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What happened?

Seeing Kamen Rider QUIZ flying backwards, everyone was shocked. Could it be that some big guy appeared again?

Everyone turned their eyes to the corner, and a fair-skinned beauty posed with a fist raised high.

Is she a beautiful girl?!

No way? Did she throw that punch just now?!

Oh my goodness, a beautiful girl punched a Kamen Rider away! ?

This is too amazing!

Everyone was astonished and stared at the beautiful girl in a daze.

Xiao Tian knew this beautiful girl!

It was the girl with super strength, Izumi Hina, who he met before!

Feeling the surprised and astonished gazes of the crowd, Izumi Hina's strong expression instantly became gentle. She put down her fist embarrassedly, put her hands together, and turned into a lady in seconds.

It seemed that she had accidentally become the focus of everyone...

Izumi Hina was a little embarrassed. She didn't want to. She rarely used this powerful power because she just wanted to be a good lady.

"Sorry, sorry.……"

Izumi Hina bowed to the people around her, then lowered her head and quietly backed away, trying to leave quietly.


A familiar voice sounded beside Izumi Hina's ears, and Izumi Hina was stunned for a moment.

No way... there is an acquaintance...

Izumi Hina quietly raised her eyes and saw a beautiful woman running towards her excitedly.

This beautiful woman was Xiao Tian's girlfriend, Meijia.

Meijia came over and hugged her excitedly, and Izumi Hina was stunned for a moment.

"Meijia? Why are you here too? So, Xiao Tian is also……"

Izumi Hina glanced around and saw Xiao Tian!

Izumi Hina and Mika had a very good relationship, and she already knew that Mika had become Xiao Tian's girlfriend.

When she first heard the news, she felt a little sour in her heart, as if something she liked had been taken away.

She had already wanted to give up, but as the communication deepened, Mika told her everything about Xiao Tian, and she also told Mika everything related to Xiao Tian.

Mika seemed to see through her mind and began to seduce Xiao Tian.

According to Mika's meaning, Xiao Tian might have many women, but it would be better to have more acquaintances, so she asked her if she was interested...

Izumi Hina had no idea how to answer at the time, but her heart, which had already given up, rekindled hope.

It seemed that... it was acceptable...

Izumi Hina looked at Xiao Tian quietly, and found that he was walking towards her, and her heart suddenly beat faster.

Calm down... calm down... take a deep breath... was the performance just now too violent? Will he have a bad impression of me?

Oh, I should have known I shouldn't have taken action. I should have been knocked down by that monster. Brother Xiao Tian would definitely come up to care about her.……

"Xiaoquan, why are you here too?"

Xiao Tian's voice interrupted her thoughts.


Miga immediately pushed her in front of Xiao Tian, and she was laughing quietly behind him.

As a close friend, Izumi Hina could see through her little thoughts, she was just embarrassed to say it out loud.

As good friends, it's not impossible to share a man. The key is that they are interested in each other, and Xiao Tian is a playboy. They will definitely get along well, hehe.……

"Um... I just came to the school library to study, and I bumped into you when I came down. It seems like we haven't seen each other for a while.……"

Xiao Tian thought about it and realized that he hadn't seen Izumi Binai for some time.

"Yes, it feels like we haven't seen each other for a long time."

Meijia suddenly interrupted and said:"Brother Xiaotian, you don't know that Xiaoquan often comes to see me, but you are never there. We often talk about you. Xiaoquan thinks very highly of you.……"

Izumi Hina immediately looked at Mika with shame and anger, and shouted:"Mika, what are you doing...! Don't talk nonsense!"……"

Xiao Tian smiled and said:"You two seem to have a very good relationship."

"Yes, Xiaoquan and I are best friends. Xiaotian, what do you think of Xiaoquan? Is she pretty?"

Mika looked at Xiaotian with a sly smile, and Xiaotian was stunned for a moment.

Why didn't he feel that Mika was so active before? Seeing Izumi Bina seemed to be on stimulants...

The two of them turned out to be best friends, which surprised him a little. It's true that birds of a feather flock together, and people gather together to become best friends, and they are all beautiful women.

"You two are beautiful."

"Then who is prettier among us?"


Xiao Tian was stunned again.

Why does it feel like this is a life-threatening question?……

"Your beauty is incomparable, each with its own unique charm. In my eyes, you are all the most beautiful."

Mei Jia grinned and said,"You bad guy, you are so sweet."

After such a test, Mei Jia was more certain that Xiao Tian was interested in Izumi Bina.

The two of them, there is a play!

It seems to be fun to be the matchmaker.

Izumi Bina blushed, embarrassed to look at Xiao Tian, secretly happy in her heart.

It turned out that she was so highly rated in Xiao Tian's eyes... the most beautiful... then he... is he interested in her too?_Please download the novel without underline

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