"No problem, leave it to me. Do you need the wedding master of ceremonies? I can take care of it."

"Ah? Forget it, Ye Feng. Just be your best man."

Xu wenweak hung up the phone and made Ye Feng cry and laugh.

Is that what scares you when I'm the wedding master? Really. Xu pangzi, don't worry. I'm going to do the wedding master of ceremonies.

Put down the mobile phone, Ye Feng's mood can't be calm for a long time. He never thought of Xu wenweak entering the palace of marriage. In his opinion, Xu wenweak is the kind of person who will be lonely all his life. Although he is rich and capable, he is a somewhat obscene man.

Moreover, although money can buy a relationship, what Xu wenweak hopes for is not such a money worship relationship, but a normal love, which makes him unable to take the first step in love for a long time. Ye Feng knows that Xu has a very low self-esteem towards his appearance. Even in the face of the girl he likes, it is difficult to boast like usual.

For Xu wenweak, an old friend, who can bravely take this step and is about to enter the palace of marriage, Ye Feng is really happy for him.

Will I have this day? When he entered the palace of marriage with a beloved woman, one face after another appeared in Ye Feng's mind. He smiled bitterly and shook his head. He realized that this day might not come, because there were too many people he wanted to enter the palace together. Perhaps this thing can only be an idea forever.

Well, don't think about it. Ye Feng thought that the biggest crisis at present is to determine who wants to trouble him recently.

The sense of crisis told him that the current calm was only short-lived, and a bigger storm was coming. Hurry up. There's not much time to waste, Kobi. I hope you can bring me surprising news.

As for Corby, she can describe her situation as busy and happy recently. On the one hand, the people on her investigation list confirmed whether they were looking for Ye Feng's trouble and whether they were the culprit.

On the other hand, she has to help Adeline collect the criminal evidence of these people. In fact, she has invested more energy in the latter. Although she is sorry for Ye Feng, Kou Bi knows that as long as Ye Feng stays in that room, he will not have life safety. Unless Ye Feng goes out with a cramp in his brain, he may be at risk of being killed.

So as long as Ye Feng is sure to stay in the house, Kou Bi can safely and boldly collect criminal evidence. Although this will delay her speed to a certain extent, doing so can produce better consequences and make those who do wrong pay for their actions, so Kou Bi continues to do so.

Although the people on the list were crossed out one by one, she and adlin had more and more criminal evidence of these people. Some of them have been investigated by Kate. She contacted the other person in her industry to confirm the physical evidence and start arresting them.

Things are going on in full swing, but Ye Feng doesn't know these things. All he knows is the names of people crossed out on the list, not the name he wants to find. This made his anxiety stronger than his inner thought.

What if there is no such name on the list? What if none of the people on the list is the one he wants to find behind the scenes? Can we only wait to be found by the other party? Ye Feng is more and more anxious, but Adelin and others are more and more happy.

Because the harvest of more than half a month is so great, many leaders in the criminal industry have been arrested by the police because of this incident, and some have even been killed. There is no doubt that this is a good thing for all cities, one less bad guy is one, and it is a self-evident good thing for everyone.

Of course, for Ye Feng, this matter may be insignificant. He doesn't care. He only cares about who killed his friend? Who is trying to harass him and destroy his life. He wants to find this man, kill him personally, solve all the problems, and then continue to live his little life.

He doesn't like this fearful life. This worry and trouble is not what he wants to pursue. This has nothing in common with those adventures. In those adventures, he can feel stimulation and fun, but in this crisis, he feels only involuntarily and helpless. He doesn't like this feeling. He is the God of death. He wants to bring death to others, not let the God of death come to the door.

If the opponent stands in front of him, his fear may be much less. An invisible enemy, an enemy hiding in the shadow, and a poisonous snake hiding in a cave are the most frightening.

The unknown is always the most frightening existence. Once you know this person's face, maybe Ye Feng won't worry so much. But perhaps it is for this reason that the other party wants to exert great psychological pressure on Ye Feng, so he has not appeared or left any clues. Even if he knows that this person is related to a past event he once did, who is this person? Ye Feng couldn't think of it, because he killed too many people at that time. He didn't know who it was or which fish was caught. He wanted to trouble him.

Xu wenweak and his new wife came to a beautiful island. In this paradise, they enjoyed the sunshine, the beach, the ocean and the good weather. Every day is to eat, drink and stroll, and live a relaxed and comfortable life.

Xu wenweak has not been so relaxed for a long time. Perhaps he has never been so happy since he was born. Once he hid in his safe house and lived in a muddle. Except eating and sleeping, other times are filled with jobs he is not interested in or even disgusted with.

He never imagined that the original two people's lives were so beautiful. Being with his beloved girl made him feel that he was really reborn. The troubles and sorrows that had plagued him before were gradually forgotten by him and replaced by happy happiness.

On this beautiful island, no one knows his true identity. He can spend every minute and every second happily with his beloved and enjoy the gifts brought by life.

But is that really the case? Does his beloved girl really want to spend her life with him as long as he thinks?

The reality is cruel, and the answer is No.

The woman who married Xu wenweak is actually a killer. The man who raised her and developed her killer skills was the old man.

In fact, when the old man picked up the abandoned girl more than 20 years ago, his motivation was very simple: cultivate the man into his own killer and let her fulfill his long cherished wish, just like the man who picked him up at the beginning.

The old man's idea is so cold. But after all, people are people, not cold killing machines. In the process of raising the girl, the old man gradually had feelings with the girl and treated her as his relatives.

The girl knew the purpose of her existence since she was a child. She also clenched her teeth and endured the training and torture imposed on her by the old man, but she never raised the idea of leaving the old man. She knew very well that the only person willing to accept her in the world was the old man. Although he was serious and seemingly ruthless, the girl knew very well.

The old man finally decided to give up the idea of making the girl a sharp blade in his hand. He didn't want the girl to die in the process of helping him achieve revenge.

This girl can have a better life. She can live her own life, so soon after he found the man, the old man said to the girl, "go, you can live your own life without being bound by me."

At first, the girl was very determined. She opposed the decision to leave the old man, but the old man told her all the plans and told her that she would not live long. The doctor told him that he could only live for more than half a year at most, but he had lasted for more than eight months. He would die at any time, so there was no point for the girl to stay here.

Hearing this, the girl left in tears. She knew that the old man would never lie to him. What he said was the truth. In that case, she had other things to do. She knew that her existence was only to revenge some people. Although the old man had changed his long cherished wish, the girl never forgot her responsibility, which she thought belonged to herself.

The girl knew that there were two people on the list that the old man hated most. One is a man who claims to be the God of death, and the other is Xu wenweak, who is notorious in the intelligence community.

The girl couldn't find the way out for the man who claimed to be the God of death. The old man didn't reveal the slightest information to him, but in the process of searching, the girl accidentally found Xu wenweak's whereabouts.

The emergence of this matter is also a mistake made by Xu wenweak. At that time, Xu wenweak didn't completely eliminate the traces left by himself in the process of looking for Ye Feng's old acquaintances. This was because he was too anxious and impatient at that time and didn't think about it carefully.

But this matter is very important. In the eyes of some people with ulterior motives, the trace he left is too obvious. After all, the girl knows the old man's whole plan and the people he wants to kill on his list, so she only needs to search for the situation of these people to find the trace of Xu wenweak, because Xu wenweak is also pursuing the whereabouts of these people.

It was in this process that the girl found Xu wenweak.

If she wanted to kill Xu, she could do it at that time, but for her, Xu wenweak was only goal two, and goal one was the man who claimed to be the God of death. The girl knew that only with Xu wenweak's help could she find the man's position.

So she disguised herself and went to approach Xu wenweak. To her surprise, in the face of his sweet attack, Xu wenweak had almost no power to parry. He immediately believed everything in the girl's mouth. The girl was patient and did not immediately launch the final general attack.

She restrained her choice and deepened her feelings with Xu wenweak step by step. She didn't have any resistance in front of her. In just over half a month, she completely grasped Xu wenweak's heart and successfully made him fully believe everything he said.

The two formally established a love relationship. Under her hint, Xu wenweak soon took out a marriage agency and proposed to her. After refusing once, the girl took the initiative to propose to Xu wenweak for the second time. Xu wenweak was moved to tears. The girl was also excited. She knew her goal was about to be achieved.

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