What the hell is this boy doing? How did he change all of a sudden? He even took the initiative to attack and completely exposed his strength?

Leng Han is also the same question mark. Before, Lin Feng told her to keep his strength. Don't completely expose his strength, but now Lin Feng

"Bang bang!"

After the two muffled sounds, Li Li and Lin Xian were directly hit and flew, and they had no lower spirit tools in their hands. The two people were still spraying blood in the air. It was obvious that they were seriously injured.

"How could this guy beat Li Lilin so easily?"

"It seems easier than defeating the AI brothers!"

"This guy deceived us. How can such strength be the first level of the spirit emperor!"

Watching Li Li and Lin Xian fall heavily to the ground, all the students of the South Hospital rushed towards Lin Fa like crazy at this time. The combat power of Lin Feng's instant explosion just now can't be displayed by a Linghuang's initial strength.

"Everyone listen. Now don't want anything. Run for me as fast as you can!"

Lin Feng's voice echoed in all my minds. Then I saw Lin Feng running away like a stray arrow, as if there were a prehistoric beast chasing after him.

And Mo Chen heard Lin Feng's voice, and then ran to the distance. They didn't even want the big tent. They ran in a hurry. It was a bit like running away. They didn't even want the big tent they had worked hard to support. This confused the students who flocked to the South Hospital.

"What's going on? How did they run away?"

"Although these inferior spirit tools are precious, they all won by their real skills. They don't have to run?"

"Is our formation too scary? They scared away when they saw so many of us going together?"


When the students of the south academy saw Lin Feng, they ran away like this. They all didn't know what was going on. Although they lost two games in succession, they were not as skilled as others. They said they wanted to rush forward, but he Yao and Minglei didn't move a step. Without the orders of the two captains, they naturally didn't dare to do anything, but such bluff scared Lin Feng away, This is so unexpected.

"Captain, what's the situation? Although this inferior spirit weapon is precious, it's not like this. This big account is the face of the college. Just say no, don't do it?"

Minglei looks at Lin Feng and others who are getting farther and farther away and gradually disappearing in his vision. He can't help asking Xiang He Yao. Even if the north courtyard is poor, it won't be so poor. If he doesn't know, he thinks it's not Reiki but artifact!

"I don't know. Maybe this inferior spirit weapon is an artifact for them. No matter him, now we just eliminated two students. It's harmless. After other branches are as high as the law, we'll clean up these rats in the north courtyard!"

He Yao's mouth rose slightly and showed a cold smile. He didn't intend to let Lin Feng and them off like this. Even if these two inferior spirit tools couldn't enter his eyes at all, Lin Feng's offense could not be forgiven


"Old Hong, what do you mean? Why did you let me run suddenly? It's like I haven't seen a baby. We've won two games in a row. Now it's good. It's like we have to play tricks after losing two games!"

Lin Feng said to old Hong as he ran towards the front. Just now, old Hong gave him a warning to run as fast as he could, otherwise it wouldn't be like this. Now they are not in general distress.

"If you run slowly, none of you can run. I'll wait until the top of the mountain in front, and I'll show you how wise you are!" Old Hong glanced at Lin Feng obliquely and said with disgust that he had kindly given him a warning to avoid a disaster, but Lin Feng still complained about him, which made him very angry.

"Lin Feng, why do we run?"

"Our form was very good just now. What's the matter with this run?"

Everyone looked at Lin Feng suspiciously. Although Lin Feng's orders would be carried out unconditionally, the doubts in their hearts could not be ruled out. After all, it is a big escape now, and even the camp of the north courtyard has no urgent income.

"When we get to the top of the mountain in front, we'll be safe. I'll explain to you then!" After Lin Feng finished, he ran directly to the mountain ahead. He didn't want to explain, but he didn't know how to explain, because old Hong didn't tell him what the reason was.

Since Lin Feng said so, others will no longer ask. Anyway, Lin Feng is their backbone, and since entering the spiritual Road, Lin Feng's judgments are all right, which everyone knows.

"Old Hong, now you should tell me what's going on. I was so hasty just now. If you don't give me a reasonable explanation, I won't give up easily!" Lin Feng said angrily. Old Hong just asked him to run away without anything, but he didn't feel any danger, which made him very depressed.

Lin Feng has never retreated since he embarked on the path of cultivation, let alone fled. Now he has the feeling of being a deserter. If old Hong doesn't have a better reason, it's really unacceptable.

"What's the hurry? You'll understand it all in a moment. Maybe you'll kneel on the ground and hug my thigh to thank me!" Old Hong stroked his white beard and looked at Lin Feng with a trace of cunning in his eyes.

"Old man Hong, do you have water in your head? Now I want you to explain why you let me run away. I also thank you. If you don't explain well, I really have to thank you!"

Of course, Lin Feng ignores the threat of old Hong. Although he can't deal with old Hong, it doesn't mean that he will accept it. If old Hong really makes fun of him, he will never give up so easily.

"Well, there's a lot of nonsense. Now your body is under my control. Wait until you know the truth and see if you can be so unkind to me!" After saying that, old Hong directly took over the control of Lin Feng's body. This is the secret between them. When they are in real danger, this is their killer mace, because old Hong's strength is very strong.

"Boss, are you safe now?"

"If you have anything to do, just say it quickly. The good situation just now was buried like this. I'm really unwilling!"


Tiantian and others came to Lin Feng and said, of course they are not reconciled. At the moment of the first victory, when two Nanyuan students crushed and transmitted the jade slips, the expressions of He Yao and Minglei were quite wonderful. Under such a victory, Lin Feng chose to escape or let everyone run with him. This really needs an explanation.

Leng Hanmo Chen and others stood behind Tiantian. They didn't ask Lin Feng like Tiantian, but they wanted to hear Lin Feng's explanation, because the situation just now was so good. If they worked hard, they could eliminate more Nanyuan students.

At this time, Lin Feng stood tall and straight with his hands on his back, looked at them with a quiet smile, and then waved his big hand, and a light curtain appeared in the air.

"This is a small array I left near the South courtyard tent before, which can transmit the image of the South courtyard tent on the light curtain..." Lin Feng said faintly with his hands on his back. Then they saw the light curtain in front of them. When they saw the image above, the hospital flag of the South courtyard was flying in the wind, and several South courtyard colleges were constantly patrolling

"What's good about this? Let's look at the flag of the South courtyard?"

"This is more angry. Have they demolished the big tent in our north courtyard now?"

Qin Kai and others will not let Lin Feng go. Such an image has no meaning, while Lenghan and others are watching quietly. They know that Lin Feng will not be so hasty. There must be a secret in it.

"What's your hurry? A good play will be on soon!" Lin Feng smiled faintly, and then looked at the light curtain with great interest.

"Old man Hong, what do you want to do? Don't say they don't understand now. Even I don't understand. What do you want to do?" Now the body is controlled by honglao, and Lin Feng can only voice the old man to protest.

"Didn't it say that the other three hospitals were fighting in blood before? They are finished now. What do you say is the first thing to do after they finish?" Old Hong's voice rings out in Lin Feng's mind. Although Lin Feng's body is controlled by old Hong, old Hong doesn't dare to show up and can only appear in Lin Feng's mind.

"Of course, they can fix it now. The shopping of the three institutes must consume a lot. Finally, they must have determined a real new king..." Lin Fengli said of course. In his opinion, the spiritual path test of Tianling college should have determined a real new king.

"The three colleges have not yet decided the outcome. To be exact, they have only played a draw and reached an alliance. The three colleges have reached an alliance. What do you think they will do next?"

Old Hong smiled and stroked his white beard. He had already said this. He believed that Lin Feng's intelligence would be able to guess the next thing.


Lin Feng's eyes lit up. He now fully understood what was going on. There was a faint smile on his face. Since it was an alliance, it was that they didn't hurt each other, and they didn't hurt each other. But the spiritual path test was not over, and there were only 100 people left, and their three branches couldn't continue to reduce their staff, so he had to make the idea of other colleges.

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