Although it was like looking for a specific water drop in the swimming pool, it was such an inadvertent accident that Ye Feng and them came to the planet.

Fortunately, although they heard the voice of animals, they were not attacked. Perhaps the animals did not know their origin and did not dare to act rashly, but stayed away. In this way, they soon ushered in the dawn in the dark. The three suns on the head gradually climbed to the top of the head. Ye Feng packed their bags and then continued on the journey.

Under the guidance of Dick's consciousness stored in the transport gun, they marched in a certain direction, but maybe several people were not in a mood, so they didn't walk very fast. Fortunately, because all the routes and maps Dick had experienced before were stored in the transport gun, they could move around the place where the local aborigines gathered, This allows them to avoid face-to-face contact with local aborigines. There is no doubt that once there are too many unnecessary battles and they encounter unnecessary attrition, the journey will become more difficult. There are only five of them in total, and one less will lose one forever. Their strength is so limited. Without logistical supplies, In fact, no one has a number on whether they can rescue Dick, so it is their top priority to avoid every battle before they really take action.

Naturally, there is no room for any change, but Ye Feng and they actually have their own plans. DiCaprio has always held a transmission gun, but he does not dare to disassemble it. After all, he is worried that if the gun is broken, they will really have no possibility to leave the planet, but it is still studying the system of the gun from time to time, Trying to figure out its principle, although there is no clear explanation, Ye Feng knows that DiCaprio is doing this to leave a way for himself. Once Dick dies or fails to rescue him, they can only rely on themselves. If it can really study the operation principle of the transmission gun, maybe they can escape from the planet. Although the possibility of this situation is smaller than that they can successfully rescue Dick, at least DiCaprio doesn't want to admit his life like this. Ye Feng also hopes it can study something, at least better than being in the dark.

However, it is not difficult to see from DiCaprio's frown that even though he has been inseparable from the transmission gun almost every day during this period, he still hasn't figured out anything. As for tie and his two mutant orcs, these three people seem very calm. Although they also know that the situation they are facing now is no worse, even worse than the situation they were facing on the orc planet before, they have accepted the situation they are facing now. After all, for them, Living every day is a challenge. Although the current environment is very bad, it is not much different from the underground world they lived in before. Danger and death are always around them. Therefore, even if they come to a completely strange world, they do not appear too panic or loss. But quickly adapted, full of vigilance against potential threats from around.

If there were no iron and these two mutant orcs, maybe Ye Feng and DiCaprio would not live for a few days on this planet. Although Ye Feng and DiCaprio are good at fighting, their skills in field survival are much worse than those of iron who have been living in the underground world. Although their sight is degraded, they make up for the lack of sense in hearing, so that they can hear the approaching danger from a long distance. This is even more effective than the early warning device hastily made by DiCaprio. It is precisely because of their early response that maple ye can avoid wave after wave of threats, sometimes local aborigines and sometimes predators.

This kind of food animal looks strange, but there is no doubt that it is ferocious. This nature has been engraved in their genes. Looking at their two big mouths full of tusks, Ye Feng really doesn't want to rise the desire to fight them. It is precisely because of this that they can give danger warning in advance as much as possible, and then everyone will move around the danger. At this time, Dick's consciousness in the transmitting gun would run out and curse them, but for a long time, everyone turned a blind eye to him. No matter what ugly words he said, they still moved forward at their own speed. Instead of going to Dick's place of detention as quickly as Dick's consciousness requires.

Although we always avoid direct contact with danger, accidents always happen. Once, when they were camping and resting, several local aborigines did not know when they touched near their tent. DiCaprio almost wiped his neck with a knife. Fortunately, Ye Feng sleeping next to him reacted and killed the enemy who broke into the tent with a knife. As for why the two orcs did not give early warning, it was because they were also entangled by the enemy and had no time to take care of others. After this battle, although there was no reduction in personnel, everyone was more or less injured. In order to cure these wounds, they spent some time, which made Ye Feng feel a little frightened. Although these local Aboriginal weapons were all cold weapons, they were either coated with poison or tried to use anesthetic. In short, if they were badly hurt, they would be either dead or disabled. Thanks to their armor, they were not killed unknowingly. However, this situation must be taken seriously. After all, the enemy hidden in the shadow is the most dangerous. This enemy who doesn't know when to touch you and give you a knife is the last thing Ye Feng wants to meet. It is also a difficult type for orcs to deal with.

Thanks to tie and the two mutant orcs' fighting style, they can deal with it. Without them, Ye Feng and dicabrio may not survive for a few nights. After this incident, they became more cautious in choosing where to camp. They would rest again only if they were sure that there was no danger around them. Moreover, from the original two people to watch the night, they directly changed to four people. Only one person was left to sleep in the tent, and one person came out to replace it in less than four hours, Simply, the night is so long that everyone can at least rest for a while. Although they can't rest for a long time, they can finally devote themselves to sleep without worrying about being killed.

But soon after that, they had to take the initiative to find the aborigines. The reason is very simple. They have finished drinking water. I don't know whether it is the special vegetation on this planet or the shortage of water resources on this planet. In a word, according to the previous knowledge, almost no water resources can be found on the surface of this planet. This made it difficult for Ye Feng and them. After discovering this, they immediately became worried. If there was no water, all of them would soon die. Therefore, they had no choice but to take the initiative to approach the enemy this time to find water resources. After all, there is little chance that water resources can be found in inaccessible places, The local Aboriginal people will certainly live around the source of water. With this principle, when they find the source of water, they can find the source of water. With this idea, they gradually move towards the areas frequented by Aboriginal people. Not surprisingly, they see a small river, but there are aboriginal buildings along the river. There is no doubt, This group of indigenous people living in this area will not easily hand over the source of water to Ye Feng. Ye Feng originally planned to take advantage of the night to get some water from the river and leave, but because there are also local indigenous people patrolling in the night, after observing for a period of time, they are convinced that, It is difficult for them to secure access to resources if they do not fight head-on with this group of indigenous people. It is almost impossible to drive the group away and get enough water under their noses.

Since the battle is unavoidable, they can only start first. At this moment, Ye Feng, they have no compassion. They won't have any superfluous kindness when you die or I die. Therefore, after determining the policy of the battle, they took action in the dark. In this sneak attack, Ye Feng and DiCaprio are only responsible for fighting. Iron and his two Orc subordinates are really responsible for killing. If possible, they want to kill the patrolmen, and then quietly collect enough resources, and then leave. They can't fight meaninglessly as much as possible, but although the plan is designed like this, But when it comes to implementation, all kinds of unexpected factors will always jump out and disrupt the plan. You can only adapt to the situation. Everyone knows this, especially Ye Feng. So they did not report any luck or kindness when they acted. In case of an accident, they must kill all the enemies.

Sure enough, when the third patrol was killed, the fallen Aboriginal sent out a terrible scream, which instantly awakened all the lizards who were resting. The lizards held fire torches and surrounded Ye Feng's position. At this moment, Ye Feng finally observed the looks of the aborigines at a close distance. Dick's description is very appropriate. These lizards are like lizards standing up and wearing clothes. Their eyes with vertical pupils shine fiercely. They frantically rush towards the position of Ye Feng. Although they have a large number of people, their weapons are too simple. They are all cold weapons, Facing Ye Feng, the weapons in their hands seemed so fragile. A few shuttle bullets swept past, and this group of people had been killed.

Looking at the corpses all over the ground, Ye Feng was helpless. He didn't want to harvest these people's lives. He just wanted to come and get some water and leave. However, due to the limitation of unable to communicate with each other in words, the first thought of both sides when they saw each other was to kill each other. This group of aborigines must have been filled with anger and fear, so they made such a choice.

So many people didn't have to die. But only Ye Feng would think so. Several other orcs have begun to collect spoils or resources. They don't care much about all this. After all, death is the main part of their life.

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