When winter comes, the sudden drop of temperature in the new metropolis and the advent of ice and snow cover the city with a white veil. The temperature is very low, which is not suitable for going out, and the roads are covered with snow. After being crushed by the car, it will turn into slippery ice.

This is really not a good day to go out. For Ye Feng, he has been at home for more than a month. During this period, he hardly leaves home. He spends his time in the bedroom or in the living room every day. It's like going into hibernation early.

When the weather had not changed, he had already lived a cat winter life. But he wants to hold it at home, which other people don't mean. No, Gemma pestered Ye Feng about going out to travel. Ye Feng's attitude was opposed and negative. He doesn't want to go out again. For him, it's the best way to relax in a warm and comfortable home. Why spend money to buy guilt?

But he couldn't help jenma's persuasion again and again. Her entanglement forced Ye Feng to agree to her request to go out for a visit. For Ye Feng's compromise, Gemma was very happy. She said her plan.

"Chu Qian, and you, let's go to Europe for a trip."

"To Europe?"

"Yes, go to a small European country with beautiful scenery and located in the tropics. Now it's time to eat hot pot."

"Eating hot pot, isn't that place the same as ice and snow?"

"After eating in that place, we can go to tropical countries to enjoy the beach, sea water and sunbathing."

"Anyway, let you plan everything. I'll be responsible for paying."

"People have to go, too. There are only three people this time, you and me and sister Chu Qian. I have agreed with sister Chu Qian that we must have a good trip."

For zhenma, she must take Chu Qian. Ye Feng doesn't feel surprised because their relationship is the best. Chu Qian and zhenma almost go out gradually, and Ye Feng doesn't want them to go out, because zhenma's identity is very special and she doesn't have any ability to protect herself. If there is an accident, her situation is the most dangerous. As for Chu Qian, This is why Ye Feng specially stays with zhenma to protect the little girl's safety. Moreover, Chu Qian doesn't like to go out. She prefers to stay at home, so the two housewives stay under the same eaves every day. Of course, the relationship between them is inseparable, just like a person.

And with Chu Qian's company, the three people have small goals and enough combat power. Chu Qian's strength is far above that of Ye Feng. With him, the safety of Ye Feng and zhenma can be fully guaranteed. Moreover, if only three people act, they will not attract too much attention. As long as they keep a low profile and dress up in the town, they should not attract the attention of those who want to plot against them.

Ye Feng had to be vigilant, because he knew that he was the target of public criticism, and there might be all kinds of people approaching him with all kinds of purposes and disturbing his life. Such people would refuse in his heart, whether they brought positive or negative effects, and no matter what changes would be made to him, He doesn't like his current life to be strange because of the insertion of others. Everything remains the same. Keeping everything as it is is is Ye Feng's greatest requirement for life. He doesn't want to ask for more, because he knows he has too many things he didn't dare to think of. These precious things, he must firmly grasp in his hand, in order to feel a sense of security.

After the initial resistance, Ye Feng gradually figured out that it might not be a bad choice to go around Europe and go to a place where no one knows his true identity. On the one hand, he can relax and change his mind, so that his tired heart can get a little comfort. On the other hand, he can also take advantage of this opportunity to go abroad, Take a look, it can also be regarded as a disguised hiding head.

In the new metropolis, various people have come in recently. These people have various purposes, but they all want to do something, find Ye Feng, or cooperate with him, or use him, or kill him. In a word, these people want to get something from Ye Feng.

Ye Feng certainly doesn't want to be chased by vampires to find his whereabouts, so it's not impossible to go to Europe to avoid them. In this way, Ye Feng, zhenma and Chu Qian left home after packing up and went to the airport. After flying to the other end of the earth for more than ten hours, the three of them felt a little excited in their fatigue. Ye Feng had not traveled like this for a long time. He had no goal and task. He just came out to play. This alone made his heart active.

As for why only three people came, Gemma explained that others either have their own busy things or can't be separated in the short term. Therefore, under that house, only Gemma, Chu Qian and Ye Feng really have time and energy to go abroad.

Other people are either busy for their career or we are busy. In a word, only the three of them are really carefree people who are out of the circle. The three people who like to stay at home get together and go abroad for fun. It's interesting to think about it.

Before traveling, Gemma made detailed plans for where to play, where to stay, what kind of trip every day, where the museum is the most interesting, where the streets and alleys are the most worth exploring, and where the food has the most characteristics, which are essential. In a word, she made a detailed plan.

Because of her ordinary character, she likes to analyze data, look for logic and arrange everything in order. However, in the real trip - it seems to be the first time for Gemma and the first carefree trip for Chu Qian - it is essential to have accidents in the process of travel.

The hotel they booked had no free room, so they had to drag their suitcases and look for a place to stay in a strange city in the middle of the night. When they finally found a small hotel with an environment that was not so elegant and comfortable, all three were out of breath.

In this small hotel, which can only be said to be barely clean, three people can only squeeze into one room. Because this is the peak tourist season of this small town, all the hotels have been fully booked or full of guests, so the three people can only squeeze into a small room of less than 20 square meters. They are helpless and sigh with each other.

The suitcase takes up almost all the places. When three people sit on the bed, they can only lie obliquely to have enough space to sleep. As for Ye Feng, when he really sleeps, he has been forced to stay with the suitcase on the ground. Zhenma and Chu Qian sleep in the bed, while Ye Feng makes a floor berth on the ground.

Ye Feng has nothing to complain about. It's good enough to sleep in the same room with two beautiful girls. It doesn't matter whether he sleeps in bed or on the ground, and he's really tired.

The next morning, he was awakened by jenma's snore. To his frustration, the snore of the beautiful girl was obviously bigger than his. It may be due to the fatigue of the journey. He shook his head, opened the door and carefully came to the corridor. He was ready to buy breakfast.

Exotic customs are reflected in food and architecture. There was a breakfast stall beside the street. He bought enough breakfast for three people, and then returned to his room. These breakfast were completely different from what he usually ate. Although the taste was strange, all three ate happily.

After washing, the three locked their luggage in the guest room and began a new day's journey. With a sea of people, Ye Feng almost didn't browse the landscape or buildings they wanted to see, because there were people everywhere. People flocked to museums, tourist areas and even small vendors' stalls without money to buy souvenirs that can't be called souvenirs.

In a word, on the first day of the trip, they hardly went anywhere, not even fun. They just followed the waves one after another among groups of people.

"It's totally different from what I planned." when she returned to the guest room, Gemma was a little depressed. She blamed all this on her taken for granted plan. She didn't calculate some actually important factors, such as the peak season and off-season of tourism. It happened that she basically set the plan in the peak season of tourism, As a result, they have to get together with tourists from all over the world and enjoy this not very pleasant journey.

"Come on, come out and have a trip. No matter what you meet, it's a memory worth remembering. Jenma, actually, I had a good time today. What do you say? Chu Qian."

"Of course. I haven't been out shopping for a long time, and I showed up with so many people. Well, little girl, today is over, and we should think about tomorrow's journey. Think about what we should wear tomorrow? There are too many clothes today, and it's too hot, don't you think?"

"Indeed! Fortunately, I didn't lose anything today. I noticed several thieves approaching us, but they all walked away consciously. In fact, I can't figure out why? Isn't it because we don't look like rich people?"

Ye Feng smiled and didn't speak. Of course, he noticed that in the process of playing today, some thieves wanted to get close to them. Usually, Ye Feng just looked at them. In the past, the other party would immediately feel the strong murderous spirit, and then turned to leave. Ye Feng was scared away. He hasn't met a thief who is not afraid of death. If he did, would he add some luster to the journey.

Although today's Day is not very happy, for Ye Feng, the experience of this day is like a dream. In his dream, he once thought of traveling to a strange city with his favorite people and enjoying the local culture and characteristics, but when all this really comes true, he still feels interesting and incredible, Just over a month ago, he was still fighting with hundreds of bastards, and now, he can happily enjoy his leisure vacation.

The world has become too fast, or he is too crazy. Ye Feng can't tell. He only knows what kind of life he wants most and what kind of day he wants most. He is no longer confused. Different from his ignorant and bumpy self in the past, now he has a very clear goal in his heart and something to fight for and protect.

This kind of thing makes him weak and makes his heart soft, but it also gives him incomparably firm faith and makes him stronger than before.

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