Everyone on this planet knows this, because their marriage life is to climb into someone else's bed. This girl is a mature, elegant and sexy beauty. Wherever she goes, she will always arouse the admiration and admiration of a group of men. In fact, Dick didn't see her for the first time, but also remembered his past with her.

Dick had known the girl when she was still waiting in her boudoir. At that time, the two people had a period of passionate years. Of course, the final outcome was not good. Dick ran away as usual, left the girl aside and went happily alone. Such a thing was so ordinary in his life that Ye Feng didn't even blink when he heard it. He knew very well that it was like this, You have to bear the price if you want to get close to Dick. This bastard is an undisguised scum. You can really feel incomparable charm around him, but at the same time, the more attractive people will hurt people more. This is the fact.

Dick is like this, so he usually doesn't go to the same planet twice. However, the universe is so big, he sometimes makes mistakes. After all, some materials are only available on a specific planet, so he has to come to purchase raw materials. In a word, Dick's heart clicked when he saw this old acquaintance, He subconsciously wants to open a space-time door with a transmission gun and run away. He doesn't want to get into any trouble. Now the girl's husband is in charge of all the troops on the planet. If he opposes him, even Dick will not be able to eat and walk around. Although he won't have any life danger, as long as his brain is normal, But then he may not be able to move freely on the planet again, which is still very troublesome for Dick. One thing less is one thing less. This is Dick's motto in his daily life, but he is usually the one who makes trouble.

Not to mention this. When the old acquaintance sat down on the bar face to face, Dick had only one idea in his mind. What kind of excuse should he come up with? What kind of excuse can ease the contradiction between them? From the eyes of this old acquaintance, Dick could see that the other party still had attachment to him, but more hatred. This feeling makes dick creepy. She knows that this woman now holds great power. As long as she wants, Dick will become a street mouse on this planet and everyone yells. Originally, his identity as an alien has become too eye-catching in this action. If there is a hunting order behind him, his action will become difficult, At that time, he still needs some defensive things to change his face. For Dick's character that more is better than less, he is too lazy to do these actions that he shouldn't have done.

Let's think about how to solve the problem.

And Dick looked at this fully mature face and felt very surprised. Once she was a flower in bud, but now she is in full bloom. Dick must admit that his mind had become inflexible at that moment, but was filled with a man's desire to conquer. He wanted to hold the girl in his hand again and let her cling to and fall in love with herself wholeheartedly. Dick is so boring. In the face of danger, his first thought is often not to deal with or run away, but to think about how to please himself.

The result of this usually means that he will get into a vortex of trouble and can't get out. This time is no exception. After a few simple greetings between the woman and him. Before he could react, he had been ambushed by him. The woman was wearing a ring on her finger, which was once a token of love given by Dick. When the woman took the ring off her finger and gave it back to Dick, Dick had no defense. He directly touched the ring with his hand. At the moment of touching the ring, Dick lost consciousness. Later, she carefully recalled the process and determined that the ring should have been put into an ultra-high voltage motor, so that his defense system failed in an instant, leading to his fainting.

No matter what happened, in a word, Dick was trapped, which was so for him. It's definitely a great shame for people who think highly of themselves. Hearing this, Ye Feng secretly called Shuang. Every time he and Dick encountered such a trap during their adventure before, Dick would always put all the responsibility on him, as if ye Feng was the one in the team who was a drag. In fact, many times, the trap was not triggered by Ye Feng, but punished by Dick himself, but because ye Feng existed, he had a vent, Dick puts all the responsibility on Ye Feng, but in fact, when he is alone, he can only blame himself.

In a word, when Dick woke up, he found himself in a dark cell. In a similar situation, although not many things happened, Dick's rich life experience kept him calm at the first time. It was clear that everything on his body had been taken away. Sure enough, he touched his clothes, but found nothing.

All his equipment and his delivery gun were gone, and even his specially made skin was damaged due to the existence of ultra-high voltage. At this moment, Dick may be the most vulnerable time in his life. He is alone and he has no equipment, but Dick, as usual, doesn't feel panic, error or loss. This is life. After what you do, you must bear the consequences.

Dick knew very well that it might turn into a disaster, but he had encountered too many traps. So he was calm, comfortable in the dark room, and Dick waited for others to touch him. In fact, he didn't bother to check whether there were exits in this room, because as long as the other party wasn't an idiot, he would completely avoid these things.

Those who find loose wall tiles, open a secret passage, and climb out of the play can only happen in novels and movies. In this completely unrealistic thing, the real world is that he is like being locked in a cage for crickets. It is a completely closed room.

Dick didn't wait long. A few hours later - he kept counting the time in his heart - the room suddenly opened a gap. While the light absorbed, a figure stood at the door.

"Still alive?"

Dick knows exactly who this man is. The one who brought him to this end. He was not very angry, but calmly said to her figure, "honey, you still surprised me after so many years of absence."

"I hope you are satisfied with everything I have arranged. Are you satisfied with the accommodation?"

"It's OK. You know I'm not a picky person."

"Aren't you a picky person?"

"Of course not. I'm a very easy-going person. Otherwise, how could you fall in love with me before?"

"I fell in love with you because I was young and ignorant, so I was caught by you old goat."

"Hey, don't make the love between us so dirty."

"It's so dirty, Dick. You finally let me wait for you. Do you know what has supported me for so many years?"

"It should be me."

"Yes, you are just like you, revenge you bastard."

"At least I'm still remembered by you. It's very important, isn't it? If you completely forget me, I may feel sad."

Dick had never convinced anyone in this respect, so when he saw the figure trembling slightly with anger,. Dick smiled triumphantly. Perhaps it was because the laughter angered the lady. She slammed the door shut. Darkness hung over Dick's head again.

The woman held dick for a long time. She made adequate preparations. For example, he would never let women have direct contact with Dick because she knew Dick very well. And how charming it is. But what he knew was that she still let Dick get in touch with people.

The strength of Dick is that even if you have a deep prejudice and defense against him, he can always become friends with you in the end. Ye Feng once doubted more than once that dick used his black technology to develop a weapon or a machine that could make people feel better about him. This kind of thing may seem completely unreasonable on others, but it may be possible to realize it on dick.

Ye Feng is not in the mood to explore how many miracles this old bastard can create. He only knows that every time you think he has reached the limit, he can always play more unexpected tricks, which makes you feel surprised or even surprised.

In short, through some small means, Dick established an emotional connection with the man who sent him food every day. The old man was a small generation for Dick, but in front of Dick's attack, he fell with little parry.

At this point, Dick began to nibble away at everyone else in the building where he was imprisoned. In fact, his old acquaintance took great pains on this issue. He not only used the most top combat troops on almost the whole planet as Dick's guard, but also in this prison specially built for Dick, which has almost no security loopholes, Dick is the only one in custody. Dick is the VIP of this prison. His every move is watched by machines or people. It is almost impossible to escape from this prison.

As long as he has any abnormal behavior, he will report it to his ex girlfriend. In fact, Dick has been in despair for a short time, but one of his personality characteristics is despair, which comes and goes quickly. He may despair several times a day, but in the end, he can always stand up again and think about the countermeasures to get out.

In fact, this is also because of the arrangement of his ex girlfriend. The people who feed Dick every day and even every meal are different. Just to prevent dick from making some kind of deal with these people. After all, she knows what kind of person Dick is. As long as he is given a chance, he can make full use of it and run away.

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