Although this is completely unfair to Xu wenweak, in the girl's view, a person with brain disability is not his own responsibility. He is a fool. He is willing to believe this seemingly impossible thing, so let him believe it. As long as he can get the final goal, he can only achieve the last goal, and everything is OK.

But what surprised her was that Xu wenweak was extremely cautious when it came to his friend death. Even if the girl just hinted at him, he would definitely stop the topic immediately. The girl once said more than once that she wanted to see his best friends at the wedding and she wanted to know him, but Xu wenweak said every time that he should keep an absolute low profile because of his special status, especially his friends. In short, Xu wenweak will shut up when everything involves things other than Xu wenweak himself. No matter how the girl inquires or talks about it, she can't get any answer.

Even the girl wanted to hear something from his dream. Even so, she can't do it. Xu wenweak sleeps in a room by himself every night, and this room will be locked by him. No one can enter it unless he agrees.

The girl tried to crack the password of the door lock, but she was facing one of the most powerful hackers in the world. Xu couldn't give her this opportunity, so the girl could only look at the door every night and sigh.

Xu wenweak has almost reached the extreme. Even if he really loves the girl, the girl knows this very well. However, Xu wenweak has never let go of even the slightest mistake on issues related to other privacy and other secrets.

What surprised the girl even more was that after deciding to marry herself, Xu wenweak decided to give up his current life, quit the intelligence community and stop doing any previous work.

This means that even if the girl lives next to Xu wenweak, she may not make any progress. It will only be a waste of time.

The girl told him more than once that you can continue the life you want and the career you like without giving up or changing because of me. However, Xu wenweak's answer always makes her very helpless. He always said that the current life is the life of my dream. I'm tired of the previous life, and I want to live a carefree life now.

In this way, the girl is very embarrassed. It seems that this road has become impassable, but she has no other way to replace it. She can only continue to look for opportunities beside Xu wenweak. Even the slightest opportunity, as long as there is a real possibility, she will try hard.

She was disappointed that Xu wenweak had relied on it, but he did not relax on the key issues. Once the phone was a secret phone, he would go to a room or place where the girl could not see, and would never let the girl hear a slightest bit of information.

Xu wenweak did this to protect girls. He knows that many people know that the less they know, the safer they are. He doesn't want girls to be involved in his bad things, especially after he plans to wash his hands. He knows very well that once you make this choice, you may face attacks from all parties, because you can tolerate the secrets you have in this industry, But if you quit the industry, you have to know that those secrets are like a time bomb. They are so dangerous in the eyes of those related to secrets, and you are out of control.

Therefore, making this choice is a very difficult choice for Xu wenweak. He knows how big a crisis it implies, but he is willing to carry all this for his beloved girl and a new life.

It was with this mentality that he absolutely didn't let anything related to work be connected with girls.

This is exactly the opposite of what the girl thinks.

Over time, the contradiction led to the two sides even standing on the opposite side to a certain extent. Girls sometimes couldn't control their emotions and ridiculed Xu wenweak. Xu wenweak, an overly sensitive and low self-esteem person, always willingly endured all this, but his dissatisfaction was also accumulating indirectly. He didn't know that he had paid such a high price for the girl, Why do girls appear so cold and heartless.

Compared with when they first met, the girl is not so cute. The more distant two people do not shorten the distance between the two sides because of the growth of time together. On the contrary, the two sides are getting farther and farther away.

Xu wenweak wants to change this situation. He tries to restore the girl's trust and the girl's heart, but she doesn't know that what her daughter wants is not his love, but intelligence, but the exact news of death and his brother Ye Feng.

The girl was even so impatient that she had the idea of directly killing Xu wenweak. Xu wenweak has no defense against her. As long as the girl wants to kill her easily.

Xu wenweak did investigate the girl's background, but the girl herself said that her background was unspeakable, and there was nothing worth saying. She is an orphan. She has been lonely and helpless since childhood.

The investigation of the girl's life experience makes Xu wenweak want to take care of the girl more. But the problem is that they are not in the same world. Everything is based on lies, based on conspiracy.

Lies based on lies cannot have any good results. Xu wenweak knows this, and the girl knows it, but Xu wenweak is immersed in a dream life and refuses to wake up. The girl is trying to maintain this dream life and keep Xu wenweak unconscious.

Both sides want to continue the play. Xu wenweak has actually noticed the girl's wrong in his heart. He realized that the girl has another purpose from the girl's words, but he is still naive and immersed in this fantasy.

He wants to continue to maintain the pace of today's life. You don't want to wake someone who pretends to sleep. In fact, for Xu, even if such a life is a kind of deception, he wants to continue to live. He wants to immerse himself in this beautiful dream and never wake up again.

But the cruel facts are undoubtedly breaking all his fantasies. He won't have any chance to live with this woman forever. In fact, he knows it very well, but he doesn't want to admit it.

People always want to believe what they believe, but in fact, generally speaking, what they believe is not a good thing. Everything is very clear. Generally speaking, they don't agree with the realization of their dreams, so what these people want is to continue to immerse themselves in lies and don't want to come.

Both sides are like bad actors, playing their respective identities in this game. Although the acting skills are very poor and even have been seen through by the other party, both sides still want to continue.

Because this is life. People all this came too suddenly, but Xu couldn't forget all the beautiful things. He lacks these things in life, so when he has them, he will appear desperate.

He even gave up his right to think, and he refused to think. Refuse to see the facts, just want to immerse in them, and then muddle along like this. The girl actually saw this, but since the other party wanted to continue this life, it was not necessary to untie everything. She wants the East and the West. Only Xu wenweak can provide him, so even if she doesn't want to hurt Xu wenweak, she has to do so.

The girl is the first time to meet someone like Xu wenweak and treat her wholeheartedly. In fact, she was very painful for what she had done, but she had to say so because she couldn't give up all this. For her, the contradiction in life is like this, one is the person who raised him, the other is the person who devoted himself to her. Caught between two men, I realized that sometimes getting love is also a burden.

She was miserable about it, but she had no intention to resist. Can only continue to sink down and continue to play her role in this game.

As time went by, the girl found it more and more difficult to be cruel to Xu wenweak. She realized that the man had quietly entered her heart, with his tenderness and consideration, with his desperate love.

At the same time, she also realized that she and he were not the same passer-by, and she didn't deserve this feeling. This self denial made her very painful, but she knew that she had no right to be loved.

If it was just a meeting at the beginning, and there was nothing else, the girl might really be immersed in that dream and never wake up, but she only knew her through a lie and Xu wenweak from the beginning, and she had to continue the lie, because she had nothing except this.

Sometimes she feels disgusted with herself. Sometimes it often happens that Xu Wenwei gets along bit by bit. But the problem is that being disgusted with yourself doesn't help. She could only be more immersed in the pain of the past. She wants to break all these shackles. I naively thought that if I could kill Ye Feng, maybe my adoptive father wouldn't care too much about Xu wenweak. At that time, she may reverse her adoptive father's wishes and let Xu wenweak continue to live.

This fantasy supported her action. She wanted to find Ye Feng's whereabouts and kill her. She is so eager to finish it that she has to face the reality in the end.

Women are so eager and care about the whereabouts of Ye Feng. Xu wenweakly realized painfully that he could no longer escape. A choice must be made between Ye Feng and the girl. Xu wenweak hardly hesitated. He chose the girl. But at the same time, he did not betray Ye Feng.

He chose to have a showdown with the girl. The two men had a frank talk about the matter.

For Xu wenweak, making this decision is so difficult that he doesn't want to go to this step at all, but things can't allow him to continue dreaming. He realized that he had to make a choice between friends and love.

In fact, this choice is not difficult. On the one hand, it is sincere friendship, while on the other hand, it is false love. As long as it is a rational person, it will be easy to get out of the choice. But the problem is, as one of the smartest people in the world, Xu wenweak has lost his ability to think at this time. For him, the original shrewdness and reason have disappeared. Now he is only full of pain and struggle.

Once upon a time, he hated those people trapped in the emotional vortex and thought they were just monkeys that he couldn't control. But after such things happened to him, he gradually began to understand the mentality of those people.

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