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Ultimate Woz smiled faintly and spread his hands, showing the aura of a king.

Invisible pretense is the most deadly.

White Woz frowned and stared at Ultimate Woz. He was choked by a word and had no words to answer.

He was very angry, but he had no way to deal with Ultimate Woz.

He could feel that this Ultimate Woz was not simple, and his strength was definitely above his!

White Woz asked coldly:"Who are you?"

"Who am I? Haha, isn't it obvious? I am a minister of His Majesty the Ultimate Zi-King."

"Ultimate Zi-O? Who is he? Why does this person exist?"

"The existence of His Majesty the Ultimate Zi-King is not something you can understand, and you are not qualified to ask. You only need to know that His Majesty the Ultimate Zi-King will be the strongest king in the world."


White-clothed Woz secretly gritted his teeth. Will this Ultimate Zi-O also become the so-called king who dominates the world like Oma Zi-O?

If so, this world will have a huge disaster.

What he has to do is to prevent this disaster from happening!

"Be low-key Woz, talking about being a king or something like that is so low-key."Xiao Tian complained.

Ultimate Woz bowed respectfully to Xiao Tian and said,"I'm sorry, Your Majesty the Ultimate Time King"

"That's enough, you two!"

White-clothed Wozniacki roared, staring closely at Xiao Tian and Ultimate Wozniacki.

"Why are you so angry?"

Xiao Tian grinned. It seemed that their appearance had caused a lot of trouble for Bai Woz.

I remember when I was watching the show, Bai Woz was so crazy, as if the world was under his control.

Where have I seen him look so frustrated?

"Are you guys Oma Zi-O's accomplices?" White Woz asked.

Xiao Tian smiled and said,"Accomplices? What a harsh word. Oma Zi-O still has a role to play for me.""

"You guys are really an accomplice!"

White Woz secretly gritted his teeth. Now his enemy is not only Oma Zi-O, but also the Ultimate Zi-O in front of him!

Moreover, he has never known this Ultimate Zi-O before, and he doesn't know how strong he is.

Judging from the strength of Ultimate Woz, this Ultimate Zi-O is probably not simple.

It is difficult to deal with it with the power of him and Gates alone...

There is no other way, he can only try how much energy this Ultimate Zi-O has!

"If you think so, then so be it."Xiao Tian said indifferently.

Anyway, he still had to help Tokiwa Sougo become Oma Zi-O, so there was nothing wrong with what he said.

Tsukuyomi was confused. She still didn't understand what they were talking about, nor did she understand where this white-clothed Woz came from.

"Who are you and what is your purpose here?"

Wozniacki in white said coldly,"Humph, isn't it obvious? Including me, there are three Wozniackis now. As for my purpose, I can only reveal a little bit now, which is:……"

"Get the time table of the alien ninja!"

Tsukuyomi said in surprise:"You know the alien ninja?"

"It's normal that you don't know, because in your history, Kamen Rider Ninja does not exist"

"No, no, no, that's not what I meant. I'm just surprised how you knew that?"


Woz in white was stunned for a moment,"You also know about the alien ninja?"

"Is there anything strange about this?"

White Woz looked at them strangely. It seemed that the history he knew had changed. Seeing that White Woz did not answer her question directly, Yue Du had to ask Xiao Tian:

"Xiaotian, what's going on? Why are there so many Wozniacki?"

"He came to 2019 from a different future time and space from yours. In that different future time and space, there was no Oma Zi-O, and this White Woz was born from that."

"A different future?……"

"You know quite a lot, so I can't hide it anymore."

Woz in white walked towards the Kamen Rider Gates who was fighting. Gates happened to be blown to the ground by the alien ninja and fell in front of Woz in white.

Hearing the footsteps coming from behind, Gates looked back and saw a Woz in white standing behind him.

Gates was startled and said,"Are you the Woz in white they are talking about! ?"

Woz in white did not answer, but half-knelt on the ground respectfully.

Gates was stunned. What was going on?

Woz knelt down to him? Has the world changed?

"Hello, Lord Savior"


Gates was confused when he heard this. When did he save the world?

"On the Day of Oma not long after, the one who put an end to Oma Zi-O and changed history was none other than you - the Resurrectionist Gates!"

"Resurrection Gates?"

"I came to 2019 on purpose to help you."

White Woz stood up and a translucent green panel appeared in front of him. White Woz skillfully operated it a few times and selected a transformation belt.

The translucent transformation belt gradually solidified and floated out of the green panel, turning into a green belt.

White Woz took the belt and placed it on his lower abdomen, and the belt was automatically fixed.

"BEYONDRIVER(Beyond Drive! )"_

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