When Ye Feng came to Dick's laboratory this day to see if Dick had come back as usual, when he found Dick's familiar figure, Ye Feng almost didn't believe everything in front of him. He couldn't believe that dick, whom he had been looking forward to for a long time, really appeared again.

Why did he show up? Why is he here? Where has he been all this time? This question made Ye Feng almost unable to think. He just ran to Dick desperately to tell him how painful and uncomfortable he had been during this time, and wanted him to quickly change himself back to the way he used to be.

Dick was very indifferent and even impatient to Ye Feng's cry. He told Ye Feng that he asked for it. If he had nothing to do with the fist of punishment or the sword of Europa, none of this would happen, but Ye Feng knew that Dick was messing around. There was no doubt, The cause of the matter is that dick caused such a disaster because he didn't clean things up. Ye Feng is just the unlucky guy who bears the cause and the final result.

Dick didn't object to Ye Feng's words. When Ye Feng asked Dick where he had been all this time, Dick's response was very cold. He said that he just went to the earth to do what he had to do. Although he didn't explain what he should do, Ye Feng was almost clear. He should go to the earth to see if there are other replicas like Dick.

In fact, Ye Feng did think so. Dick spent his time on earth after he left the razor tribe and made a good investigation on the earth. He removed all possible hidden dangers. What surprised Dick was that the earth was not as safe as he thought. In fact, it was very dangerous.

In the corner he ignored, there were too many things that should not exist, but it existed like this, which made him very embarrassed. He didn't know when all this became like this, but there was no doubt that the earth was not as safe as he imagined. The dick he killed before did prepare a lot of gifts to dick from other parallel universes before he died. Dick just ignored the earth after killing this opponent and wandered freely in the universe, If he had been on earth all this time, he might have died in the conspiracy track of Dick who was killed by him. In short, Dick survived only because of his good luck

Realizing this made Dick very angry, so he did a thorough inventory, and almost didn't miss any corner. He cleared away all the things he found that might pose a threat to himself. The number of these things made him a little tongue. Dick didn't think that things might exceed his expectations, but it really made her a little helpless.

He really does things a little rough and does more rubbish. If he had observed carefully before, he would have found that this planet is not as harmless to humans and animals as it appears. In fact, on the contrary, there are countless crises hidden on this planet. It's just that dick didn't realize it. He should have realized, but all this did not become a reality. It was not until the arrival of this crisis that he realized that he was not as safe as he thought. This made Dick feel scared and angry at the same time. He didn't think that the place he was regarded as the back garden was so dangerous.

In a word, Dick had a good time on earth. Although not many people know what happened, he did turn the world upside down in some unknown corners. Dick's copy was found by him and destroyed directly. In fact, these things can't help but have a large number, and the content is very complex. Dick is amazed by all kinds of ways and ways.

He did not expect to retaliate against a person. Since he had such a method, he really underestimated a person's fear of death and strong determination to ambition. In short, after all this, Dick suddenly remembered that Ye Feng had been left on his Orc planet and had become an ORC.

Dick suddenly felt a little headache at the thought of this. He knew that if he went back, he would face Ye Feng's chatter and his bitter entreaties.

Thinking of this, Dick gave up the idea of returning to the orc planet immediately. He was stunned that after playing well on the earth, satisfied Dick returned to the orc planet.

Ye Feng, as Dick imagined, hugged Dick's leg at Dick's feet and kept mumbling to let her change back to her own body. Dick was very embarrassed in the face of such a request. He didn't want to tell Ye Feng that cloning a body was not complicated, but it would take some time to cultivate the body to a normal adult size, During this period of time, we can't shorten the time too much, because if we accelerate the division and proliferation of cells, it may cause some changes in the body. In short, we can't eat hot tofu in a hurry.

After Dick's exploration, this waiting time will take at least seven weeks. For Ye Feng, telling him that he would have to endure another seven weeks before he could return to human identity is undoubtedly a fatal blow to him. In these seven weeks, there is no doubt that Ye Feng will become a big trouble around Dick, pestering him all the time and making him speed up the process in various ways.

But Dick knew very well that the process could not be accelerated. It would take at least seven weeks, and there could be no mistakes. In short, he knew very well that he had to clean up the mess, but he didn't want to explain the process of cleaning up the mess and the difficulties to Ye Feng, because the bastard might not listen, I only know to interfere with his thinking in some other way.

So Dick only said one word to the tearful maple leaf, stay honest, I will return the human body to you, and I promise he will be better than the one you lost.

After listening to Dick's guarantee, Ye Feng stopped his excitement. Although he hated Dick's capricious character, he also knew that once Dick promised you in a serious state, he would do it. You don't need to explore the process means. As long as you know what he says, it will become a reality, which is enough.

"How long will it take you, Dick?"

"Damn it, I knew you would ask this." Dick patted his head and coldly shook off Ye Feng's hand, "Just wait at ease. In a word, I will let you return to the earth. At this time, you will stay here honestly. Anyway, the time flow rate of the two planets is different. I can let you find that the time has not passed too long when you return to the earth."

"Well, I can only thank you first." Ye Feng said carefully.

"Yes, then you can go away. Bye."

Ye Feng was rudely pushed out of the laboratory by Dick. He didn't have any dissatisfaction with this. As long as he knew that he could change back to human identity, it was worth waiting for a period of time. Dick didn't explain how long this period of time was, but in Ye Feng's opinion, it might not be too long.

He naively thought that it would only take a few days. After all, it only took him a short time to create an orc body, so it may only take half a day, more than ten hours to create a human body.

Ye Feng thought too simply. Why did Dick make an orc's body in just a few hours? That's because the orc's body structure is completely different from that of human beings. The growth rate of orcs is very different from that of human beings. It takes a few hours to cultivate an orc's body from cells into an adult body, but Human beings are on the contrary. At least he has done experiments in the past to reduce the time of cultivating human clones to one day. He can't even think of a name for what he has cultivated.

After repeated experiments, Dick finally determined that less than seven weeks of incubation time, the human clone would produce some unexpected variation, or die directly and could not survive.

After waiting anxiously for three days, Ye Feng finally couldn't help it. He came to Dick's laboratory again, but what made him feel collapsed was that the laboratory prohibited him from entering. This had never happened before. He was one of the few people on the orc planet who could intervene in Dick's laboratory, but from now on he has not gone. Dick modified the white list and removed Ye Feng from the white list Removed from the white list and added to the blacklist.

In short, if ye Feng doesn't stay away from the experimental building, he may be killed by the protective device of the automatic experimental building. In the face of this situation, Ye Feng wants to cry without tears. He knows that even if Dick hides in the laboratory, he won't see him, and it's likely that Dick has left the orc planet.

Ye Feng is desperate about Dick's understanding. He doesn't know how long it will take before he can change back to his body and human identity, but there is no doubt that it will take much longer than he wants. Otherwise, Dick won't avoid any contact with him by this means. This damn bastard, ye Feng can only leave with hatred and continue his life A boring life.

But sometimes, these orcs are so dull. They always appear after Ye Feng's worst mood and use their bad jokes to make Ye Feng's mood worse. But Ye Feng can't lose his temper with them at will, because he knows that these big fools are actually kind-hearted. They want to see the smile on Ye Feng's face, but asked The problem is not with them, but with Ye Feng in such a mood, it is difficult to smile again.

Dick is the only one who can solve the problem, but the problem is that Ye Feng can't find him.

Ye Feng wants to let go of himself and his obsession in his heart. He wants to make himself less uncomfortable before things are solved, but the problem is that even if he tries his best, he still can't calm his heart. He can hardly breathe because he is thinking about things he can't solve all the time.

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