Ultimate Scheming System

Vol 3 Chapter 238: Empress arrives!

"Ah! Officials..."

Within the entire boudoir, suddenly filled with a scent of awkwardness.

Xu Xiao never thought about it. When he was actually pushed back, what jokes did he dare to push me? Look at my silver gun bully seven times Lang Jun!

"Hey! Eat me awesome!"

Xu was immediately anti-customer, until he completely took the initiative, and Mrs. Ya’s voice rang in the boudoir...

This night, bumping down the phoenix!

Mrs. Ya released the grievances that had accumulated for more than ten years, and it was completely released this night.

This night, the fire country has been blessed by the **** of Vulcan for thousands of years, and with the redness of the trampoline, it is also broken in silence!



When the morning rain and the rain hang quietly on the green leaves outside the window, Xu Xiaoyi opened his eyes with great enjoyment. It has been a long time since I have not slept so well.

Looking at Mrs. Ya in her arms, Xu couldn't help but recall the madness of last night. Who knows that a song "Minhang" combined with the strength of his four-star musicians would have such an amazing effect?

Mrs. Ya is not afraid of being married to a woman of Vulcan. Every time she thinks about it, Xu deficiency can’t help but feel awkward. Is this a big green hat for Vulcan?

However, it’s not too late to look at the time. Xu’s lack of the most important thing to do today is that I have collected the tears of Mrs. Ya’s tears. Below... I’m going to find the dog emperor’s account, and arrest him to go to the Imperial Tomb. Pumping his blood.

"Sleep safely! When you wake up, everything will change to the ground!"

Gently stroked the distressed face of Mrs. Ya, Xu Xiao slowly got up, dressed lightly and gently, and left the room of Mrs. Ya quite reluctantly.

But as a generation of forced kings, how can they be hampered by the temporary children's personal feelings?

It is a great undertaking that can last a lifetime.

Xu lacked his chest and left the room of Mrs. Ya.

At this time, the sunshine outside the house is bright and the flowers are green and green. It is a good day.

Xu lacks all the way to sneak out to the exit, is preparing to continue to condense the soul, forcibly embarked on the ban, but heard a conversation coming from afar!

He turned his head and saw that there were two banquets in the Yuan Ying period. He was kneeling at the gate of the other house, guarding the door and talking!

"It’s not very flat recently. First, the horses came to seek revenge. Then they bombed the sky and sent people to steal the mausoleum!”

"This is definitely a preparation. Before the emergence of the former Hummer, wouldn’t I have to send Li Bai out? This fried gang is really a bad thing, it’s all elite arrogance!"

"However, it is still useless. Since the Emperor ordered the search for Li Bai, the man disappeared, and the Hummer eventually ran. Now, a young man has entered the Imperial Tomb, and most of them are also looking for a dead end!"

"This is also true. It seems that the Emperor lost his face, but the result is that the Fengtian lost a Tianjiao, and the other two are busy running away!"

"But today, the day when the female emperor of the Shuiyuan Kingdom visited, the security in the city is very strict, that is, there is fear that there will be other people in the sky to help trouble!"

"Why isn't it, even the people are ordered not to go out, the vendors in the streets and alleys of the city are also pretending to be guarded by us!"

"Unfortunately, here we have no chance to see the female emperor, rumored that she has the face of the country, but also the emperor of the world."

"Haha, but if there is a person who has a blasting gang to dare to make trouble, it is sure to escape the wings!"

"Sure, when the woman's emperor said how to get it, plus the fire emperor, I am afraid that it will be useless to come to ten."


The two guards talked and laughed.

Xu’s lack of coldness appeared behind the two people, and a sneer smirked at the corner of his mouth: “Really? Is it ten useless?”



The two guards suddenly changed their faces and turned quickly.

However, Xu lacks not want to talk nonsense, quickly two fists, go directly to the faces of the two!

“Hey!” “Hey!”

The two guards did not even have the chance to react, and they fell to the ground and fell into a coma.

If you change to an ordinary monk, you can't do this step. The lack of the Pluto's prison body has two properties full of layers, the body is as hard as steel, the strength of this punch is no less than a strong method. Oh.

The strength of the giant mountain's fist hit the two faces, but fortunately the two guards have reached the Yuan Ying period, otherwise they will have been beaten with a punch!

"What water emperor is the emperor, the other emperors are coming, I will still clean up!"

Xu missed the clap, took a look at the two faint guards, and was preparing to walk away, but suddenly the flash of light flashed, his eyes fell on the tokens between the two waists!

Guarding, posing as a trader?

"Oh, this is interesting!"

Xu lacked a smile, and with a big hand, he took the tokens of the two guards into his palm.

Afterwards, he took out a shackle and took off the **** suit of one of them. He changed it to himself and turned it into a water snake with water. He quickly tied the two guards into a ball, and gently mentioned it. I threw it into the utility room in Mrs. Ya’s garden.

Before leaving, I also made a small ban to avoid the two people escape or be discovered!

After doing all this, Xu lacked the imperial palace ban, and a token with the word "forbidden" was placed at the waist, and he swayed out.

However, the appearance has always changed, Xu Wei had to spend twenty points to force the value, bought a common human skin mask, this time did not make it too handsome, directly drumming an ordinary face!

All the way to the street, many places are very deserted.

The people in the city are forbidden to go out, making the entire imperial city like an empty city!

The only incomparable main road that entered the city was very lively and lit up.

This is the way to go when you meet the female emperor.

Many hawkers are doing business as usual on both sides of the street, posing stalls, and some guards are walking from the street from time to time!

Many people have a hint of excitement on their faces. They don't seem to worry about the bombing of the sky, but they are all looking forward to the arrival of the female emperor of the water!

Another small group of people are looking very dignified, and they are really vigilant around to prevent people from coming out to make trouble!

After Xu’s lack of reading, he laughed and laughed: “This dog emperor is really going to play, looking for a group of guards to go to fake hawkers, but also at what means, to cover up their cultivation, just want to wait for me to appear, Yin I What?"

I have to say that this move is quite standard.

The banters of counterfeit hawkers are all good players in the Yuan Ying period. Such a cover-up repair, plus the monks are basically undefended for mortals. If these fake hawkers suddenly have trouble, it is really possible to make a surprise!

However, Xu Xiao has already seen everything, with a light smile, and is looking for opportunities to mix into the Guard!

But at this moment, a guard head looked at Xu Xiao, and suddenly came forward, and frowned and said: "The one who is in a daze, hurry up, just two poor hawker positions ~ www.readwn.com~ you follow I am one by one, go get the clothes on."

During the speech, the guard head threw an ordinary coarse linen to Xu Xiao, and pointed to a pork stall on the street and said: "You will be responsible for pretending to sell meat."

I rely on it.

Xu missed his eyes wide open, I am so handsome, how dare you let me sell pork on the street?

However, after touching the face disguised by the new-person leather mask, Xu lacked to turn around silently, and put on a coarse linen coat, and took a killing knife in his hand and came to the post!

I don’t think that this fake face looks like a butcher who kills pigs, but feels that it can be counted, and that the fire emperor can play this bad trick, he can also play.

"Looking for someone to pretend to be a hawker to deal with me? Hey, then I will personally pretend to be a hawker, and you will be caught off guard!"

Xu deficiency is disguised as a pig scorpion, hidden in the crowd, waiting for the moment when the fire emperor appears, he borrowed his rotten yin, and insulted him in the past!

Come on, come on, silly - forced fire!

My hog knife is already hungry and thirsty!

Your ancestors also couldn’t help but want to dance!


Xu Xiaoyue wants to feel more stimulating, this forced him to be fixed!


At this moment, at the entrance of the Imperial City, a loud horn sounded loudly, and it was well-rounded!

Everyone turned around and looked around!

An old **** rode into the city, suddenly grabbed the reins, gasped Shen Dan, and slammed the sharp scorpion, and said: "The Shuiyuan Kingdom Supreme Master Xuanwu Emperor is driving!"



[The third is sent! Some things are not stipulated, otherwise they will be harmonious! When I have time, I will write to the group to return you! I am still in the next chapter, probably before 1 am. But if you want to go to work tomorrow, go to bed early, don't learn to stay up all night, and you will look the same tomorrow. 】

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