Fortunately for Ye Feng, life is not too boring. While he was waiting for his body to be cultivated, an alien fleet came to the orc planet. They threatened to bring the planet into their territory, because there are not many planets suitable for race survival in the universe. When he met one, he had to grab one. With this mentality, The alien fleet came to the orc planet.

It happened that Dick was not on the planet at this time, so the task of resisting the alien fleet fell directly on the orcs. Ye Feng was facing a similar thing for the first time. Looking at the huge warship in the sky, Ye Feng felt a sense of fear. He was very afraid that the orcs and himself would die in the hands of this alien fleet before Dick came.

However, what surprised him was that other orcs were very calm and even bored. For people who like to fight, it should be a happy thing for someone to take the initiative to provoke, but Ye Feng didn't see any enthusiasm for fighting on these orcs' faces.

Although Ye Feng felt curious, he also gradually calmed down. He knew how strong the fighting power of these orcs was. Even ordinary weapons could exert great power in their hands. Maybe these people had experienced similar things before and knew how to deal with them.

In fact, when Ye Feng asked DiCaprio relevant questions, the other party's answers also confirmed Ye Feng's thoughts. Because this Orc planet is really suitable for survival, alien fleets will come to harass it from time to time, but every time it comes back in vain.

In fact, even if the popular hand doesn't have to be the defense mechanism left by Dick, the orcs will drive these people out without any worry, so these orcs are so boring. In fact, as DiCaprio said, more than half of those alien fleets were dead and injured before they reached the ground of the planet, and it was only Dick's defense system that caused all this.

There's nothing to do at all. Simply, the enemy who comes this time is well prepared to face it. The defense mechanism left by Dick, they fought desperately, and less than a third of the ships really scared the earth's surface. This can make the orcs very happy. They immediately took up their weapons and fought with the alien people who fell on the earth's surface.

Although there is a big gap in the level of science and technology between the two sides - Dick has been very careful not to give the orcs too high technology - but in front of the human sea tactics and the abnormal body of the orcs, these alien soldiers who survived to the ground can't die with hatred.

Although the orcs have also paid a heavy price, it is not a terrible thing for the popular hand to die in battle. On the contrary, boredom is.

All in all, the alien fleet finally left in despair. Of course, it's not so easy for them to leave the planet. What Ye Feng didn't know was that when the spacecraft wanted to jump out of the star domain, their spacecraft engines would suddenly explode, because Dick had modified the parameters of these engines. The virus he left behind has penetrated into the control system of these ships, and everyone on board will die.

On the one hand, Dick is to punish his territory for being occupied. On the other hand, he also prevents someone from running away and telling others about the existence of the planet. He still doesn't want others to disturb him.

These aliens look like insects that have expanded dozens of times. They look very disgusting. However, for orcs and Ye Feng, their disgusting appearance is not important. The important thing is that they are dead.

Not long after this incident, Dick came back. When he heard about it, he was very calm and could even be described as indifference, because he knew very well that such a livable planet would become the object of everyone's competition in the universe. The universe seemed incomparably huge, indeed. But no race dares to claim that they have explored every corner of the universe, but at the same time, the universe is so huge, but there are so few planets suitable for human survival. For a planet, several races can wage wars for hundreds of years, so such things happen from time to time, and there will never be an end. Dick has been used to similar things, He knows very well that it is not surprising what happens in the process of competing for the planet.

People's desire for survival will be overwhelming. They will immediately invest in the planet one after another. Therefore, Dick has formed such a complete defense system on this planet. He is worried that once a certain family tries its best to compete for the planet, Dick may not be able to bear it.

It is impossible for a planet to fight against a billion or even billions of enemies. This is the madness of the race in the face of a continuing crisis. They will exchange countless populations for a habitable planet.

And this is only the beginning. In the next two months, the injured planet was attacked twice by alien fleets. This made Ye Feng feel a little tricky. During his stay here before, he had hardly encountered a similar situation. He asked dicabrio whether this planet often encountered this situation.

DiCaprio told him that generally speaking, such a crisis will only occur once in six months, but similar situations have occurred five times in the last three months, which shows that all this is definitely not a normal phenomenon, but an abnormal situation. Ye Feng wants to talk to Dick, but Dick is either not in the laboratory, It's either hiding in the laboratory and forbidding contact with anyone, which makes Ye Feng very embarrassed. Although his body is still being manufactured, he doesn't want to see the life planet facing the crisis of destruction. Every enemy attack is more difficult to deal with than the last one, although the final result is that the alien fleet is destroyed, But who knows if things will turn around next time.

And most importantly, if this happened without Ye Feng's knowledge, it would have happened, but Ye Feng is now on this planet, and he is also an ORC. If there is a crisis of destroying the planet, Dick can certainly run, and even he can run with his laboratory.

But will he run with himself and other orcs? Ye Feng didn't dare to make a final decision. He knew very well that dick would always put himself in the safest position at the critical moment, but ignore the feelings of others. Therefore, if an unpredictable event really happened, it might turn into a dangerous opportunity.

And only Dick himself can escape. Although he couldn't communicate this idea with Dick, Ye Feng found dicabrio and several other orcs. There is no doubt about this matter. Although the popular hand is not as strong as Ye Feng in the sense of crisis, it is not ignorant.

Of course, they are worried that their mood may be attacked by others, but at the same time, this group of people are also very excited. It seems that it's not a happy thing that your planet is peeped at by others. Perhaps this is a happy thing for them. They have not had fun with alien fleets and aliens before. Many times they feel very sorry because they have been destroyed by the whole army before they fall to the ground. In a word, DiCaprio, although they are worried, they are also more excited, They want to have a real touch with these orcs and these aliens to see who has a hard fist.

God responded to this request. Two weeks later, another alien fleet attacked, but this time they did not invade on a large scale, but sent a small spacecraft to parachute in low earth orbit. Single breakthrough. In short, it is a single parachute jump completed by a group of alien special forces from low altitude orbit using their technology, which makes those defense systems preset by Dick not work. After all, the targets of the real system are ship level things, and the size of an individual is not within their scanning range.

In short, this group of people experienced tens of thousands of meters of high-altitude rapid descent and really jumped onto the surface of the planet. Although more than one-third of the people were lost in this process, the remaining two-thirds reached the ground safely and maintained a certain combat effectiveness.

This sudden attack dealt a devastating blow to a small decline near the razor tribe, and almost all the people in the Shun tribe were killed. When I heard that the orcs of the tribe were killed by these alien soldiers. Some orcs fought to death and issued a warning, which made other orcs wake up from their sleep.

He found that his tribe had been infiltrated by the enemy, and the enemy began to wreak havoc. These alien soldiers who came to the ground didn't want to go back alive, so they almost caused great damage before they died. At least more than a fifth of the orcs in the razor tribe died in the catastrophe.

This is because the razor tribe is not the first target of this group of alien soldiers. Almost all of those targets have been killed. After this catastrophe, the orcs realized that the alien soldiers were far more dangerous than they thought, so the original excitement of these guys decreased a little, and they became realistic and fearful.

It is very rare that orcs can feel fear. But that's the truth. In the face of death, no race has no fear at all, especially when the other party kills you, it's like looking for things. This is not a fight, but a one-sided massacre. The orcs have no interest in this fighting race. They don't want to be the slaughtered party.

Until then, dicabrio remembered to communicate with Ye Feng. He thought that if ye Feng existed, they might survive the direct confrontation with aliens. Although Dick, an old bastard, is very strong, you can't count on him at all. What you can do is to use all the resources you can use at this stage, So DiCaprio, they found Ye Feng, spoke out their fear and asked Ye Feng to lead the battle with aliens.

In fact, even if ye Feng doesn't want to help these orcs subjectively, he has to help them objectively. Now is his home. He must live here before Dick cultivates his body, before Dick transfers him to his new body for a while, and before Dick starts to put the arch back.

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