Ye Feng simply cleaned up his mind, and then kept up with his companions. In this indigenous settlement, they collected enough resources. Although they didn't know what kind of animal eggs the smoked meat was, they roasted it with fire and it tasted good. At least they could swallow it. They packed all the things they could take away, then left this small settlement and continued to move in their established direction.

Although such things have always been avoided, there will always be a tragic battle when replenishing resources. Although he and Ye Feng did not reduce their staff, there are always more and more scars on everyone. And the powerlessness and fear on their hearts are also increasing all the time. They have always avoided conflicts with large-scale indigenous people, but with the longer and longer stay on the planet, Ye Feng has a hunch that one day they will meet a large group of fierce lizard people.

This day even came earlier than maple leaf imagined. It was a noon. The weather was unusually muggy. Walking in an environment like a desert, ye Maple endured the torture of hunger, thirst and heat. At this time, Ye Feng has recovered his human identity, so he feels more difficult to deal with this extreme environment than DiCaprio. It's been a long time. In the absence of supplies and backup, I have traveled for so many days. I don't know how long it has been since I came to this planet. After all, the time unit here is not consistent with the planet they once lived on. And this sense of time follows. The depression of the mood also gradually lost their accurate calculation ability. They can't remember how long they stayed on the planet. They can only calculate how many roads they have gone according to the consumption of materials.

There were many battles along the way. It's not only fighting against this cruel natural environment, but also fighting with indigenous people. Many times, Ye Feng doesn't want to kill, but every enemy must be treated cruelly when competing for living resources. Otherwise, it will be his own people who will fall. I make Ye Feng feel lucky, He couldn't understand the language of the indigenous population and couldn't understand what they shouted before they died. Now they are just like the alien soldiers who invade the orc planet, doing the same thing, but their scale is not so large, but in essence, their behavior is no different. They are looting and killing for survival and other purposes on a completely strange planet.

We will eventually become people we hate. This sentence has become a reality in Ye Feng's God. Whenever we think of it, Ye Feng can't help smiling bitterly. And what makes them most desperate is that this life seems to have no end. They don't know how to get rid of this life. They don't call it life, but just survival. If they can't find Dick, maybe this state will continue until they are dying. At this time, although they are skeptical about Dick's life and death, even if Dick is still alive, how they will fight the whole planet and rescue Dick is also a headache for them. Although it is not time to worry about this problem and they are still on the journey of looking for Dick, there is no doubt that they will face it one day. How to choose, whether to fight the enemy head-on, or to use tricks to rescue Dick, but no matter which way to choose, it is extremely difficult, even to the extent that Ye Feng can't imagine. After such a long journey, Ye Feng was most worried about DiCaprio, because he found that the more DiCaprio knew about the transmission gun, the more gloomy DiCaprio's character became.

Ye Feng talked to him several times. From DiCaprio's depressed language, Ye Feng can hear that it is about to despair, because the deeper it studies the gun, the more it knows that it can never figure out the principle. It has reached the edge of collapse and doesn't even want to see the magical gun again.

In the face of this situation, Ye Feng can't help. He knows that this kind of thing is expected. If DiCaprio can figure out the principle of Dick's magical transmission gun, Dick won't be chased all over the world. In fact, Ye Feng knows that Dick is often chased by people, not only because of his bad character or his ability to cause trouble, but also because of the transmission gun in his hand. It seems that many people covet this magical weapon, want to get it, or catch Dick and force him to tell the operation principle of this magical weapon. However, in the face of this situation, Dick will always be flexible enough to cope with it. After all, she has lived a similar life for hundreds of years. He has experienced and seen all kinds of means and traps, so he always looks like a light wind. Although he doesn't appear very calm when he runs away, di Ke is the one who often falls into this vortex, and Ye Feng who follows Dick is often innocent, So he knew exactly what the value of the delivery gun was.

If Dick holds an auction, Ye Feng has no doubt that someone will get the transmission gun at the price that Ye Feng Lenovo has imagined, which is why Dick attaches so much importance to the transmission gun. If this kind of thing was studied by an orc who didn't live long, it wouldn't be Dick's pen.

Ye Feng told DiCaprio what he thought. Although DiCaprio was a little depressed, he also accepted this statement. After he figured it out, it became no longer so gloomy, but focused on other things. Ye Feng kept the delivery gun. Ye Feng didn't study the idea of robbing the legend at all. He knew that he was not this material at all, so in addition to revising and moving forward every day, Ye Feng only put this transmission gun in his backpack and didn't pay attention to it at all.

Dick's consciousness in the transfer gun will pop up from time to time to correct Ye Feng's way forward. However, generally speaking, Ye Feng won't pay attention to him at all. Fortunately, the consciousness stored in the transfer gun seems to know what the current situation is like. He won't make trouble at the critical moment, which makes Ye Feng reluctantly relieved.

If this thing suddenly roars when fighting with the enemy or moving forward, they may die under the enemy's random guns, perhaps they are aware of this. Dick's consciousness in the delivery gun was not too disruptive, but kept quiet most of the time.

Of course, Ye Feng also suspected that it was because the intelligence of consciousness was not high, but could simply guide them in their direction or tell them Dick's current physical condition. According to what he said, Dick is still living, but Ye Feng is still skeptical about it. According to the calculation of time, he has been caught here for at least two months. During these two months, Ye Feng still has to make a big question mark about whether Dick's annoying character will kill himself.

But Dick is still alive. When Ye Feng and his family were struggling to advance on this backward planet, Dick was eating and drinking spicy food in his room. Although he lost his freedom, Dick had little worries about life security. The big man who caught him was very rich and didn't miss the meal.

However, the big man began to dislike Dick and realized the danger, so he refused to meet him again. However, he was not too stingy in ensuring his basic living needs. At least Dick had two meals a day and could maintain basic energy supplement. Of course, in order to prevent dick from recovering well, he beat him every other time, This tradition remains, with fewer and fewer intervals.

Because the boss found that dick seemed to be more and more resistant to beating, and to his surprise, Dick's social ability was so strong that he could not imagine that he had established a close relationship with his guards in a short time, and even these people were willing to help him collect some information from the newspaper. However, these aborigines are not very smart in this regard, so that their small movements were soon discovered by the big man's confidants. After learning this situation, the big man directly killed all the people guarding Dick, and no longer used people to guard, but locked dick in his room and didn't let him out. He just sent supplies to him regularly every day. Avoid contact with others as much as possible.

Dick was very helpless in this situation. He originally planned to infiltrate these people into his own people, and then took the opportunity to escape. However, the education of these aborigines was too limited. They didn't go through their brains and acted almost entirely by instinct, so their actions were very obvious and easy to be seen through, There is only one chance. If he loses this chance, he can only find another way.

But Dick is keeping a low profile now. He can't do any small actions to prevent himself from being killed. If he annoys the big man, he may not be able to hold on to Ye Feng's arrival. Yes, Dick received the signal when Ye Feng came to the planet. He knew that the delivery gun opened a door to time and space, and the only goal he set was the planet, so he made sure that some people came to the planet and knew his current situation. Considering that there is no possibility for anyone who can enter his laboratory except dick to join the white list, there must be Ye Feng. If ye Feng had come to this planet, he might still be saved. Although Dick didn't know what had happened on the orc planet, when he learned that the little seed he had buried had finally blossomed and bear fruit, Ye Feng would have come to this planet nine times out of ten and learned the news of his imprisonment, which surprised Dick, He burst out a strong desire for survival again. Therefore, he also kept a low profile and was more careful. He didn't do anything that might annoy those who imprisoned him. All he had to do now was wait for Ye Feng and them to find themselves.

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