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"Oh, stop talking. I didn't see the person I was supposed to meet, and I was beaten up. That Gates wanted to steal my power. I can't stay here anymore. Goodbye."

After saying that, Tang Anzhushui turned around and walked to the door. Xiao Tian and Tokiwa Sougo happened to walk in, which scared him.

"Why did you come back so soon?"

"Immortals have their own ingenious plans. Do you want to leave so soon?"

Tang An Zhushui said with a wry smile:"If I don't leave, will I be slaughtered by that guy named Gates? I haven't finished my work yet, and there are still things waiting for me to do. It's not appropriate to stay here."

""Zhushui, you want to know your father's true thoughts for the sake of your mother, right?" Tokiwa Sougo asked.

He was very interested in the story of Donan Shushui, and he also said that he would never give up his power before he accomplished what he wanted to do. In that case, why not help him accomplish what he wants to do? What if he is willing to give him the Knight Time Watch? Wouldn't that be great?

Gates and Xiao Tian both have many Knight Time Watches, but he only has two, which seems very poor.

Donan Shushui replied:"That's right"

"Don't you think about yourself?"

"I've said it before, there's no point in improving my relationship with him"

""You're just being tough, but you don't really think that way, right?"

Xiao Tian ruthlessly exposed him. In the original drama, when he was chatting with his father at the end, his eyes were red.

"Hmm? Why do you say that? Do you understand me?"

"That watch must be your father's relic, right? If you don't care about your dad, why do you keep wearing this broken watch and want to fix it?"

"That is...that is because...."

Xiao Tian's words touched his heart, and he didn't know how to respond for a moment, because he...That's right.

"This has nothing to do with you."

Hall Master Shui simply did not answer and left the Chao Jiu Wan Wu Hall.

"Xiaotian, let's help him fulfill his wish. If you want to defeat the Alien Rider, you must have the power of the corresponding Kamen Rider. In other words, the only one who can defeat Alien QUIZ now is Kamen Rider QUIZ."

"What does this have to do with fulfilling his wish?"

"Help him fulfill his wish and defeat the alien knight at the same time, don’t you think this is perfect?"

"If you want to do it, then do it.

It's time for this matter to end. Xiao Tian didn't want to do this, but since he got the power from Kamen Rider QUIZ, it's not a bad idea to help him.

And next, White Woz should also plunder the power of Kamen Rider QUIZ.......

Institute of Science

"Studies have shown that the sox2 gene in the sox gene can bind to the Oct-sox enhancer..."

A senior professor was teaching a group of graduate students when a man walked in rudely.

This man was Tang An.

The professor looked at him unhappily,"Who are you? What's the matter? Can't you see I'm teaching?""

"QUIZ! (Ask!)"

Don An turned into a strange QUIZ, and the old professor was frightened and staggered and fell to the ground.

"Give me your knowledge!"

The alien QUIZ grabbed the old professor's head with his big hand, and waves of light flowed from his brain to the alien QUIZ brain.

Outside the Science Research Institute.

Tang An Zhushui was running towards the Science Research Institute at a fast pace. A figure appeared in front of him and blocked his way.

The person who stopped him was Gates.

"It's you again. It's really a narrow road for enemies."

"I'm sorry, I need your strength, QUIZ, I will be responsible for defeating it."

Gates took out the Kamen Rider watch, and Tokiwa Sougo arrived and yelled at him:

"Stop it Gates!"

"Do you think I will listen to you obediently?"

Gates started the watch, loaded the data into the watch head, and began to transform into Kamen Rider.

Behind Tokiwa Sougo, Xiao Tian and Tsukuyomi followed.

""Gates, why is he like this?" Tsukuyomi asked Xiao Tian.

Xiao Tian was also a little confused. This shouldn't be the case. The current Gates seemed to really want to defeat Kamen Rider QUIZ and get the timepiece.

But if we look at the original drama, Gates should want to help Doan Shusui fulfill his wish.

Oh, now there is a biggest problem:

Gates has too little contact with Doan Shusui, and doesn't know his story at all. He only accepts White Woz's instigation. Has his heart been shaken?

"It's okay, just let him be, he just wants to get the power of Kamen Rider QUIZ"


"Just watch first, I'm here, it's okay."

After hearing what Xiao Tian said, Tsukuyomi had no choice but to nod his head.

Gates, transformed into Kamen Rider, rushed towards Doan Shusui, and Doan Shusui and Tokiwa Sougo transformed into Kamen Riders, and both attacked Gates at the same time.

"Master Water! I'll stop Gates, you go first!"

Zi-O entangled Gates, making it impossible for him to escape.


"Stop talking nonsense and go away!"

"I'm sorry!"

Kamen Rider QUIZ left quickly and ran towards the Institute of Science.

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