But the become powerful and intransigent princess still missed one thing. He could not let Dick contact any intelligent creature. He only allowed the machine or other equipment to ensure Dick's survival. She should not even leave Dick's life, but Dick should be killed without any counterattack. Give a guy like Dick a chance and he'll kill the Jedi.

Maybe the ex girlfriend still had some unrealistic illusions about Dick. In a word, it didn't kill Dick immediately, so she still imprisoned him. This gave Dick room to turn defeat into victory. After a long time of infiltration, Dick finally turned all the guards in the prison where he was imprisoned into his own people.

On the one hand, it depends on his eloquence, on the other hand, it is also due to the role of those strange things in his body that he has transformed himself. Although all his weapons and equipment seemed to have been taken away, the fact was that dick still had many modified instruments in his body. When he was stunned, these things were damaged temporarily or to some extent, but the nano robot in his body has been repairing these functions and tools, so with the passage of time, Dick has actually controlled his situation a little bit. He didn't escape this prison because he couldn't do it, But she was thinking of a more complete plan to escape from the planet after escaping from prison, otherwise he would have to continue to escape on the planet.

How to solve the problem completely was the problem in Dick's mind at that time. It was easy for him to get out of the middle prison. He had become one with everyone in the prison, either because of his personal charm and the role of his little things.

In a word, these people have become friends with Dick. He lives a tourist life in this prison. He can do whatever he wants and eat whatever he wants. Thanks to the large amount of financial support from his ex girlfriend, Dick can be satisfied in a short time no matter how much he wants. It is no exaggeration to say that dick spent a fairly pleasant holiday in prison. As for his ex girlfriend, who had been kept in the dark and thought Dick was living in prison, in short, things were moving forward in a way that everyone could not expect.

"That is to say, it's a story of escaping from life without any interesting point." Dick looked at Ye Feng who interrupted him with some dissatisfaction. "Yes, boy, it's such a story. If you don't want to hear it or not, I don't want to say it."

"Well, you say it. Anyway, I have nothing to do now. You've disturbed my sleep. Say whatever you want, Dick. I promise I won't interrupt you again."

"Hum, boy, remember what you said. Next time you interrupt me again, I'll interrupt your dog leg."

"All right, all right, go on quickly."

After finishing the prison, Dick's next goal is to think about how to completely free himself from the world. He knows very well that the damage he caused to his ex girlfriend is irreparable. After more than ten years of brewing, this damage has become unforgettable, Even Dick suspected that his ex girlfriend had forgotten why she hated herself and only regarded this hatred as a part of her life.

On the one hand, he doesn't want to have any disputes with women in the past. On the other hand, he knows that if there is a direct conflict with the general's son because of this matter, he will really say goodbye to the planet, but the problem is, Before finding the next alternative planet, he had to come back every other time to replenish raw materials, so Dick was thinking about how to completely free himself from this matter.

After thinking for a long time, he finally came up with a way that can't be regarded as a way, fake death.

If the ex girlfriend thinks he's dead, is it over? After that, he can continue his activities with the identity of others or directly disguised as people on the planet without fear of being chased.

In fact, this technique is not new to Dick. He often uses this golden cicada shelling technique to escape the enemies he doesn't want to solve. Indeed, it was easy for Dick to kill this woman, but he didn't want to do such a thing. Although his moral bottom line was very low, Dick was always a gentleman in dealing with women. If possible, he didn't want to hurt a beautiful woman.

It was based on this idea that dick began to plan his fake death. In fact, the only difficulty in this action was how to make the ex girlfriend recognize his death. He knew that even after he pretended to be dead, he would go through many tests to confirm the identity of his body. In this way, it made things a little more difficult. However, this kind of thing may be an unsolvable problem for others, but for Dick, who has all kinds of strange ideas in his mind, it is actually a waste of more than a week's thinking time, and he spent almost most of his time enjoying life instead of focusing on solving problems.

Dick's idea is as like as two peas. Since his body will be confirmed by many tests, it will be very simple to create a body that is exactly the same as itself. As for how to ensure the feasibility of this, it can only depend on Dick's play.

Dick first cut a piece of meat from his body, a very small piece of meat. Because he cherishes his body very much. In a word, he cultivates this small piece of tissue, and then uses various black technologies he can use to make a Petri dish. These raw materials are made of machines bought with his ex girlfriend's money. This machine cultivates his flesh and blood into a clone, Dick's clone.

Of course, Dick didn't bother to wake up the clone or implant the same memory in his brain. There was no need. The meaning of the clone was to die and become a corpse. This process is very long. Fortunately, Dick's life is not boring. He even has a party in prison every day, and all the staff will attend. As an MC, he is very busy playing CDs, but he is also very happy.

This kind of life is an unexpected rest for him. Dick always has all kinds of troubles in his life. Some of these troubles are caused by himself. In a word, his life is very busy. In fact, there are not many things that suddenly stop and stay in one place for such a long time.

Generally speaking, he is running for his life in a nervous way. But this time he lived a comfortable life and reveled with his friends every day in a house with good mobile facilities. Such a thing is rare for Dick.

As the piece of tissue in this Petri dish becomes more and more like itself. Dick's mood is actually a little complicated, but he knows that once this plan is implemented, he will be completely erased from the memory of a woman who has been hurt. This feeling is like a part of himself died suddenly.

Dick can't help feeling her own sentimentality. Maybe it's because of her age. Dick used to be a very cruel and cold man. No matter what kind of woman he is, no matter how much she loves him, he can easily abandon it, which makes him enter a lot of trouble, but he never gets tired of it.

But now, somehow, he has become a little softhearted. Many times, he wants to do things perfectly, not as extreme and stubborn as he used to be. For Dick, he may not have seen too many deaths, which makes his recent actions a little difficult, but. It is a valuable thing for him to avoid direct killing. He still wants to continue doing so. Killing can't solve the problem, it will only make the problem worse. This is the conclusion that Dick has lived for so many years. He knows that killing is the root of all problems.

When Dick said this, Ye Feng couldn't help rolling his eyes, but he didn't interrupt Dick's story. Although Ye Feng was very upset about Dick's sarcastic words, he knew in his heart that what Dick said was very reasonable, which was exactly what he felt during this period of time.

I didn't expect that in such a long time of separation, Dick and Ye Feng got the same life perception in different time and space and on different planets. Thinking of this, Ye Feng couldn't help laughing bitterly.

Dick looked at him and said nothing, but went on to tell his story. After setting the basic tone of action. Dick began other preparations. He knew that his clone in this Petri dish should be able to deceive his ex girlfriend's glasses.

As for how he should escape from the planet and how to obtain his own equipment, the following urgent problem needs to be solved. In this matter, his girlfriend did not make low-level mistakes. She kept all Dick's equipment in person, and it is bound to go to heaven if he wants to get close to his ex girlfriend.

After all, the number of the ex girlfriend's bodyguards is already comparable to a highly effective mercenary. Although Dick can barely do it against these unarmed people, he has to kill many people, which Dick still resists. He didn't want his karma to accumulate more. He had had enough of this, so he decided to face all these difficulties with intelligence and brain. For this reason, Dick's plan was like this: sneak into his ex girlfriend's official residence, get his own equipment, open a portal and leave directly.

Although the plan was so simple, Dick tried his best to implement it. He didn't dare to make his behavior too obvious to prevent his ex girlfriend from discovering that he was reckless in prison.

At least Dick has to pretend and give the other party the least respect, otherwise he may face a more difficult situation. It took time and effort to do this penetration again. He might not even encounter similar opportunities, so Dick restrained himself.

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