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Tokiwa Sougo was stunned for a moment. Are they going to fight now?

""Come on if you want to fight!"

Gates shouted and rushed towards Kamen Rider QUIZ. The two started close combat.

Tokiwa Sougo hesitated for a moment, but decided to go up to help Gates.

"If there are two of you, I will be scared, right or not?"

Kamen Rider QUIZ asked while fighting

"I don't care if you're scared or not!"

Gates punched Kamen Rider QUIZ fiercely, but QUIZ dodged sideways.

"Correct answer: No."


Two bolts of lightning struck Gates and Zi-O, making their scalps numb!

"How is this going!"

"I can feel the current here!"

"Stop talking nonsense and go get him!"

Gates rushed towards Kamen Rider QUIZ again, and Zi-O followed closely. QUIZ calmly dealt with the attacks of the two and asked::

"Your attack ended the battle, yes or no?"

Gates roared:"Of course it is!"

Gates kicked Kamen Rider QUIZ's head with all his strength, and QUIZ ducked and dodged.

"Correct answer: No."

Pah, pah!

Two more lightning bolts struck them, and strong currents ran through their bodies.

Gates' arms kept shaking. The power of the current was a bit strong...

Gates shook his arms, and before he could attack, he heard another question.:

"You are subject to my attacks, yes or no?"

"Don't answer him!"

Gates shouted. As long as you don't answer his questions, there will be no problem, right?!

But there is a time limit for answering questions. If you don't answer after the time limit, you will still be shocked.


The power of the electric current is stronger each time. Gates was shocked and smoked directly, half kneeling on the ground.

Zi-O was even paralyzed on the ground by the electric shock.

Kamen Rider QUIZ said lightly:"If you don't answer the questions, you will still be punished"

"What on earth is going on?"

Gates gritted his teeth and looked at the Knight QUIZ. This is too weird!

"Question, my flying kick ended the fight, yes or no?"

Zi-O, who was lying on the ground, raised his head in despair and stammered.:

"That... I hope not.……"

"Correct answer: Yes!"

Pala la la la la la!

Another bolt of lightning struck the two of them, and Zi-O collapsed on the ground, trembling in despair.

Kamen Rider QUIZ took out a mechanical card, activated it, and turned it into a piece, which he inserted into the transformation device.

"FINAL.QUIZ.FLASH (Flash Strike!)"

Kamen Rider QUIZ leaps up, and two huge XO cards appear.


Rider QUIZ kicked through the O card with a flying kick, and the flaming kick directly blew up the two people.

Boom boom

After the two explosions of fire, Tokiwa Sougo and Gates turned back into human form and fell to the ground.

"Stay aside."

Kamen Rider QUIZ walked around the two and walked towards the alien QUIZ. A handsome young man stood in front of him.

"You are very interesting, let me meet you."

"Hmm? Who are you?"


Tokiwa Sougo was delighted. The person who came was Xiao Tian.

"Xiaotian? Are you a Kamen Rider too?"

Xiao Tian took out the Ultimate Zi-O watch and activated it, loading it into the watch head.

"What do you think?"

"ULTIMATE.ZI-O(Ultimate Zi-O! )"


"RIDER.TIME!(Knight time! )"

"KAMENRIDER.ULTIMATE.ZI-O!(Kamen Rider Ultimate Zi-O! )"

Xiao Tian transformed into Kamen Rider Ultimate Zi-O, Kamen Rider QUIZ became interested

"In that case, let me teach you a lesson, ask a question!"

Kamen Rider QUIZ pointed at Ultimate Zi-O and asked:"I will be afraid of you, yes or no?"

"You talk a lot."

Within the time limit for answering, the Ultimate Zi-O took out the Ninja Watch and activated it.

"SHINOBI (Ninja!)"

"ARMOR.TIME!(Armor time! )"

"DAREJYAOREJYANINJYA (Who is this? I am a ninja!)"

"ULTIMATE.SHINOBI! (Ultimate Ninja!)"

A ball of black mist spun around the Ultimate Zi-O at a rapid speed. After the black mist dissipated, the Ultimate Zi-O was wearing a set of black armor.

The time limit was up, and a lightning bolt struck the Ultimate Zi-O. The Ultimate Zi-O turned into a black mist and disappeared. The lightning bolt struck the ground, creating a pit, and white smoke rose up.


Kamen Rider QUIZ looked around but couldn't find any trace of Ultimate Zi-O.


A voice sounded in the sky, Kamen Rider QUIZ looked up and saw a big foot kicking in front of him.


Kamen Rider QUIZ flew backwards, smashed a stone pillar and stopped._Read the ununderlined version of the novel please download

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