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TảStart time: 0.171s Scan time: 0.690sChapter


"Uncle Tokiwa, let's go out for a while."

Xiao Tian took Mika out of the Chaojiuwanwutang. Tokiwa Junichiro didn't even raise his head, but just replied lightly:

"Stay safe and come back soon..."......

Chengyang University of Science and Technology




"you....What do you want to do?"

"Give me your knowledge!"

The alien QUIZ grabbed the man's head, and a faint stream of light flowed from the man's head to the alien QUIZ, and the man fainted.

Gates, Tsukuyomi and Tokiwa Sougo arrived first. Gates and Tokiwa Sougo looked at each other and nodded at the same time.

"let's go!"


The two took out their watches and rushed towards the alien QUIZ

"ZI-O! (Zi-O!)"



"RIDER.TIME! (Knight time!)"

"KAMENRIDER.ZI-O (Masked Rider Zi-O!)"

"KAMENRIDER.GEIZ (Masked Rider Gates!)"

The two transformed Kamen Riders attacked the Alien QUIZ at the same time. Before the Alien QUIZ could react, he was beaten up by the two.

At the school gate, Xiao Tian and Mei Jia arrived and saw a large number of students running away. Xiao Tian and the Alien Riders were already fighting inside.

"Let's hurry up."

Xiao Tian led Meijia and trotted against the flow of people. In front of a teaching building, he saw Gates and Zi Wang beating up an alien knight.

"It's coming so fast"

"They are fighting, Brother Xiaotian, do you want to go and help?"

"Not for now, let's see how things go."

"Sister Tsukuyomi is over there, let's go over there."

Mika saw Tsukuyomi, who didn't notice their arrival at this time, and was nervously watching the people who were fighting. Xiao Tian led Mika over.


Hearing Xiaotian's voice, Yuedu was startled for a moment, and turned around to see Xiaotian and Mika standing behind him.

""Sister Mika, why are you here too?"

Before the two could reply, Tsukuyomi looked at Xiao Tian with disdain and blamed him:

"How can you bring Meijia to such a place? It's so dangerous. What if something happens to Meijia?"

Miya said first:"Sister Tsukuyomi, don't blame Xiaotian. I came here on my own."

Tsukuyomi still looked at Xiaotian with disdain, took Meijia's hand, and forcibly separated Meijia and Xiaotian.

""Sister Mika, you don't have to speak for this bad guy. If he bullies you, just tell me and I'll help you get revenge."

Hearing Tsukuyomi's gentle voice, Xiao Tian couldn't help but smile bitterly. This Tsukuyomi is a bit too nosy, as if Mika and him are a pair? Why is it as if it has a lot to do with her?...

But Xiao Tian was too lazy to care, so he just let her go.

Xiao Tian looked at the three people who were fighting. The alien QUIZ was no match for the combined forces of Gates and Zi-O. He was beaten very badly and had almost no chance to fight back.

""Wait a minute! Who are you?" the alien QUIZ shouted angrily!

He was so stunned by the beating.

Gates and Zi-O did not answer, and their weapons appeared in their hands one after another.

"Get him done in one go!"


"FINISH.TIME! (End time!)"

"TIME.CHARGE! (Time Charge!)"

Just as the two of them were about to start their final move, a young man wearing a gold casual suit and a hat appeared and shouted at them:

"Wait a minute!"

Gates and Zi-O stopped and looked at the man curiously.

"Who are you?"

Gates and the others didn't know him, but Xiao Tian knew him.

This person was from the future, who could transform into Kamen Rider QUIZ, and his name was Tang An Zhushui.

Tang An Zhushui didn't answer Gates' question, but said coldly:"I will deal with that alien knight, you guys step back."

Gates said disdainfully:"Step back? Who are you?"

Tang An Zhushui sneered and picked up the pendant hanging on his chest. The pendant lit up, and a transformation belt appeared on his lower abdomen.

Then he took out the transformation card from the inner pocket of his shirt and inserted it into the transformation belt.


The transformation belt lit up and began to move rapidly.

"FASHION PASSION QUESTION (Fashion! Passion! Questions!)"

A translucent XO logo appeared behind him, fused with his body and transformed into Kamen Rider.

"QUIZ! (Ask the Rider!)"

Tokiwa Sougo was surprised:"It's actually a Kamen Rider!"

QUIZ looked at the two and said coldly:"Can you guys get out of the way?"

How could Gates bear a stranger being so arrogant to him? He refused:"What if I don't?"

QUIZ tapped his forehead with his hand and said his signature catchphrase:

"Save the world, answer correctly!"

"Question! I want to fight you, yes or no?"

Gates was confused and asked Tokiwa Sougo:"What is this idiot talking about?"

"I don't know what question you're asking."

"Correct answer: Yes!" QUIZ rushed towards the two without hesitation as soon as he finished speaking.

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