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TảStart time: 0.355s Scan time: 0.038sChapter


"Next, I'll leave it to you."

The Ultimate Zi-O took a few steps back. He didn't want to get involved too much in the family drama between the two.

"Thank you."

Kamen Rider QUIZ nodded to Ultimate Zi-O in gratitude, and then walked towards the injured Alien QUIZ

"Question, are you estranged from your family, yes or no?"

"Correct answer: Yes!"

A bolt of lightning struck the alien QUIZ again. At this time, the alien QUIZ had lost its ability to fight.

"FINISH.TIME(Ending time!)"


Kamen Rider QUIZ jumped up and kicked the alien QUIZ to pieces.

After the explosion, Doanbao fell to the ground weakly, and a watch rolled out of his body and broke into powder.

"Why...why are you hindering me, who are you?"

Tang Anbao still doesn't know who the transformed Kamen Rider QUIZ is.

"I came from 2040, I am your son."

Tang An Shushui untransformed and walked in front of Tang Anbao, who didn't believe it at all.

"Master water? Don't lie to me."

Tang Anzhushui took out the watch that had not been turning and threw it in front of Tang Anbao.

"This is……?!"

Tang Anbao was shocked. He picked up the watch and compared it with his own watch. They were exactly the same.

It was just that he had specially customized the watch. It was the only one in the world.

"Are you really... the main water?"

"This is your relic. I have something to ask you. Just give me an answer."

"What do you want to ask……"

"Maybe your research is not going well, maybe you have become estranged from your family, not only that, but maybe you will die early, but if I ask you who you have loved in your life... what would you answer?"

Tang Anzhushui's eyes turned red, and he turned around and stopped looking at Tang Anbao.

"Of course it's your mother."

Hearing this answer, Tang Anzhushui smiled with tears in his eyes and said:

"I believe this is the correct answer."

Tang Anzhu wiped away the tears from his eyes, walked to Xiao Tian's side, took out the knight's watch, and handed it to him.

"Thank you very much. You can take this watch. This is what you need. My work is over now. There is no point in keeping it."

"Don't you think about it?"

"Listen to me carefully, my mother's time has started again, and so has my time."

The watch that had been stopped has now started to work.

"I have no use for my knight's power, so I'll leave this to you."

Tang Anzhushui put the watch into Xiao Tian's hand.

"I have one more thing to ask of you. Send me back to 2040."

"In that case, then okay, Ultimate Woz."

Xiao Tian shouted casually, and Ultimate Woz appeared from a corner.

"What do you want me to do, Your Majesty, the Ultimate Time King?"Ultimate Woz came to Xiao Tian and said respectfully

"Send him back to 2040"

"As you command, Your Majesty the Ultimate Zi-O."

Ultimate Woz bowed respectfully again, then placed one hand on the body of Don An Shusui and disappeared with him.

""Gates, take this."

Xiao Tian threw the Kamen Rider QUIZ watch to Gates, who took it.

"What are you doing?"

"Didn't you want this timepiece? Here it is for you."

""Thank you... Thank you."

Gates had never expected Xiao Tian to do this. He thought he would not get the Knight's Watch. He did not expect Xiao Tian to give it to him so generously.

White Woz appeared beside Gates and looked at Xiao Tian gratefully.

"You actually helped Gates get the QUIZ watch. Although I don't know what your purpose is, I still want to thank you."

White Woz bowed respectfully to Xiao Tian.

Xiao Tian is really a mysterious figure. He not only helps the King of Time, but also helps the Time Robber, and Gates.

The direction of the future is becoming more and more confusing.

What does Xiao Tian want?

He has become an indispensable figure in this history. His words and deeds will affect the future development.

Things have become complicated.

I hope it won't develop in the worst direction.……

"Let's go, we're going back"


As soon as Xiao Tian entered the room

, he found Mei Jia sitting inside waiting for him.

"Brother Xiaotian, you are finally back!"

Mei Jia came to Xiao Tian anxiously, took his hand and walked out

"What's wrong?"

"Have you forgotten something?"

"Forgot something?"

"Oops! You can't be like this! Don't you remember what happened yesterday?"

"You mean, Izumi Bina?"

Mika pulled him and walked quickly towards Izumi Bina's house.

"Of course! Xiaoquan confessed to you yesterday, how can you just ignore her like this? Tell me, are you interested in her?"

"Um... this……"

Don't be so blunt. How can I answer this?……

"It's interesting, but you still leave me alone for a whole day. Really, you still need me to come to you, you are so stupid, how can you be a playboy!"_Please download the ununderlined version of the novel

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