"What do you want us to see? Isn't it just watching the flag flying in the wind?"

"If that's the reason, the brother won't help you!"


Qin Kai and Shen Yang look at Lin Feng's face. They really don't see why Lin Feng did this. They run away in such a good situation. It's just sick!

"Look, there seems to be a figure flashing in the distance!" Tiantian gave a cry of surprise. Later, many people's eyes focused on the image. In the distance, there were dozens of people flashing. Then they gradually surrounded the big tent in the South courtyard, and then there was a fight

"This... What's going on?"

"Did the east courtyard, the West courtyard and the middle courtyard unite to encircle and suppress the South courtyard?"

"I'll go. It's too miserable. Look at Minglei. He Yao is obviously suppressed, and he Yao can barely support it, but the woman in the West courtyard is too fierce to kill so many students of the South courtyard alone..."


Everyone was stunned. They couldn't believe what they saw now. They really didn't expect that such a thing would happen again.

"That's why you let us go. Their three branches are united?" Leng Han looked at Lin Feng at this time. According to the current situation, Lin Feng's practice really had no problem, because in the face of the joint efforts of the three branches, they were really just waiting to be slaughtered.

Even she can't be arrogant enough to fight with the union of the three branches, but this is not the key to the problem. The key to the problem is how Lin Feng knows these. On this spiritual path, everyone's perception is closed. Lin Feng can't perceive these. She can predict in advance and hasn't been surrounded and annihilated with the south hospital. This matter itself is difficult to explain.

At this time, they also looked at Lin Feng with the same eyes. The people at the scene were not fools and could think of this. Lin Feng had such a keen perception, which was impossible in the spiritual path. If they were outside the spiritual path, it would be easy to perceive these, but where is this place? This is the spiritual path. How could such a thing happen?

"You must want to know how I know these things and know their movements. In fact, it's very simple. When you set up the big accounts, I set up several small monitoring spirit arrays next to the big accounts of their three branches..."

Lin Feng directly put the pot on the spirit array. Now he found that the spirit array master was really a good excuse. Anything that could not be explained could be prevaricated by the spirit array.

"What should we do now? It's too difficult to wait for them to come here to encircle and suppress us?" Lenghan was the first to react. She understood that the South courtyard was surrounded and suppressed by three branches. It was also because the three branches had fought fiercely that they reached an alliance. They had to deal with the South courtyard and the north courtyard first.

"Leng Han said yes, we are not far from them now. It's hard not to achieve such a thing and wait to die!"

"Otherwise, let's run and find a hiding place to hide. Although it may be embarrassing, it's better than being eliminated. The place we hid before should not be exposed, otherwise we'll hide..."

Shen Yang and Li Xian said one after another at this time that the hiding place before Li Xian was very hidden. They stayed there until now, so the place was still very safe. As long as they were still hiding there, they could make a profit.

"I don't think it's necessary. There aren't many people left now. When the South courtyard is surrounded and suppressed, the number will be almost the same. We'll adjust our breath here and wait for the baptism of the spirit!"

Lin Feng said with a smile that he would only take the lead in sitting down, take out a lot of natural materials and earth treasures in the storage ring and start refining. Now it is the key to recuperate. If the state is not adjusted to the best state, it will affect the baptism of the spirit.

"That's it?"

"We can even enter the top 100?"

"Spiritual baptism, can we really carry out spiritual baptism?"


Li Xian looked at each other in a dreamy way. They only felt that their legs were soft and vain. It was incredible. In fact, they just wanted to improve their ranking here, because the higher the ranking of the spiritual path, even if they didn't get the baptism of the spirit, it was an achievement.

But now they are so confused that they have the chance to become the top 100 and have to participate in the baptism of the spirit. It's incredible, but they don't even dare to dream about it.

"It's good to follow Lin Feng!"

"This old man is really good. We may be the easiest to enter the top 100 students of Beiyuan in history!"


Qin Kai rubbed his hands excitedly at this time. Their strength itself was not as strong as he Yao. It can be said that without Lin Feng and Lenghan, they would basically be eliminated here, and now they can all enter the top 100. Lin Feng is now an absolute captain in their hearts.

"I'm looking at Lin Fengshun more and more now. Leng Han, if you're really not interested in him, I'm going to do it. This guy is a treasure!" Tian Tian bumped Leng Han lightly with her shoulder at this time, because Leng Han was also shocked at this time. Looking at Lin Feng, she was silent for a while.

Maybe Lin Feng's explanation can deceive most people, but she has a spirit array master in the family. Although she doesn't understand the spirit array, she also knows something about it. If she wants to arrange a spirit array to monitor the spirit array as Lin Feng said, it's definitely not as simple as Lin Feng said.

Seeing Leng Han, he just silently looked at Lin Feng and didn't speak, and didn't respond to her words. Tian Tian was interested and directly came to Leng Han's ear and whispered, "our iceberg beauty, was it melted by this fire boy?"

Tian Tian said that, and deliberately rubbed Leng Han's buttocks, which made Leng Han wake up immediately. A few scarlet streaks flew over his cheeks and gave Tian Tian a hard look. Then he sat down and adjusted his breath directly. The students of the south academy in the picture were very sad and were surrounded and suppressed by the third academy, which was an overwhelming advantage


A few hours later, Lin Feng slowly opened his eyes. At this time, the battle was over. In addition to He Yao and Minglei, there were still three students standing in place in the South Hospital, while the others were all covered with blood, tightly covering the transmission jade slips in their hands, and looking opposite with cold eyes.

On the other side, there were three people standing first, a man in white robe and a man in black robe. Both of them were dignified and had a good temperament. Naturally, they were Canglin in the east courtyard and Li Tian in the middle courtyard, while the other was a woman in gauze and exquisite jade body. Looking at the exquisite curve under the gauze, they seemed to be in a red skirt, but they couldn't see their appearance clearly.

"The three of you really look up to our South courtyard when you arrive. As I said before, there are still people in the north courtyard. Why are you staring at our South courtyard?"

He Yao gently wiped the blood from the corners of his mouth, and then looked coldly at the three people opposite. There were also a group of students behind them, but they were also seriously injured.

"He Yao, it's not that we don't believe you, but you just make a big account of the north courtyard so that we can believe that there are still people in the north courtyard. It's really hard to be convincing." Li Tian looked at the ruined north courtyard tent behind he Yao and just smiled jokingly. He didn't take it seriously.

"I've eliminated some students from the north academy before, but I haven't heard that the north academy is still setting up a big account on the spirit road for so many years. Your trick is too despicable!" Canglin also smiled coldly. The north courtyard has always been the weakest of the five branches. Now he Yao even talks about the north courtyard, which really makes them despise.

"He Yao, you'd better stop talking nonsense. Let the students of the south academy behind you pinch and explode the jade slips. Since you've lost, don't make excuses!" The woman in gauze said coldly that now the south hospital has gone. As long as the students of the South Hospital pinch and explode the transmission jade slips in their hands, the spiritual path test will be completed this time.

"Can't you count? How many people are there here? If all of us pinch and explode the transmission jade slips, the number will not be enough for 100 people at all. Isn't it obvious?"

Minglei roared loudly at this time. They were really oppressed. Such a thing had not been explained for so long. Li Tian and they didn't believe what they said and thought that they set up the big account of the North Hospital.

"Don't talk nonsense. There were few people fishing in troubled waters in the spiritual path test. They were villains hiding in the stone cracks. Even if they were baptized by the spirit, they wouldn't make great achievements in the future. You'd better hurry and don't delay time!"

Cang Lin also said coldly. This time, their branch also suffered heavy losses. If he hadn't reached a consensus with Li Tian and the gauze woman to eat the South courtyard together, otherwise they might lose more.

"Minglei, don't say it again. They won't believe it. We're not as skilled as others. If we lose, we'll lose. After this time, we'll go to the North Hospital and settle accounts with them!"

He Yao's teeth are itching with hatred. Before Lin Feng ran away, he thought these people had never seen the world. They grabbed two inferior spirit tools and ran away directly, but now he knows that Lin Feng must have known about the encirclement and suppression of the third court in advance.

But Li Tian will never believe these words. He is too lazy to say that he will plant it today. However, this account must be recorded on Lin Feng and them. When this time is over, he will take people to the north courtyard to find Lin Feng and them to discuss today's situation!

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