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He wants to train Gates and obtain several key Knight Time Watches to prepare for defeating Oma Zi-O on the Day of the Demon.

Gates is now very disappointed.

White Woz pointed at Don An Shusui and said to Gates:"Savior, it's your turn now. Go and defeat Kamen Rider QUIZ and take away his power. That's why I brought him to this era."

Is that really the case?...

Xiao Tian canceled his transformation. He didn't want to participate in the current situation and just needed to watch from the sidelines.

He now had Kamen Rider QUIZ's timepiece, so there was no need to snatch his power anymore. It was also okay to improve Gates' strength.

Although Tokiwa Sougo seemed a bit miserable now, because of his existence, he had only obtained a Knight Timepiece so far.

But it didn't matter. On the Day of the Demon, he could still become Oma Zi-O.

And soon, he should be able to transform into the second-order form. The one who was the most miserable now seemed to be Doan Shusui.

Doan Shusui stared at White Woz angrily and shouted,"I was wondering why you brought me to this era. It turns out you coveted my strength. Before I get the answer I want, I will never lose my power easily!"

"Oh? Really? You don't have the final say."

White Woz turned to look at Gates and said sternly:"What are you still hesitating about, Lord Savior, do you want to stay where you are? If you don't strengthen yourself, how can you save the world!"

Gates clenched his fists, hesitated for a while, and walked towards the main water

"So, you still want to take my power away, okay then."

Tang An Zhushui picked up the pendant on his chest, a dazzling light lit up, and a transformation belt appeared around his waist.

Then he took out the transformation card from the inner pocket of his shirt and inserted it into the transformation belt.


The transformation belt lit up and began to move rapidly.

"FASHION PASSION QUESTION (Fashion! Passion! Questions!)"

A translucent XO logo appeared behind him, fused with his body and transformed into Kamen Rider.

"QUIZ! (Ask Rider!)"

At the same time that Doan Shusui transformed into Kamen Rider QUIZ, Gates also transformed into Kamen Rider

"Come on, Lord Savior, start your practice class."White Woz smiled elegantly.

He was so worried about Gates becoming the one who saves the world.

Kamen Rider Gates and Kamen Rider QUIZ rushed out at the same time.

Tokiwa Sougo didn't want to see this scene. They were all Kamen Riders, why should they kill each other? That's why he rejected Black Woz's proposal to defeat Kamen Rider QUIZ. He didn't expect Gates to accept White Woz's instigation and wanted to snatch the power of Kamen Rider QUIZ. Did

Gates really still want to get the power to defeat himself?

He couldn't change Gates's mind, maybe there was someone who could.

Tokiwa Sougo ran to Xiao Tian and said anxiously:

"Xiaotian, please stop Gates. Why are you fighting with the main water? This battle is meaningless!"

"It may not mean anything to you, but it may be very important to White Woz. If you want to stop this battle, you can ask Black Woz to take Kamen Rider QUIZ away."

"That's right!"

Tokiwa Sougo came to his senses and shouted to the sky:

"Black Woz! Come out quickly!"

Black Woz came down a staircase.

"What do you want, Your Majesty the Demon King?"

"Take the main water away from here quickly!"

Black Woz sighed. Gates has realized that he has gained power, but he is still so naive. It's really tiring.

"I will obey your orders."

Black Woz's belt quickly extended, rolled up Kamen Rider QUIZ who was fighting and disappeared.

Kamen Rider QUIZ, this battle is over, there is no need to stay any longer

"I'll be leaving first, everyone."

Xiao Tian waved his hand and turned away, and Tokiwa Sougo quickly followed him.

White Woz sighed and looked at the two people going away.

""These two people are really in the way. Lord Savior, you should also pay attention. Without power, you can't save the world. I hope you remember this."

After saying this, White Woz disappeared.......

Black Woz and Master An appeared at the door.

"I will take you here, so goodbye."

Black Woz turned and disappeared.

Back here again...

Doan Shusui sighed. He had just run out of here and was sent back.

Tokiwa Junichiro inside had already repaired Doan Shusui's watch, but the hour hand still wouldn't move.

Seeing Doan Shusui come in, Tokiwa Junichiro hurriedly went up to him and handed him the watch.

"You are back. The watch has been repaired, but I don't know why it won't work. I am so sorry."

Tang Anshushui took the watch and said with a wry smile:

"No, it's okay, I didn't leave when I got it"

"I'm so sorry."

Tokiwa Junichiro bowed again apologetically.

"Why did you come back so early? Where are Xiaotian and the others?"

Tsukuyomi was still in the Chaojiuwanwutang. This time she did not follow him out._Read the ununderlined version of the novel please download

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