In the blink of an eye, Lin Feng had condensed nearly a hundred spiritual seals. This scene shocked everyone. In the spiritual realm, not everyone can become a spiritual array master, and not everyone has seen a spiritual array master, but everyone knows the legend of the spiritual array master. This is a spiritual array master who can condense a hundred spiritual seals, but only high-level and small spiritual array masters can do it, There is no such high-level little soul array master in the whole Nanyuan continent.

Now Lin Feng has condensed nearly a hundred spiritual seals. What he will do next is well known, but we still can't believe it, because it is to condense the rhythm of the high-level small spiritual array. Such a high-level small spiritual array can be directly killed by even the powerful.

At this time, he Mingxuan's face also changed greatly. Although he is not a spiritual array master, he also knows what concept this can condense into nearly a hundred spiritual arrays. If such a level of spiritual array is successfully arranged by Lin Feng, he will die today, because he knows Du Ming's power of this high-level small spiritual array, and this is already the peak work of the small spiritual array master, If you go any further, you will be the primary spirit array master.

"High level spirit array!"

Although he is not a spirit array master, his experience is extraordinary. He has seen a primary spirit array master and can condense a hundred spiritual seals. There is no doubt that he is a senior little spirit array master. At this time, fear and killing intention appeared in his eyes for the first time. At this moment, he really smelled the danger, He can never let such a thing take shape.

Now his first feeling is to stop all this. He can't be sure that Lin Feng's high-level spirit array is successfully arranged. He can be sure that if Lin Feng arranges the spirit array successfully, his life will be threatened.

You can't let him arrange the spirit array after he succeeds! He Mingxuan shouted in his heart that he is an old Jianghu. Of course, he knows how terrible the power of this high-level small spirit array is, but he also knows that this spirit array is a fatal defect of brother Xiong, that is, the more powerful the spirit array is, the more time he needs, This is why the spirit array division usually forms teams with many strong people.

Because the spirit array has the function of protection, attack and even ability blessing, but the attack and defense of general spirit array masters are very general. Because of the particularity of their spirit array, they are also the most dangerous time when arranging the spirit array. He Mingxuan is convinced of this, so the most important thing now is to kill Lin Feng quickly, This is the safest way.

Without any hesitation, he Mingxuan shot at Lin Feng with killing intention in his eyes. Now he is going to kill Lin Feng immediately before Lin Feng has finished arranging the high-level Xiaoling array, strangling such danger in the cradle.

At this time, the green fighting spirit on his fists was blown out by his fists, and the green fist prints flew towards Lin Feng. At this time, Lin Feng was in the state of array arrangement, and whether there was strong protection around him. In fact, choosing array arrangement at this time is a very dangerous thing.

He Mingxuan's fist prints came towards Lin Feng. Lin Feng's expression remained unchanged and he was constantly arranging the spirit array, but there were two black flames burning on his feet. Just when those fist prints were about to hit him, the corners of his mouth rose slightly, and those fist prints went straight through him.

Remnant shadow!

He Mingxuan was shocked. Now he did his best, but even so, he didn't hit Lin Feng, and countless Lin Feng appeared in the sky to arrange the spirit array, but his fist prints passed through Lin Feng's body one by one and didn't hit Lin Feng.

"Do you really think your body shape and fighting skills are invincible, naive little bastard!"

He Mingxuan snorted coldly. After that, Lin Feng's green awn also appeared on the whole person, and the whole person turned into a green meteor, and the speed suddenly increased several times. As a strong person with spiritual respect, his body fighting skills are also natural. Now Lin Feng's speed is much faster than him, so he will catch up with Lin Feng in speed.

"Your boy will die!"

With a loud drink, he Mingxuan's figure also became illusory. Later, the whole person even became like a water flow, as if it followed the fluctuation of the surrounding aura. Then, like a sharp sword, there were countless illusory residual shadows, rushing towards the residual shadows of Lin Feng.

But his figure is still very strange, just like the ink dripping into the story. With the rapid outward diffusion of the surrounding aura, his figure is also getting lighter and lighter. Gradually, the blood residual shadows all become very faint, forming a huge and incomparable net, covering all the residual shadows of Lin Feng inside.

"My master's fighting skill is called 'catch all in one net'. If you escape directly, I really can't deal with you, but you are arranging the spirit array now. The range of activity is so small. I don't believe you can hide!"

The voice of he Mingxuan, who had disappeared, echoed in the sky at this time. The strong man of lingzun hummed and integrated himself with the spirit of heaven and earth to such a point. This can't be learned in the open room, because his strength is borrowed, not his real strength. Although his attack and defense can be comparable to the strong man of lingzun, this feeling is far from enough.

Now he Mingxuan's spirit respecting body fighting skill is to build his body fighting skill on the integration with heaven and earth. He actually integrates with heaven and earth and directly integrates with heaven and earth. This fighting skill can be said to be quite powerful. Even Lin Feng has to admit that he Mingxuan is powerful.

However, although he Mingxuan's fighting skills are very strong, Lin Feng does not have no countermeasures. That is, he no longer limits his range of activities to the vicinity of the array, but flies all over the sky. In this way, although it delays the array time, he lengthens his range of activities infinitely, and his virtual and real figure skips through the sky, because he also knows, He Mingxuan's fighting skills are also limited in scope and cannot be spread indefinitely.

However, he Mingxuan couldn't catch up with Lin Feng at all when he Mingxuan tried his best to show his body fighting skills. This surprised he Mingxuan. He had to admit that Lin Feng's speed now gave him a headache. He also had to use his last card. Although he was still reluctant, the current situation has been completely reversed by Lin Feng.

At the beginning, he wanted to delay the battle with Lin Feng, because Lin Feng's body can't last too long. If he delays the time, it will be very unfavorable to Lin Feng and even drag Lin Feng to death. But now the situation is completely reversed. If he successfully arranges this with the high-level small spirit array, he can't stand it, So now he can't delay any more.

Since he can't delay time, he has to make a quick decision, but his fighting skills are not as fast as Lin Feng. Under such circumstances, he has to use a unique skill that he doesn't want to use. Although once he uses it, he will be greatly eaten and consumed, but now he can't delay.

At this time, the spirit array arranged by Lin Feng also had a slight fluctuation, which was shocking. He Mingxuan felt the fluctuation, and his face was even more ugly, because he really didn't want to use that means, but the current situation can't allow him to doubt it.

He Mingxuan suddenly appeared in the air. At this time, he stared at Lin Feng. At this time, there had been a strong aura fluctuation behind Lin Feng, which made him feel very uneasy. A dangerous feeling gradually appeared in his heart. A huge spirit array had faintly appeared in the dark gray of Lin Feng. Obviously, it was difficult for him to stop Lin Feng's spirit array now.

"Since you can't stop it, let me smash him completely!"

He Mingxuan's strong murderous voice echoed in the whole sky. The voice had a strong spiritual dignity. It was obvious that he Mingxuan was extremely irritable now. He never dreamed that Lin Feng could force him to this step.

At this time, he hovered in the air, and then slowly closed his eyes. Mysterious fingerprints were formed in his hands. His muscles began to soar slowly, and white light began to appear all over his body. This scene shocked all the people on the scene.

Because at this time, they not only felt the pressure of spiritual dignity, but also felt the smell of monsters and bloodthirsty animals. This scene, which they didn't think of, was also the source of their shock.

"No, why do I have a creepy feeling?"

"It's like a murderer is here!"

"Me too. This feeling is amazing!"


Just when everyone was still surprised by what had happened just now, their pupils all shrunk in an instant. They were shocked and speechless in the sky. Even he Shanhe and Li shaotian were all the same. They couldn't believe it if they hadn't seen it with their own eyes.

At this time, he Mingxuan's body shrouded in white light was constantly expanding. Gradually, all his lichen clothes were bulging, his forehead gradually protruded forward, and his mouth gradually grew longer. At the root of his neck, there were two big bags, which became bigger and bigger, gradually broke his skin, and two heads appeared in blood, These two heads are also gradually changing, and they are no longer in shape.

The fingers shrink shorter and shorter, the nails become longer and longer, the legs become thicker and shorter, the body is elongated, the ears become longer, and white animal hair grows on his body. Behind him, a furry snow-white tail gradually takes shape

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