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Kamen Rider QUIZ rolls back and stands up

"You can evade my punishment? That's great, young man."

"Question! The battle is getting a little tricky, is it?"

I have already failed once and I still want to ask questions.……

"You talk a lot of bullshit!"

Ultimate Zi-O waved his hand, and a tornado roared up, sweeping Kamen Rider QUIZ around!

The tornado disappeared, and Kamen Rider QUIZ fell to the ground with a bang. Ultimate Zi-O still did not answer his question.

A blue lightning bolt came down, and struck Ultimate Zi-O with a bang.

Did he get hit?

Kamen Rider QUIZ was overjoyed, but then immediately fell into despair.

The Ultimate Zi-O that was struck turned into a human-shaped wooden block and fell to the ground. The wooden blocks struck by lightning caught fire, and little black smoke floated up. Ultimate Zi

-O appeared beside Kamen Rider QUIZ, scaring him.

This bastard, how could he come and go without a trace like a ninja, and he could also use the Wood Release Clone Technique.���

"Do you want to ask more questions?"

What!" said Douan

Shusui, looking at the Ultimate Zi-O in shock.

"Do you know me?! Who are you?!?"

"Xiao Tian, or you can call me Ultimate Zi-O."

Xiao Tian? Ultimate Zi-O?

Who is that? I have never heard of him! Tang An Shushui was confused.

"do we know each other?"

"Now we know each other, do we still need to continue fighting?"

Kamen Rider QUIZ shook his head repeatedly

"No, no, no, please spare my life, sir. I have something to do here. I still want to defeat that alien knight. Can you let me go?"

"Since you said so, then please do as you please."

After testing Kamen Rider QUIZ's strength, Xiao Tian no longer had the desire to continue fighting. Although he also needed to get Kamen Rider QUIZ's timetable, he was not in a hurry.

Xiao Tian changed back to human form and made way.

Kamen Rider QUIZ stood up and bowed deeply to Xiao Tian, thanking him.:

"Thanks, Xiao Tian"

"Ding! Successfully defeated Kamen Rider Z and received the system reward: Kamen Rider QUIZ watch."

A ray of light lit up, and a watch appeared in Xiao Tian's hand.

Kamen Rider QUIZ watch?

Okay, not bad, very strong.

Xiao Tian smiled slightly, put away the QUIZ watch, and looked at Kamen Rider QUIZ.

Kamen Rider QUIZ walked in front of the alien QUIZ.

"Finally, it's my turn to ask you a question."

Kamen Rider QUIZ punched out, and time suddenly stopped, his movements frozen in mid-air.

Time stopped?

Did the Time Robber appear?

In a corner, Aura, with her long white legs exposed, walked out and walked towards the alien QUIZ

"Ola, it's you."

"Ultimate Zi-O, it seems like I haven't seen you for a long time. I miss you a little bit."

Aura walked with enchanting steps to the alien knight QUIZ and stopped, looking at Xiao Tian charmingly.

"Long time? No, I seem to deal with you Time Robbers every day."

"Maybe I miss you too much. You are getting stronger and stronger, Ultimate Zi-O. But I'm sorry, QUIZ, I can't let you move yet."

"Since you said so, how can I refuse you? It's up to you."

Xiao Tian casually made a gesture of invitation.

"Are my words so useful? Do you like me, Xiaotian?"

Ola deliberately said the word Xiaotian in a very intimate way.

"Ahem... You are so brave to seduce me like this. One day I will have you under me."

"Haha, really? You have to be gentle with me then~"


Explosion! Xiao Tian felt his nostrils getting hot. Is this really the Aura he knew?

How could she be so tempting to commit a crime!

Isn't Aura very cold?

I can't stand it.……

"How come you are even more shameless than me? Are you going to leave or not? If not, you alien knight, I will stay here."

"Brother Xiaotian is a man of his word, I know that if Brother Xiaotian says to let me go, he will let me go~"

Brother Xiaotian?!

Damn, this is what Ola said?!

"Are you still the Aura I know? Please behave normally, or I will execute you on the spot!"

Aura immediately responded with a cold attitude,"You rascal, but I admire you, and I believe Xiaoye is not wrong in judging people, so I will leave first."

Aura glanced at Kamen Rider QUIZ and said coldly:"I didn't expect the real boss to be here, things are really troublesome, we will retreat first."

Aura waved his hand, and the immobilized alien QUIZ resumed action and followed Aura away.

Aura waved as he walked,"Thanks, Brother Xiaotian, goodbye."

Brother Xiaotian..."

Xiao Tian smiled bitterly. This Aura really can be called out...

Time resumed flowing. Seeing the alien QUIZ walking away with a woman, Kamen Rider QUIZ immediately chased after him.

Kamen Rider QUIZ had just run a few steps when a beautiful woman suddenly appeared at the corner. The two were about to collide.


With a muffled sound, Kamen Rider QUIZ flew backwards, drew a beautiful arc in the air, and fell heavily to the ground._Feilu reminds you: Three things to do when reading - collection

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