intervene. One can imagine how powerful this man is.

In fact, to some extent, he is the king of the world in the areas he controls. You can do whatever you want, act recklessly, and no one else can hinder it.

Ye Feng felt a great headache because of his powerful power, but when he heard that Kou bi was going to monitor him, Ye Feng refused, but he was stubborn neither Kou Bi nor Gemma, so he had to let them do it.

Facts have proved that CORBI's ability is obvious to all. She didn't screw things up and made Wang Qiang aware of her existence. On the contrary, she hid well and no one was aware of Kobi's existence. The bodyguards around Wang Qiang are not aware of Kou Bi's existence. Of course, this is also reflected in Kou Bi's ability. It's not that these bodyguards are not strong enough and their consciousness is not sensitive enough. The gap between them and Corby is too big.

Wang Qiang is very different in Kou Bi's eyes. In life, he acted like a gentleman. If you didn't know his details, you wouldn't have thought that this man was so dangerous.

But the reality is that this man is very dangerous. A word he said may decide a person's life and death, and such a decision is not difficult for him. His life is full of opportunity and death, danger and success. He was always able to choose the best one among many choices, which was still fresh in Coby's memory.

This man is the king of the underground world and the real one who decides the fate of others, but he did not decide Ye Feng's fate. After close observation, Kou Bi determined that this person had nothing to do with the situation Ye Feng was facing.

He is an extremely dangerous person. If possible, Ye Feng doesn't want to have a relationship with people like Wang Qiang, so he is sure that this person has nothing to do with his plight in the call with Kou Bi, and then he asks Kou Bi to leave quickly. And told her not to leave any information for Wang Qiang to query.

Although there was some helplessness, Kou Bi left the villa where Wang Qiang was located cleanly according to Ye Feng's instructions. Of course, she left Wang Qiang a few small gifts, a few miniature cameras and listeners before she left.

Although Wang Qiang is likely to have nothing to do with what Ye Feng is facing, this person is extremely dangerous. In the foreseeable future, the shield holder alliance is likely to attack Wang Qiang and destroy his criminal empire. There's no harm in collecting some evidence in advance.

Of course, Kobi didn't tell Ye Feng about it, but unilaterally contacted Adeline. Kou Bi knows that if ye Feng learns that she is collecting the crime information of these people in a planned and purposeful way, Ye Feng will be gutless. In a way, Ye Feng has great courage. He dares to try anything. On the other hand, Ye Feng is actually very timid. He is always afraid of getting into some big trouble and some people who shouldn't be.

He knew very well that the incidents he had made before were enough for him. If he attracted the eyes and attention of others, his life would really be dark.

In this regard, Kou Bi can only say that Ye Feng has no sense of responsibility. He only cares about himself and the people he cares about. He doesn't care about all living beings. He can even be described as indifference. This is Ye Feng, an egoist.

Although you can't agree with him, if you can become the person he cherishes, you will realize that this person will never betray you and will do everything to protect you.

In the face of Ye Feng's attitude, Adeline and others are somewhat contradictory. They strive to build a better world, but Ye Feng is content with the status quo. This makes them sometimes unable to talk together.

however. Friends and family are asking for similarities while reserving differences.

Kobi didn't explain these things to Ye Feng. For example, she put down monitoring equipment in the homes, homes or personal belongings of those who had been excluded.

Ye Feng means that if you can be sure that this person is not related to the current incident, you can leave directly, but Edlin and Kobi hold other opinions. They realize that this incident can not only be a way to solve Ye Feng's current incident, but also collect evidence of their crimes.

There is no doubt that the vast majority of these people on the list provided by Xu wenweak are not good stubbles or good people. These people are carrying many lives or deep sins. No matter from what aspect, someone should be organized to sanction them.

These people are very cunning and scheming. They rarely leave direct evidence, so no one has been able to bring them down.

But this time it was different. Adeline decided to take advantage of this opportunity. Use the strength of the shield bearer alliance and Kobi's efforts to collect material evidence and bring these people to justice. Let them pay the price they should pay.

Edlin and others agreed that it was not necessary for Ye Feng to participate in this matter, and even he did not need to have the right to know. Otherwise, this person may not make any reaction, which is likely to be a negative reaction. Ye Feng doesn't know that things are not going on as he imagined. In fact, there are many things going on under the surface.

Sometimes ignorance is a kind of enjoyment, because you don't have to bear the pain and entanglement that comes with it. So Ye Feng was kept in the dark, but at the same time, he was less worried.

The next goal is to be Chen Lu. She is the only woman on the list. Since she is the only one, it shows that she is different. Compared with other people on the list, this person has more power than others. It is fully proved in her that a woman can last a whole day.

Chen Lu controls a criminal empire. She is the real power on this huge pyramid. Her businesses are very profitable, but at the same time, the risks are also increased, that is to say, she is engaged in illegal and criminal activities.

But this man is very resourceful, but he can always arrange things in order. No accident at all. This has allowed her and her organization to go unpunished and continue to make huge profits. Both population and other contraband are within the scope of her business. In short, Chen Lu is a very dangerous person.

But I have to say that Kou Bi admits that this woman named Cheng Lu is really a very capable person. She just feels a little sorry for her. If Chen Lu can show her ability in the right things, maybe they won't alternate in this way today.

In Chen Lu's body, Kou Bi vaguely sees the shadow of Adelin, but compared with Adelin with firm faith in her heart, Chen Lu who only believes in money is more cruel and ruthless.

Chen Lu is a beautiful woman in her 40s. She has many followers, even admirers and admirers. These people use their own strength to complete Chen Lu's thoughts and ideas. Chen Lu is a mature woman, so she will use her beauty to win chips for what she wants to accomplish. You can't ignore such a person. You can only look up at her. She is like a star in the sky. From time to time, there will be a light shining on you, but in addition, you can only look up at her. This is her, a beautiful and dangerous star. Trying to get close to her can only be hurt by the cold light of her ability. But there are still tireless people rushing up one after another. Just for an ethereal dream.

It can be said that Chen Lu is not only the beauty of countless men, but also the nightmare of countless women. Her existence has destroyed many families and changed many people's lives. She has created so many disasters intentionally or unintentionally, just like a bright disaster star, shining on the people around her and making their lives in trouble.

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