"Although I don't know how you can obtain such strength, I'm sure that this strength definitely doesn't belong to you. You may use some secret method or other means that I don't know. It's powerful enough for you to have such a means at your young age..."

He Mingxuan looked at Lin Feng and continued to say, while Lin Feng stared at him and didn't answer his words. Seeing Lin Feng ignored him, he Mingxuan didn't care, but continued to say: "you must be very uncomfortable now. Your strength is the high level of Linghuang. To control the power of lingzun, your body should be very painful?"

A ferocious smile appeared on he Mingxuan's face, which was also the reason why he took the delaying war at the beginning. He believed that first, Lin Feng's strength could not last too long, and second, he knew that Lin Feng's body must not withstand such a fighting impact, because this strength matched with the strength of the body, which could not be achieved on the one hand.

Lin Feng's pupil suddenly shrinks. He Mingxuan is really powerful. It seems that the strong spirit is not ordinary. However, even this can be inferred. Lin Feng is really uncomfortable now. Although he uses cangyu Wufeng's power more and more, his body has been seriously damaged, and the skin and flesh under his clothes have long been blurred, Blood trickled down his fingertips.

"The old ghost is right. If you don't hurry to kill him, you will be in danger. Let me give you a suggestion. Now use my power and directly take your friends to escape. This is the most correct choice now, but it depends on your ability."

Cangyu Wufeng's disdainful voice came, and he was also in the greatest ability to help Lin Feng. Lin Feng was so tough with he Mingxuan that he consumed his fighting spirit. But if he couldn't defeat he Mingxuan, he had to run away. At this time, old Hong didn't say a word. He wanted to help Lin Feng, but he couldn't do it until the real life and death moment, Because Hong is always Lin Feng's last mace, which is to protect his life.

Lin Feng didn't answer, but still stared at he Shanhe. Now he has made a decision. If he couldn't shake he Mingxuan at the beginning by using the power of cangyu Wufeng, he would give up without hesitation, because this is the strongest means he can use now. If he can't do so, he really can't help it, But now he is deadlocked with he Mingxuan, which is different.

Just now, he constantly used the strength of cangyu Wufeng to show his fighting skills. It was actually an attempt. In particular, the killing seal can condense the fourth way. This itself shows that Lin Feng now coexists with danger and opportunity. He can make use of his strength to maximize, and he still has a card.

Looking at the silent Lin Feng, he Mingxuan knew that he had just stabbed Lin Feng's death. He said he had hit the key of Lin Feng. He had no doubt that it was easy to see through these things with his eyesight, and he was like this at the beginning. When he thought of it, He Mingxuan looked at Lin Feng's sneer and said, "you don't admit that you have nothing to do with me. There's no need to prove it. Now I just have to spend it with you. See what tricks you can have!"

He Mingxuan's voice echoed in the sky, Li shaotian and Mei fang heard it clearly, and they all fell silent, because they all knew that he Mingxuan was right. Although they didn't know what means Lin Feng had such strength, they could see the current reality, Lin Feng has burst out all his strength.

"Are we just waiting to die?"

At this time, Li Xian's eyes were unwilling. At the beginning, when Lin Feng resisted the heavy blows of he Mingxuan again and again, just when Lin Feng broke he Mingxuan's attack with killing seal, Li Xian's heart raised hope. He vaguely felt that Lin Feng could really create miracles, really turn corruption into magic, and really defeat the invincible he Mingxuan.

But now he knows how naive his idea was just now, because he has seen Lin Feng's hand dripping blood. Although he doesn't know how much Lin Feng has been hurt, he Mingxuan seems not to have been hurt at all except for some shock and anger. In this way, their strength is high.

"Nothing. Even if it's death, what's wrong? Lin Feng has tried his best. I have no regret. Later, even if I die, I will kill he Yao and bury him!"

The world of mortals is even more resentful. She resents he Tianju. He Tianju ruined her future. If he Tianju can't be killed today, he Yao's life will pay off. Now everyone's eyes are all focused on the sky. If Lin Fengbai later, he Yao will surrender to them again, and she will take the initiative to surrender, and then take the opportunity to kill he Yao.

"What about the power of spiritual respect? Clowns will always be clowns!"

He Yao's eyes showed a trace of irony. Lin Feng's performance just now made him feel desperate and jealous. But now he clearly saw how serious Lin Feng's injury was. Even if Lin Feng had spiritual strength, it was useless. He felt very happy and satisfied now.

"After all, it's too tender. It's a pity that cangyu Wufeng's strength..."

He Shanhe shook his head with a bitter smile. He was not worried about Lin Feng, because he didn't care about Lin Feng's life and death. He thought about the strength of cangyu Wufeng. He dreamed of having such strength, but it was cheap. Now he feels very sorry as long as he thinks about it.

But at the same time, they also understand that their father, he Mingxuan, the father of the he family, will never let this big trouble stay. With their understanding of he Mingxuan, today's Lin Feng will die, because he Mingxuan's means have always been cruel and merciless.

"Originally I wanted to make you Zhao'an for my use. We in Hezhou can give you enough cultivation resources and help you in Tianling college, but now it seems unnecessary, because I don't like things I can't control, and you are such an existence that I can't control!"

He Mingxuan's eyes became colder and colder. He really loved talents before. After all, Lin Feng's excellence can be seen even by him, but there must be a premise, that is, he can completely control Lin Feng. He must have the strength to absolutely crush Lin Feng, and now Lin Feng's strength has far exceeded his imagination, He can't control Lin Feng at all, so he can't keep Lin Feng alive.

"You old miscellaneous hair still has some eyesight."

Lin Feng looked at he Mingxuan and said faintly that although he was in great pain and his blood was flowing more and more, his whole body seemed to be broken by the strength of cangyu Wufeng, there was no expression change on his face, as if he had not been hurt at all. He Mingxuan was shocked by his mind and endurance.

"If you still have any means, let's make it out."

He Mingxuan's eyes at Lin Feng are full of ridicule and disdain. In his eyes, Lin Feng is at his wit's end now. Even if he fights again, he can't stop any of his attacks. Even now he Mingxuan is worried that if Lin Feng is urging him to fight, will he explode himself directly.

"Of course I can."

Lin Feng's eyes were cold and he Mingxuan said slowly.

"Oh... I'd like to see what else you can do."

He Mingxuan smiled and said that he really admires Lin Feng now. When is it now? He can still be so calm and relaxed. He doesn't know whether it is self-confidence or self abandonment.

"Kill you before my power disappears!"

The cold words seemed not only with any feelings, but also like a murderous God from hell.

"Hahaha... I'm waiting for you to kill me, but if you can't kill me, I'll kill you!"

He Mingxuan's tone was the same, cold, and a fierce look appeared in his deep eyes. He was still quite confident. He believed that Lin Feng had displayed his strongest means now. The strength of the killing seal just now was comparable to that of lingzun. It must be Lin Feng's strongest strength, which he absolutely believed.

"Really, since you are so confident, open your eyes!"

After Lin Feng said that, his figure quickly retreated behind him and wanted to keep a certain distance from he Mingxuan. When he retreated rapidly, his hands were constantly dancing, and then a shocking scene happened again. Spiritual seals flew out of Lin Feng's hands. After flying out, the spiritual seals immediately merged with the air, but with those spiritual seals dissolved in the aura, In Lin Feng's palm, there are still spiritual seals.

Later, in everyone's eyes, Lin Feng's spiritual seals kept appearing in his hands. He glanced away from him and quickly melted into the air. However, Lin Feng condensed the spiritual seals faster and faster. Each spiritual seal appeared in his hands as if it had been ready long ago, and Lin Feng's body glittered farther and farther away, And at the same time, the magic track moves to the extreme.

The shadow appeared one after another in the sky, but the shadow also condensed these spiritual seals. There were a lot of Lin Feng and spiritual seals in the sky. The true and false appeared in the sky and in the eyes of everyone. It shocked everyone again, You know, Lin Feng's every shot today shocked these people.

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