This belief was something he didn't have, because he always seemed so confused, didn't know what to do, and didn't know how to get along with the people around him.

But now he is not the ignorant boy, but a mature man who has experienced everything, the pain and separation of vicissitudes. He knows what he wants and how to make his life. Go in the direction you want.

The next day's play was much better than the first day. Maybe it was good luck. The number of tourists to the scenic spots this time was not as many as yesterday. Although it was still a bustling crowd, at least it was not like yesterday. The front and back were surrounded by people. It was really uncomfortable.

Moreover, because the local temperature is above 30 degrees, if the three people wearing cool leaf maple are surrounded by the crowd, they will feel like they are in the steamer drawer. In a word, today's trip went well. Some people beside the beach are basking in the sun, some are playing in the water, and some just lie there looking at the clouds in the sky.

The sea is very calm. Although it has a bitter taste, the whole body will still be very comfortable in it. Ye Feng swam in the sea for a while, then returned to the shore and lay down. Watching jenma and Chu Qian playing in the water on the beach, he likes such a leisure time. He hasn't been so relaxed for a long time. Lying on the beach, he is sleepy, and the sun in the sky seems to be smiling at him and emitting warm sunshine.

Maybe it's because of the sea breeze. The temperature on the body surface is not very high, but very cool and comfortable. Ye Feng held up his umbrella, applied sunscreen to his body, then put on sunglasses and lay comfortably. From time to time, take a look at the beautiful women passing by, and look at those faces full of bright smiles. His heart is gradually warmed.

Such a life is life, and such enjoyment is to enjoy Ye Feng at the moment. As if all the troubles were far away from him, those people and things no longer became the cause of his insomnia. Ye Feng was a little sleepy. He wanted to sleep. When he was going to close his eyes, the mobile phone on the side suddenly rang. The moment he heard the cell phone ring, Ye Feng's heart jumped. He knew very well that the call at the moment might not be what he wanted.

However, there are not many people in the world who know his mobile phone number. When the other party calls, it means that he has something to do with him. Ye Feng is sure that this person knows that he is staying on a warm road thousands of kilometers away from the new metropolis and enjoying his leisure time. The other party must have something important, so he will call to disturb him. He sighed. Ye Feng picked up his mobile phone and pressed the call button, The familiar voice from the mobile phone is Edlin.

"Dear, just miss me after more than a day?" said Ye Feng.

"Yes, I miss you very much. I want to fly to you. OK, OK, no kidding."

"Adeline, come on, what can I do for you?"

"There's really something you need to do. You remember what I told you. There are cooperative relations between the shield bearer alliance and several organizations in Europe."

"Yes, I remember. Those organizations are quite famous, but I can't remember their names. What's the name of the sword, right?"

"Yes, it's called the sword of Europa."

"Europa, well, this name is really a rotten street. Come on, this sword. What can I do for you?"

"You really know yourself."

"Of course, there must be something to help you find me. Go ahead. I'll think about it. If it's more difficult than lying on the beach in the sun, you can help me refuse."

"Ye Feng, it must be much more difficult, and I can't refuse."

"Is there anything you can't refuse? Can't the whole European continent find one that can solve the problem better than me?" Ye Feng lay on the beach.

"Maybe it's true, Ye Feng. You're wearing that random transmission belt. Isn't it?"

"Yes, just in case, Chu Qian and zhenma and I can escape if there's something damn. Why do you ask?"

"Because we need that random conveyor belt, at least the sword of Europa needs it very much."

"If they need it, they need it. Just let them find it by themselves."

"Well, Ye Feng, don't say these childish words. I know you can't borrow those belts, so you can only take that belt yourself."

"What's wrong with these idiots? They have to use my random transmission belt."

"It's like a monster from the usual world."

"Parallel world, were you talking about parallel world?" Ye Feng said. Because he had taken several adventures with dick before, Ye Feng knew that there were countless Balanced Worlds in this world, and even Ye Feng suspected that dick might have escaped from other parallel worlds. He might have killed Dick who was originally in this world and replaced him, In a word, Ye Feng knew the concept of parallel world very well. He exclaimed just because he was surprised to hear the term from a familiar population.

"Yes, the parallel world means -"

"OK, I know what the parallel world means. I've even been to several. You say, is it true that a monster came from the parallel world?"

"That's right. This monster has caused great damage. If you care about the news, you will know that this monster has destroyed five cities in three countries on the European continent."

"I haven't seen the news recently, and I seem to have heard relevant people talking about things, monsters and so on, but you know, I usually filter out these information because I don't want to pay attention to them."

"Yes, so I called you. Europa's sword knows that you have a random transmission in your hand."

"Why does he know?" Ye Feng frowned.

"I accidentally told them."

"Why did you tell them? Edlin, you know, this is our insurance. If everyone knows that we have a random conveyor belt, it won't work."

"I said, sorry, I didn't mean to say it. You know, friends sometimes drink too much. When they're confused, they say it."

"Hey, OK, OK, it's all like this. What else can we say? We can't kill all those who know the existence of this belt."

"Ye Feng, the sword of Europa is our friend. You must not do anything stupid."

"Of course, of course, I'm just talking. Can I really kill everyone? In other words, Edlin, how many people know the existence of this belt."

"You really... Many people know that you can't kill."

"That's all right." Ye Feng's tone sounded very sorry, "that means we have to help?"

"Yes, I have to help. And it's very important. If this monster continues to rage, who knows how bad it may be."

"Can I ask what monster this is?"

"What has been killed is a dinosaur. Yes, it is the kind of dinosaur that has been magnified dozens of times. In a word, its head is as big as a skyscraper. It has been killed. It is a giant lizard. Lizard may not be appropriate to describe it. It is more like a crocodile. In a word, it has also been killed. What is raging now is a giant lizard Bear. "

"Giant bear? I can't keep up with you."

"The giant bear is as high as 20 or 30 floors. In a word, every step it takes may cause a tragedy such as earthquake and tsunami. It must be killed. Otherwise, the impact will be immeasurable. Even if it has no impact, just walking back and forth will plunge the whole European continent into chaos and death."

"Well, why don't I know."

"It's normal that you don't know the existence of this giant. All people who know it have been transferred to a safe place except dead. The news has been blocked, and the giant bear has been rushed to the sea by force by the military. You should have heard that there are rumors about the tsunami and sea dragon roll these days. It's caused by it."

"What's the use of my random transmission belt for things that can cause tsunamis and earthquakes?"

"This is the only way that the person in charge between Europa has come up with. He plans to throw a small star nuclear bomb into the giant body with a random transmission belt, and then kill it with the power of the nuclear bomb."

"Why not just hit it with a nuclear bomb?"

"Because that will cause very serious consequences. Even and pollution will take decades to completely eradicate, which is too expensive. But if a very small nuclear bomb can be detonated in the body, the damage may be controllable, at least not making a city and a village completely uninhabitable."

"So what he meant was to let me take a miniature nuclear bomb and randomly transmit it to the body of the plot, and then randomly transmit it to a safe place before the detonation of the miniature nuclear bomb? Should I understand it correctly?"

"Yes, Ye Feng, that's what you mean when your brain turns quickly this time."

"Is he sick or are you sick? Which one of you has a brain problem? Why should I accept such a task? Are you crazy or am I crazy when carrying a nuclear bomb to a giant bear? Can't you let me have a good holiday?" Ye Feng's tone was a little tough. His survival instinct made him refuse the request at the first time, And the next reason told him that there would be no good fruit to eat if he was involved in such a thing, so he'd better refuse from the beginning.

"Ye Feng, we can't wait to die, and you're on the European continent. Otherwise, the person in charge of Europa's sword won't come to me -"

"Why do they know I'm in continental Europe?"

"I accidentally drank too much -"

"Edlin, can you -- I can't stand you! How can you make such a mistake!"

"I can't help it. I don't know why I can drink very well when my friends meet. But I suddenly drank too much that day, and I would answer any questions about why they asked. In fact, I'm also very puzzled. I'm not such an open mouthed person, but that day - forget it, in short, everything happened, Ye Feng. You think of a way. Don't shirk it, No Time has no room for you to fool around. "

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