And they probably planned the whole plan to create this fake death and fight with the giant bear. What was it for? Adeline couldn't think clearly.

Moreover, in his communication with Ye Feng, Edlin found another mystery, why such a giant bear can survive and suddenly appear on the European continent. But at the same time, why can't you find any remains of the bear? Was the nuclear explosion so complete? Will this really happen when a giant bear weighing dozens of tons is completely destroyed without even a trace of flesh and blood?

Edlin doesn't know, but she only knows that no one can collect any samples of the giant bear, except the Europa sword, but they also claim that this is a secret and will not be disclosed. No one can tell whether the giant bear left a body or a wreck, but the only thing is certain that there is a problem with the giant bear, Because ye Feng, who is in the giant bear, once said several doubts. For example, the flesh and blood in the giant bear's body does not obey the physical laws of the earth, and these flesh and blood seem to disappear when touched. It's obviously wrong that the giant bear can cause so much damage. Why is its flesh and blood so vulnerable? In this way, the whole thing cast a strange shadow.

Could it be that even the giant bear was designed by Europa's sword? It's impossible, impossible. Every time he thought of this, adlin would veto his own idea. It was a giant bear. Hundreds of people died under the paw of the bear. The wreckage of the plane and the dead fighters died one by one. There is no doubt that they are different from the fist of punishment. Their death is a certainty, There is no doubt, that is to say, the giant bear did kill these people, but if the giant bear is a cover, who killed these people.

What kind of existence is the ferocious giant bear that Ye Feng saw with his own eyes? Adelin can't catch his head. Is it difficult that many giant bears are monsters made by the sword of Europa? impossible. If they can create such monsters, what else do they need to do? Just do whatever they want. No one will stop them, no one can stop them.

In that case, Adelin didn't know what the real face of the giant bear was, but she vaguely realized that things must not be as simple as they looked on the surface. Maybe a secret iceberg was in front of them, but they didn't know what a huge iceberg was hidden under the water.

It makes Edlin unhappy. Ye Feng's attitude on this matter is too negative. He has been hiding at home eating and drinking every day during this time, and his muscles have almost been covered by fat. Although Edlin knows that given him a period of time, he can return to the man with good figure, she is really dissatisfied with this abandoned house lifestyle, The rest are busy to death. As such a capable person, Ye Feng even hid at home and wasted her life, which makes Irene who takes work as fun completely incomprehensible, but at the same time, she didn't disturb Ye Feng's tranquility.

Edlin knows very well that everyone has his own way of life. Since Ye Feng chooses this way of life wasting life, let him stay by himself. There is no need to insist. If people can really change because of the demands of others, there will be a lot of disputes in the world. The truth that rivers and mountains are easy to change and nature is difficult to change is so cruel and simple.

When Ye Feng was doing nothing at home alone, he was shocked by the sudden arrival of a person. Dick is back. When the familiar space-time door appeared in the bedroom, Ye Feng was stunned and didn't reflect what it was. Until he saw the familiar smiling old bastard, he found that the man was still alive.

"Dick, you're not dead. Are you still alive? Where have you been hiding all this time? Someone is chasing you, or your former ex girlfriends have decided to give up the secret and start on you." Ye Feng's excited words are incoherent. He looks at the familiar and annoying face in front of him. He immediately realized how much he missed him in his heart. This made him feel interesting and ashamed, and some blushed and closed his glasses. He tried his best to relax his excited mood. Then he opened his eyes again. Dick didn't disappear, but still opened his mouth and looked at Ye Feng with a more ambiguous expression. Ye Feng knew his every move, which was so clear in his eyes, which made him feel a little uncomfortable.

"Hey, miecuo, maple boy, I'm back. Do you miss me very much these days?"

"No, I've had a good time. Just because I don't have you, every day is a holiday for me."

"Stop talking. I know what's on your mind. Don't I know you, you stupid man who can see through at a glance."

"Don't say that, I'm not a stupid man." Ye Feng looked at Dick discontentedly. Although the corners of his mouth had been slightly raised unconsciously, he didn't know it.

Dick sat on maple leaf's bed and looked at maple leaf. "I'm in some kind of trouble. Your boy is doing well."

"Of course, what do you think? Of course I'll live very well without you disturbing my life."

"Well, I'm still a little sad to hear what you said," Dick said disapprovingly. "I know you, boy. Do you think I'm the dick of your world?"

Ye Feng was stunned and immediately reflected what the dick sitting in his bed meant. There is no doubt that due to the existence of the parallel world, Ye Feng did not know whether the dick in front of him was the dick he knew. It is even possible to prove that Dick came from another world, Maybe the dick he knew had been killed by this Dick.

Ye Feng immediately became nervous. He opened the distance between him and Dick and watched him carefully. He had already touched a sharp dagger in his hand and was ready to fight back immediately when the situation was wrong. Dick watched Ye Feng's cautious appearance and couldn't help laughing. He mocked: "Don't worry, I'm not that easy to kill Dick. I'm still dick of the world. Maybe it's the dick you know. Forget it. It's like a tongue twister. Don't say it."

"Are you really the dick I know?"

"Of course, why should I lie to you," Dick shrugged. "You idiot, if I want to lie to you, you won't find anything unusual about me."

"But --"

"OK, there's nothing but. I was in trouble before. I just got out recently. In short, it's a very shit thing."

"Really, what makes you feel troublesome is certainly not a small thing. Talk about it. Talk about it." Ye Feng immediately became interested. He sat in a chair. "Say, Dick, your bad thoughts are the source of my happiness."

"I knew you had this reaction," Dick smiled helplessly. "If you hadn't moved too many knives and guns these days, I would give you a big ear melon seed to let you know my strength."

"Come on, you're really old. Whet your haw and tell me those bad things quickly." Dick stared at Ye Feng. Finally, he nodded helplessly and said in his unique hoarse voice: "The cause of the matter is really related to my ex girlfriend. You guessed it right, but it's only the beginning. It will turn into this in the end. I didn't expect it, and my hot tempered ex girlfriend didn't expect it. In a word, I can only blame me for being a charming person."

"Ye Feng shivered bitterly when he heard this. Although he didn't know how Dick attracted the opposite sex, in Ye Feng's opinion, he was not a very attractive man. He was just a very annoying old man. But what made him helpless was that the old man could attract bees and butterflies and attract the opposite sex to rush at him, although it made a lot of trouble There are many troublesome things. You can't deny that this kind of thing is a dream in the eyes of every man, and Dick will always encounter such things. You can't understand the reason and can only accept the result.

That's why Dick is very popular. Dick, who often goes out with Ye Feng, can't catch up with Ye Feng in appearance. Ye Feng is younger, stronger and more beautiful, but in fact, Dick is the most attractive person in front of Ye Feng. Maybe this is temperament. Dick's arrangement in temperament is clear.

Dick was found by his ex girlfriend. This kind of thing had hardly happened before. After all, it was almost impossible for a man like him to be tracked down. It was a rainy night. Dick walked into a bar to have a drink and look for suitable prey at the same time.

Tonight was the same ordinary night. It was no different. The taste of this small bar was pretty good, and the bartender's workmanship was pretty good. Dick sat at the bar and looked at the customers of the opposite sex around him. He was a little disappointed. These girls had nothing to attract him, although the people living on his planet were not as good as humans to some extent The distance is still relatively large. These people have four arms and their skin color is purple. If you look at these girls from the perspective of human aesthetics, they are a little strange.

However, Dick is a man of universal love, and he is well-informed and can distinguish what kind of aesthetic standard beauty is among all alien races. Therefore, in his opinion, these girls don't have more than seven points. Dick is a very picky person. He only goes out with girls who are more than eight points in his aesthetic. Just when Dick is a little depressed, he plans to have this half cup When he left the bar after drinking all his cocktails and went to another place to find suitable prey, he was suddenly patted on the back.

Dick subconsciously looked back and saw a very familiar face. The owner of this face is a very famous figure on the planet. She is the king's daughter and the youngest daughter. It can be said that she is a collection of thousands of favors. She married the son of a general more than ten years ago, and the two formed an unhappy cooperative marriage.

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