Ultimate Scheming System

Vol 3 Chapter 239: Talk about life!


A powerful cavalry is an advanced city, magnificent and powerful!

Later, under the support of Wan Jun, she was a woman wearing a blue flame robes and a footed sword. She was carrying her hands behind her back, graceful and luxurious, with a faint smile, like the goddess of the world. Mang overflows!

However, under this peaceful Huimang, there is a kind of vagueness that threatens the world. Although the foot is the Supreme Yunshui Sword, when people look up, they feel invisible, as if they are stepping on the whole world. At the foot.

This is the water emperor, the legendary emperor of the supreme power of the Yuan Dynasty, and the only female emperor among the five countries!

However, after Xu’s lack of turning his head, he was stupid in an instant!

Female emperor?

Is she a female emperor? I rely on!

"How is it possible?" Xu couldn't help but shout.

The female emperor who is supported by this tens of thousands of people is actually the woman he met on the Tower of the Spirit!

The woman who made him unforgettable.

When I first saw it on the tower of the spiritual domain, Xu’s first feeling was that this is definitely a woman who can be found by the gods.

She is too calm, as if she will never be angry, always very generous, like a kindly elder to treat the world, very peaceful!

She has the beauty of the country, but she has more kindness than the fairy who does not eat the fireworks.

The body is as quiet as water, but it is so light that it is hard to remember!

Xu deficiency is completely dumbfounded.

He also had guessed the identity of this woman at the beginning, at most, it was the big man of Tianxiang Valley. After all, the baby changed period, it was normal!

In any case, I did not expect this woman, actually the rumored female emperor!

If life is just like seeing it!

A woman who can only marry a god, I did not expect it to be a female emperor!

Xu lacks his head and feels his feelings. He does not intend to reveal his identity. He will still shoot at the Emperor, and he will not be able to give up!

And... If the female emperor helps the fire emperor, he will not keep it!

As a generation of forced kings, the principle must be there, there must be a force, and the force must be loaded in the end!


"Welcome to the Water King! Long live the Water King, long live!"

At this time, as the female emperor entered the city, the fake hawkers on the street, patrolling and guarding, all shouted in unison!

The sound is deafening and resounding!

This is also their heartfelt cry, the legendary emperor known as the arrogant woman, they have long admired for a long time, I have long wanted to see the truth.

Now I saw it with my own eyes, and I was dumped in an instant!


At this time, the heart of the female emperor's face, but there was a wave of waves!

"He is here too?"

She was very surprised in her heart, sensing the existence of that person, the flower singer who once made her feel amazing!

When Xu was missing from the tower of the spiritual domain, the female emperor Hongyan took a token and landed on Xu’s body. Although the token had been taken up by Xu, it still left a mark on him. As a result, when the red face entered the Imperial City, it suddenly felt the breath of this silk mark.

However, at this time, she was a little surprised except for her eyes, her face remained indifferent, and her eyes were searched in the crowd.

The female emperor believes that the "flower is no shortage" is nearby!

Step by step, along the wide and unparalleled street, facing countless hot eyes, the female emperor sensed the scent of the silk imprint, and it is getting stronger and stronger.

Her calm heart, at this moment, there is a trace of speeding up.

She is very much looking forward to see if there is another strange thing to appear if she sees the interesting boy again.


Just then, through several stalls on both sides of the street, the female emperor suddenly stumbled.

Followed by her, her mouth slightly raised a smile.

She found it!

Not far from the front, a meat stall, the ordinary look of the man who holds the pig knife, has her breath imprinted.

‘There is no shortage of flowers, I found you! ‘The female emperor’s heart is silent!

Although Xu's appearance changed, the female emperor suddenly recognized him, because she recognized the thief's squinting eyes, how the appearance of a person changed and disguised, but the eyes could not fool people.

'The eyes are the windows of the soul! ’

The female emperor smiled again, remembering the words that Xu had said on the tower of the spiritual domain.

However, at that time, Xu was only trying to marry her. He tried a method on the previous generation network. It was because the two sides looked at each other for a few tens of seconds, so they could have a good impression. So they just used such a sentence as an excuse.

Now he must have forgotten it, but the female emperor remembered it. It seems that Xu’s original words and deeds are all in the eyes of the female emperor.

The stop of the female emperor also made people in the whole place slightly stunned and confused.

How did Shuihuang’s Majesty stop?

Could it be that we did something wrong?

No, everything is done according to the instructions of the Emperor, no mistakes, and it is rumored that the female emperor is approachable and very close to the people. It is impossible to care about these welcoming ceremonies. Why did it suddenly stop?

However, the next moment, the act of the female emperor made everyone stunned.

She actually walked down to the Supreme Yunshui Sword, stepped forward to a stall selling jewelry at the street, arbitrarily picked up a pair of earrings and looked at the hawker posing as a female escort. She smiled and said: "How does this earring sell? ”

"Oh, ten... ten money!"

"I want it!" The female emperor took out ten pennies and gently put it on the booth, taking away the pair of earrings!

Then, with the horror of everyone, she slowly moved to the next booth.

Everyone is dumbfounded.

The female emperor actually came to the streets, and also spent money to buy things in the mortal world!


Several old eunuchs who were responsible for the female emperor also had a wrong time.

But no one dared to speak, the audience was almost silent, and the eyes were watching the female emperor, waiting quietly on the side!

Xu lacked the fact that he did not pay much attention to the female emperor. Instead, he frequently turned his gaze to the direction of the palace. In the heart, the Emperor of the Fire Emperor did not come out.

As a result, the audience suddenly became quiet, let him squat, and when he turned his head, he realized that the female emperor was actually shopping!

I rely on oh, this woman also learned to force it?

Xu lacked to see some fun.

But the next moment, when the female emperor bought an ordinary handkerchief, and walked straight to his booth, Xu lacked it!

Nima, I am selling pork. What are you doing?

Xu is unbelievable and can't figure out what the female emperor wants to do.

But the female emperor still came to him, with a faint smile on his face, his eyes falling on the pieces of pork on the stall, whispered: "Good meat, how is the business?"

"Oh, let's go!" Xu lacked a slight sigh, and always felt that he seemed to be seen by others.

“How much has it sold?” the female emperor asked again.

Xu lacked the touch of the nose: "I didn't sell a pound today!"


"Because you are here, the people will not let go." Xu did not hesitate to answer.

Everyone in the audience suddenly widened their eyes. I rely on what I am doing, what is the truth?

The female emperor did not care, as if she had already known, still looking at Xu deficiency, smiled and said: "That... I bought 2 pounds!"

"Do not sell." Xu lacked direct rejection.

All the people in the audience slammed, what happened to this guy? Shuihuang wants to buy meat, you sell it~www.readwn.com~What do you say so much?

"Why?" The female emperor's face still has a deep smile.

Xu lacked a grin and really pretended to kill piglets. He said: "Because you don't come when you have 200 yuan per catty. After you come, you can only sell 20 yuan per catty. I will lose a pound. 180 text, selling two pounds lost 360 text, so you are still going, go to other booths to see."

Everyone has completely stayed, what is the situation? Is this the fact that this guy is not a ban, but a real people, mixed in to sell pork?

"No problem, you can sell 200 yuan per catty!" The female emperor continued.

"Still not." Xu lacked his head again.

"What is this again?"

"Because I am not selling meat, I am actually a Guard."

"Hey!" The whole audience immediately took a sip of cold air and looked stunned. Is this defensive crazy? Did you say this? If the Fire King knows, I must pack you!

The female emperor did not expect that the lack of Xu should be so simple, slightly stunned, and there was a smile on his eyes: "That... call your captain and talk to him about life."

"Hey...who is talking about who's life?" Xu lacked some emptiness and felt like he was really recognized.

"Talk about you." The female emperor whispered.

When Xu was absent, his mouth was soaked, and he was recognized. How did the woman guess it?

Immediately, he squinted and shook his head: "No, the captain is selling seafood!"



[It’s been an hour late, it’s really sleepy today, and the efficiency is getting lower, but the fourth is still done. But I am especially late at night, and today is special Monday, can you vote for me, can you reward me for rushing to the list, the local tyrants of Wannian, you are going to shoot, tomorrow I promise Update it soon. 】

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