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Gates was shocked and said,"Is this a transformation belt?!"

How could it be? Could Woz also transform into a Kamen Rider?

No way!

Woz in white took out a silver watch and turned it on. It lit up green and loaded it into the watch head on the belt.

"That's a clock!"

Gates stared. Is this true?!

A strange voice sounded:



Wozniacki in white said elegantly,"Transform."

A translucent green screen appeared behind him.

"TOUEI!FUTURE.TIME (Projection! Future time!)"

"SOGOIJIDAIMIRAI (Great! Times! Future!)"

"KAMENRIDER.WOZ! (Masked Rider Woz!)"

The green light enveloped the white-clothed Woz. After the light faded, the white-clothed Woz transformed into a Kamen Rider.

"I am Kamen Rider Woz, the creator of the future."

Kamen Rider Woz posed in an elegant manner, thinking he was very handsome.

Gates looked at Kamen Rider Woz in surprise, and couldn't believe what he saw.

"Woz, you can actually transform into Kamen Rider?!"

This is too fucking unscientific!

"Transformed into Kamen Rider...."

Tsukuyomi's eyes widened in surprise.

In the future they knew, Woz shouldn't become Kamen Rider.

This future has changed a lot.

"Let me show you my skills first, you ninja, I'll start with you."


A green spear appeared in the hand of Kamen Rider Woz, and the alien ninja rushed towards Kamen Rider Woz

"YARISUGI! (Long spear thrust!)"

The green spear glowed green, and it thrust out, leaving a green afterimage in the air, stabbing the alien ninja, sparks burst out, and the alien ninja fell back to the ground.

Kamen Rider Woz continued to attack the alien ninja, and the alien ninja fought back, and the two fought together

""Woz, can you also become a Kamen Rider?"

Xiao Tian asked the Ultimate Woz next to him.

The Ultimate Woz said respectfully:"Your Majesty, the Ultimate Zi-O,"


Xiao Tian's eyes flashed with excitement, and then returned to calm.

It is indeed her ultimate Woz, and its functions are not inferior to the other two Woz.

"Do you need me to join the battle, Your Majesty the Ultimate Time King?"

"Then go up and show your skills."

"As you command, Your Majesty the Ultimate Zi-O."

Ultimate Woz bowed respectfully, then unbuttoned his red windbreaker, revealing the transformation belt around his waist.

Ultimate Woz took out a fiery red watch and turned it on, loading the watch head and rotating it.

"ULTIMATE.WOZ! (Ultimate Woz!)"

Tsukuyomi, who was concentrating on watching the battle, was shocked when he heard the sound of transformation. He turned around and saw that Ultimate Woz was actually transforming!

"Oh my god! No way!!"

Tsukuyomi covered his mouth with his hands, his eyes wide open, looking at Ultimate Woz in shock.

Both Woz can transform into Kamen Rider!

What happened to history!

It's going to change!


The Kamen Rider who was fighting noticed the change of Ultimate Woz, kicked the Alien Rider away, and looked at him in shock.

A thousand grass mud horses flew through Woz's heart.......

This is the Ultimate Woz! Why does he seem to be omnipotent?

The power he was so proud of seemed to be nothing in front of the Ultimate Woz. Tokiwa

Sougo watched the Ultimate Woz transform with a gloomy face....

My own Woz...

Tokiwa Sougo shouted in his heart,"I want to return the goods!!!"

Ultimate Woz opened his hands slightly and said softly:


"FUTURE.RIDER.TIME (Future Knight Time!)"

A fiery red translucent"WOZ"The words appeared behind Ultimate Woz and instantly attached to his body.

"KAMENRIDER.ULTIMATE.WOZ!(Kamen Rider Ultimate Woz! )"

Ultimate Woz quickly put on a set of armor and transformed into a fiery red Kamen Rider.

""Fuck, OK, OK."

Xiao Tian carefully examined it for a few times. This red armor is domineering and a bit handsome. Gates is also red, but it is much more handsome than Gates.

"All this is thanks to you, the Ultimate Zi-O. Compared to you, the Ultimate Zi-O, I am far inferior."

Xiao Tian was stunned for a moment, then realized that it was his appearance that led to the appearance of another future.

The other future had his future self, the Ultimate Woz, who also came from that time.

"Oh, modesty"

"Your Majesty, the Ultimate Time King, who should I beat up?"

Who should I beat up?

Xiao Tian grinned. This tone is a bit too much.

"Let's see who wins between the two of them. You get to beat up whoever wins. Okay?"

"As you command, Your Majesty the Ultimate Zi-O."

Kamen Rider Ultimate Woz stood behind Xiao Tian, quietly watching the battle between Kamen Rider Woz and the Alien Ninja.

Kamen Rider kicked the Alien Ninja away, took out his exclusive e-book, and wrote quickly on it:

"The alien ninja was fighting hard, but Wozniacki's flying kick knocked him down."

The e-book lit up green, Kamen Rider Wozniacki put away the book, rushed out quickly, jumped up, and kicked down, kicking the alien ninja in the chest. The alien ninja rolled more than ten meters away on the ground.

"It seems the results are out. Come on, Woz."

"As you command, Your Majesty the Ultimate Zi-O."

Kamen Rider Ultimate Woz stepped out step by step, seemingly slowly but actually very fast, and instantly appeared in front of Kamen Rider Woz!_Faloo reminds you: Three things to do when reading - Collection

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