"But I don't want to stay here. I want to go home. I have family and friends. I don't want to stay with you idiots."

"Brother Ye Feng, can't you be a little euphemistic? If you say so, we will be very sad."

"Come on, don't talk to me about this. It's useless. Where's dick?"

"I don't know. How can I know Dick's whereabouts and what he may be doing? I don't know he never asks us for leave."

"Damn it, what should I do if he doesn't show up?"

"Do what you should do. Anyway, you are still alive, at least better than dead. Although you have changed your body, there is no doubt that this body should be better than what you used to be."

"It doesn't matter whether it's good or not. I'm still used to being a human, not an ORC. Forget it, wait until I see Dick. Go and get me something to eat. I'm too hungry now."

"I know, I know, right away."

In this way, Ye Feng lived heartlessly in the razor tribe. Every day's life is to quarrel with other orcs, chat together, or go out to war. Life is not boring, even comfortable and happy, but Ye Feng can't afford to be happy all the time.

He wants to go home. He was homesick. He didn't want to live on a planet full of orcs, but in fact, she seemed to have to. In a short time, he couldn't find Dick's whereabouts and didn't know how to go home, and even if he went home, how could he continue in this state?

He didn't want to know. After all, now he is not a human, but an ORC. Becoming an orc is not too painful for Ye Feng. After all, orcs mean stronger, stronger and more sensitive. It is no exaggeration to say that this is an upgrade for him, but the problem is that this is not the life he wants. He is still used to the color of himself. He prefers to be a human rather than an ORC. However, the other orcs have no objection to this. On the contrary, they welcome the unexpected member to join.

Since Ye Feng helped the razor tribe win several important victories before, for all the people of the razor tribe, Ye Feng means victory and hope. Therefore, for Ye Feng to join a small group, there is no Orc dissatisfaction or other resistance. After all, they all like it.

Only Ye Feng is unhappy, and the rest are very happy. In this way, he has some helplessness, but he is helpless. He must also accept the current reality, that is, he must fight for his own survival. This survival comes not from actual danger, but from his self-identity. He doesn't know whether he is a human or not. There is no doubt that his consciousness is human consciousness, but his body is no longer human body.

This made him feel that he was completely unable to face up to his life and all this, and he knew that the culprit of all this was not because of himself, but because of an asshole named Dick, which made him more uncomfortable. Why did he become like this? Why did all this happen to yourself? He couldn't make it clear and didn't want to explore. He just wants to be normal, that's all.

But all this seems so far away. Dick is where he is. Why doesn't he come out and create a new human body for him? He doesn't know this. He just wants to know that this shouldn't be the case. He shouldn't end up like this. He just wants to live. He wants to be a human and live with his family. That's all. There's nothing else, but this, Now it seems out of reach.

Why did this happen? It's not his fault. Why should I bear all this? For Ye Feng, similar thoughts are filled in his mind all the time. He is not interested in other things in life now, although he has to say that he has received the best treatment on the orc planet. But a good life doesn't mean inner peace. At least Ye Feng can't calm down at the moment. Every time he notices his strange skin color, he will feel a sense of depression.

This repression made him unable to think and think rationally. It was so urgent for him to return to his past life, but he knew that he would never be able to do it without Dick's help. No one knew where Dick was, and no one knew whether he would come back, if he would not come back, Whether he will be trapped on this planet all his life.

If he can only be forced to become an orc and continue like this, Ye Feng will undoubtedly go crazy. For him, it's OK to experience this life from time to time, but if he regards it as life, it's totally intolerable. After all, it's suitable for his different races to live together, Only Ye Feng can understand the estrangement and helplessness.

Although it's a little hypocritical, this is Ye Feng's real experience. He doesn't want to live like this and don't want to be an ORC. How long will this life last? He has no concept and dare not imagine. He knows if this life goes on like this. He will collapse.

He still doesn't adapt to the life in the orc tribe. There is almost nothing else except eating and drinking every day. He has to attack other Orc tribes with other orcs, because this is their only leisure way except drinking and eating meat.

Although this behavior seems very outrageous, he must do so if he wants to integrate into the group. At the beginning, Ye Feng didn't want to have any contact with other orcs. He locked himself in DiCaprio's home. He ate and slept every day, and soon he shouted and raised fat.

If this goes on, Ye Feng realizes that he may be finished. So he stepped out of the door and refused to be a fat house. He went out to fight with other orcs and adjusted his body to the best possible state. He didn't adapt to the orc's body, but he wanted to make himself too fat and fat.

He wants to keep himself in an upward state, at least when Dick comes back, let him see that he is in an upward state. This kind of life is very boring. At the beginning, it's stressful and exciting. After the past, Ye Feng found that his war behavior is actually like a child's fight at home, because no tribe nearby doesn't listen to the words of the razor tribe. It was only because DiCaprio didn't want these orcs to be incorporated into the razor tribe that he let them continue to maintain their current appearance, and he would clean them up from time to time.

In Ye Feng's view, there is no doubt that this behavior exists for leisure. DiCaprio doesn't need to treat these people as enemies. They just treat these people as toys that they pinch at will, and both of them know this very well. They grasp the scale very well when fighting, and usually there will be no death. After all, for orcs, lack of arms and legs is nothing, and they can recover in a few days.

Gradually, this way of leisure becomes more and more boring, because when you find that this is a game without any tension and excitement, you won't want to participate in it. Simply, in Dick's laboratory, Ye Feng found some things that can kill time. These toys can let him spend these boring time, Although these things can stimulate Ye Feng's senses, she still wants to return to her own life. These things can't replace his friends' position in his mind. He also wants to know whether they have suffered the threat or harm from the Europa sword after he left. If he can, he wants to go back and have a look immediately, See if they're all safe.

But Dick just doesn't show up. Even though Ye Feng goes to the lab almost every day to see if Dick has come back, his disappointment increases every day. Only a few people can enter Dick's lab. he is one of them. In the near future, he can't enter many areas in these labs, He could only see if Dick was back in the area he could set foot in.

But every time he found that it was the same as what he saw the previous day. The dust had accumulated a layer, but Dick still didn't mean to come back. Ye Feng didn't know what Dick was going to do. He only knew that if Dick didn't come back, he would really collapse.

What he knows better is that Dick is a person who doesn't care what others think. He will fool around outside at will until he remembers that he wants to go back and do something. Ye Feng can't help wondering if Dick has completely forgotten him, so that dick goes to have fun after changing him into an Orc body, Completely forgot that Ye Feng should be replaced with his own body. Although the body has been buried in the soil, Dick can at least create a human body of Ye Feng, and then transfer his consciousness to revive Ye Feng in a sense. Instead of becoming such a person without a person, a ghost without a ghost.

When Ye Feng realized that he was an outsider, he felt the most uncomfortable. For him, the eyes of other beasts sometimes seem so sharp, as if they can see through everything. They can see through the distress and sadness in Ye Feng's heart and the homesickness in Ye Feng's eyes.

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