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On the roof of an old warehouse

, a white figure appeared. This person was Woz in white.

Woz in white frowned, and his hands holding the e-book and pen trembled slightly.

"Ultimate Woz, Ultimate Zi-O......What on earth is going on?"White Woz said to himself.

In this era, these two people should not exist.

What kind of existence are they?

That Ultimate Woz actually has the ability to stop him from guiding the future!

"We must try again. No matter what, Oma Zi-O must not appear. No one can stop him!"

White-clothed Woz picked up a pen and wrote furiously on the e-book. After a moment, he finished with a handsome ending and the e-book closed with a bang. White

-clothed Woz looked up at the sky. He had arranged everything. He hoped that everything would proceed according to his design.

"Alien ninja, let me use your power for once……"

On the other side,

Gates did not find the alien ninja, and returned to meet Xiao Tian and others.

""Gates, did you know that another Woz has appeared?"

Tokiwa Sougo excitedly ran to Gates and gestured with his hands while talking.

Gates frowned and said,"Another Woz has appeared? What does that mean? Are there three Woz now? Xiaotian, what's going on?"

Xiao Tian raised the corners of his mouth slightly and looked at Gates with amusement.

What's going on?

This White Woz appeared because of you, Gates.

But Gates doesn't know it yet, and everything has become more interesting.

White Woz serves Gates, Black Woz serves Tokiwa Sougo, and Ultimate Woz serves him.

From now on, it seems that his Ultimate Woz is stronger, White Woz is second, and Black Woz is the weakest. Poor Tokiwa Sougo.

"Don't worry about Woz. Where is the alien ninja? Have you found it?"

Gates sighed and shook his head."I can't find it. God knows where he ran to. Damn, he ran really fast."

Tsukuyomi suddenly pointed to the front and shouted:"Look! That's……!"

A purple figure appeared not far in front of them and walked towards them.

Everyone immediately focused their attention and looked at the person who came with caution.

Because the person who came was the alien ninja!

"I will never let you get away this time!"

Gates took out the watch and started it, and loaded it into the watch head.


"RIDE.TIME! (Knight time!)"

"KAMENRIDER.GEIZ (Masked Rider Gates!)"

Gates transformed into a Kamen Rider and rushed towards the alien ninja without saying anything. The alien ninja also changed from walking to running, and the two quickly fought together.

"I'll go too, I must avenge myself for getting wet last time!"

Tokiwa Sougo transformed into Kamen Rider Zi-O and rushed up to join the battle.

Xiao Tian just watched quietly without making a move.

Tsukuyomi asked curiously:"Aren't you going to go, Xiaotian?"

Xiao Tian did not answer, his eyes rolled left and right, as if he was looking for something

"What are you looking at?"

Tsukuyomi looked around but saw nothing.

"The appearance of the alien ninja should be designed by White Woz, otherwise he would not be so stupid to come back and ask for a beating. White Woz should appear again."

"As expected of the Ultimate Zi-O, his guess is accurate."

A voice sounded beside Xiao Tian's ears. Xiao Tian looked up and saw Wozniacki in white standing on the roof, holding the iconic e-book in his hand.

"I wrote the future in this book. Whether it is the alien knights or you, you will act according to what is written in the book.……"

Xiao Tian interrupted ruthlessly:"Are you forgetful? Ultimate Wozniacki just slapped you in the face, and you forgot so quickly?"

The white-clothed Wozniacki's face suddenly turned dark,"That was just a coincidence."

Ultimate Wozniacki appeared behind Xiao Tian and said with a smile:

"Coincidence? If saying this makes you feel better, then think so."

White Woz snorted coldly:"I advise you not to underestimate me, otherwise you will regret it!"

In order to show his strength and shock them, White Woz snapped his fingers, and the surrounding environment lit up with purple light.

After the light dissipated, the environment around them changed, and moved from a road to a dilapidated warehouse.

""What's going on?!"

Gates was shocked. How could the environment change while he was fighting?

In the blink of an eye, the alien ninja seized the opportunity and punched him in the face, knocking him to the ground.

"Don't be dazed, Woz! Get rid of the alien knight first!"

Zi-O attacked the alien ninja, Gates turned over and stood up, no longer caring about the changes in the surrounding environment, and continued to participate in the battle.

Woz in white smiled proudly and said:"What do you think, am I very powerful? I tell you, this is just me……"

There was another snap.

But this time, it was Ultimate Woz who did it.


White-clothed Wozniacki was shocked. The surroundings lit up with red light. In just a moment, they returned to the original road.

"Is this amazing?"

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