Chen Lu is the queen of the criminal empire, and her position is extremely important. In fact, without her, the group of wastes under her can't do anything. She coordinates all things in the overall situation.

Chen Lu is the heart of this criminal empire. As long as she is there, everything can work normally. For such a person, Kobi feels very complicated. If such a person can engage in a legitimate industry, it may create greater value for the world, and what Chen Lu is doing now will only hurt the world more seriously. There are too many sins in this inherently fragile world. Chen Lu is undoubtedly the one who makes these sins hurt more people.

Everyone has different choices. In the face of different situations, they will make completely different choices. Perhaps it is just a small thing that can change the fate of one's life.

When did Chen Lu begin to degenerate slowly? Kou Bi didn't know, and she didn't want to know. She only knew that such a person, such a strong woman, had become a collection of sins. Many people feel pain because of what she has done.

Therefore, the negative impact of Chen Lu's existence on the world is greater than the positive impact. She has no reason to exist in the world. After two days of observation, Kou Bi can be sure that she has nothing to do with this matter. Chen Lu is not the one who wants to trouble Ye Feng.

In fact, Kou Bi can be sure that Chen Lu has no interest in Ye Feng at all. She cares about money, and Ye Feng is not within the scope of her concern. Therefore, after leaving several small inner rooms where evidence can be collected, Kou Bi left Chen Lu.

In the course of Corby's investigation, the man in black also didn't stop. Some people are dying where Xu wenweak and Ye Feng don't know.

These people died miserably at the hands of a man in a Black Hoodie. The man is cruel and ruthless. He does things neatly without leaving a trace. These people didn't find that they had been watched by the God of death before they died. They were so close to death that their death was meaningless and wouldn't start any waves. No one even realized that these people had died.

Because they all live outside the world, where others can't see, that is to say, no one will care about their life and death. So even if these people are brutally killed, perhaps it will be a long time before someone will find that these people are dead, or even never.

This is the sorrow of a lone wolf. Life and death have nothing to do with you. All you have is your own life, and several lives may be taken away at any time.

Xu wenweak is not a God, so he can't know everything that has happened. He can only take care of the people he can observe their situation, and these people are not within the scope of his observation, so he doesn't know that these people have died.

The murderer who hurt them is the man in black whom he and Ye Feng want to find. In fact, Ye Feng also wondered. Some time ago, news of death came one after another, and there was no news at all. It seemed that the other party had calmed down, which made him feel uneasy and lucky again. Maybe the other party had killed all the people on the list.

As for why I didn't find him, it may just be that I couldn't find his exact address. For Ye Feng, it's not difficult for him to hide in this absolutely safe house. He looks like he can stay in it for a lifetime, because he has a random transmission belt. Where he wants to go, he can send it directly.

But his subconscious mind, in fact, already knows that things are not so simple, and the way things end will never be so weak. Since it has begun, it will not end easily. As for why no one he knew died during this time? He didn't know and couldn't understand, but Ye Feng knew very well that things would never be impossible. If it was true, it would be too funny.

Life does have her funny side, but it is more cruel and cold. This is the essence of life. It won't smile at a person for a long time. Sometimes it will be cruel to a person without even a smile.

You can't blame fate for its cruelty, because its temper is so capricious. All you can do is bear it. If you can make fun of it, you've found it.

Seeing a person's name on the list be crossed out, Ye Feng's anxiety is even better. But this person is not on this list. What should I do? If everyone has finished checking, time has been wasted and energy has been consumed, but the person behind the scenes has not been found, what should we do then?

Ye Feng can't imagine. There are only a few clues in his hand. If this clue can't be provided. Effective information, then he will find too few chips in his hands. He will fall into a passive situation again. In fact, he is already very passive now.

The man in black is on a flight to a city at the moment. He doesn't like flying. This feeling of no landing makes him very uncomfortable. He prefers the feeling of being down-to-earth. If it wasn't for the task, he would rather drive than do this kind of transportation. He felt a headache when he thought of dozens of tons of iron flying in the air.

Indeed, aircraft is one of the safest means of transportation in the world, but once there is an accident, it is almost impossible to have survivors. Who can guarantee that he won't be the lucky one?

People in black like the feeling of mastering everything. The experience of completely entrusting his fate to another person and a means of transportation makes him very unhappy. He doesn't like this feeling. He prefers the calm feeling of controlling everything.

He killed three people in a week. These three people are the kind of people who have no ability to resist. At the same time, these three people are the kind of rich people with great wealth. The man in black didn't know what happened between them and the old man. Why did the old man have to kill them all.

These three things full of fat intestines don't know anything except eating and spending. In the eyes of people in black, such people are not so much people as moths.

Personally kill them without making people in Black feel any guilt. It's just a job. Although these people didn't give him any fun at work, it was inexplicably cool to see these fat people crying and begging for mercy at his feet.

This kind of waste can have huge wealth, but he once fell into the dilemma of life because of money and couldn't even see the road ahead, which made him angry.

When God treats someone, he is undoubtedly wearing colored glasses. He will be too good to some people and bad to some people. And some lucky people, some chosen people, always think that everything belongs to themselves. They never take into account the feelings of others. People in black hate such people. He wants to be lucky, but he is not. So he decided to step on these lucky people and let them feel the true meaning and pain of life.

Being able to make money while enjoying this pleasure, the man in black is very satisfied with his current job. He knows that the old man gives him a huge reward, which corresponds to a must kill target on the list. He has to say that he is a new killer. He kills too many targets in a short time, and the rest of the killers may be in a few years, Even within ten years, he may not kill as many people as he did in this half month.

The man in black can obviously feel the pressure from the old man. The old man is very anxious. He wants to send all the people he wants to revenge to hell as soon as possible. Although the man in black has some helplessness, he can only continue to do so. He knows that this continuous crime is likely to leave clues. He can't maintain absolute concentration every minute and every second, and can remove all traces left by himself. When he feels tired, his consciousness and his body will make mistakes, And such mistakes can sometimes be fatal.

However, since the boss is very anxious, those who work under him can only reluctantly continue to do it. Although the man in black is worried about his current situation, this worry is not very serious, because he knows that during the period when he started to kill, he kept a low profile as much as possible without leaving any decisive evidence.

It's almost impossible to find out his identity directly. First of all, he doesn't have the trouble of leaving fingerprints. Many years ago, he broke all the fingerprints of his ten fingers with strong acid. As for leaving hair or other hair, it is even more impossible. Before the start of the operation, he shaved his head and removed all his hair. Even his eyebrows and beard were shaved clean. Before each operation, he shaved his body hair to prevent any hair from falling to the scene.

He only wanted the money, but didn't want to end up with the same fate of those killed by him. He knew that several of them had been his predecessors and did almost the same thing as him, but he saw their fate and did it himself.

The man in black knows very well that if someone knows his identity, he is likely to face the same situation. He doesn't want to be killed by Cheng who comes to the door at home. Therefore, in terms of confidentiality, he carries out very strict. In addition to leaving no trace, he also carries out strict camouflage to deceive those who try to find his true identity.

The man in black knows very well that since this morning, more than one party wants to explore his true identity. Several stakeholders must be desperately pursuing his whereabouts and identity.

However, this is because he is alone, and he only needs to report and be responsible to the old man, so his goal will be very small. Almost no one will notice his existence. All they can do is chase the body left by him.

He always has the innate advantage, and the pursuers can only trace his whereabouts according to the clues left by him. In fact, men leave few important clues for investigation, so his worry is largely just an unnecessary worry. After all, he has not separated from the category of people, and he will still have emotional fluctuations and feel uneasy and nervous.

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