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Dumbhead? ?

? Uh...this....It's too real...

And what the hell is"how to be a playboy"?

This Meijia seems to want him to be a playboy.

Although he complained, Xiao Tian was actually secretly delighted.

Being forced by his girlfriend to pick up girls, who can do it!

Who else?

"Where are you taking me?"

"Of course, you should go to Koizumi's house. Let me tell you, Koizumi also lives alone. If you hook up with her, you can save thirty years of hard work. If you don't find someone sooner, you'll be finished if she becomes discouraged. Go away quickly...."

In an independent villa.

Meijia was wearing pajamas, sitting in front of the TV with her chin supported by her hands, staring at the TV screen in a daze. The TV pictures flashed by one after another, but her mind was not on them at all.

That idiot, why didn't he come to see her?...

Could it be that she misunderstood and he didn't like her at all?

If he did, he should have come to her a long time ago....

But the day passed and nothing happened....

Should I call Meijia to ask?

No, no, I was embarrassed enough yesterday, how can I be so shameless?...

If he really doesn't come, how embarrassing it will be to see them later....

What should I do?

Meijia drooped her face, pouted her lips, and kept thinking.

In one day, she had gone through all the possibilities in her mind.

As time passed, Xiao Tian still hadn't appeared, and she gradually lost hope.


The doorbell suddenly rang, and Izumi Hina instantly woke up from her daze.

Could it be...Is he here?!

Izumi Bina immediately ran to the door and looked through the peephole. It was indeed Xiao Tian standing outside the door!

"Brother Xiao Tian?! Why are you here?"

Quan Binai suppressed her excitement and did not open the door immediately, because her current appearance was too sloppy.

"It's me, can you let me in?"

"Wait for me for a moment, I'll be there soon!"

Da Da Da...

A burst of hurried footsteps spread far away, Xiao Tian was stunned on the spot

"What's going on?"

We're already here, why don't we just open the door? Why are we waiting?

"Oh, you don't understand women's minds at all. Xiaoquan must have gone to clean up. You just wait."

Miga said with disdain, this guy is really a blockhead.

Xiao Tian nodded. What he said was indeed reasonable. Girls have a lot of troubles.

Xiao Tian was quite surprised that Izumi Bina lived in such a big villa alone.

How come these people are so rich, they are all rich women!

It's strange, if they are so rich, why do they still go to work at the Tan Group?

At this time, in the Tan Group building, on the top floor. In the lounge.

Kadoya Shi crossed his legs, looked at the scenery outside the glass window, and drank tea leisurely.

Sitting opposite him was the evil-looking Swartz.

"Why didn't you take action these few times? Do you want to let the Ultimate Zi-O become stronger and stronger?"

Swartz said with a dark face.

This Kadoya is very strange. It is impossible to guess what he is thinking.

"No matter how strong he is, I will eat his three wolves..."Pooh!"

Kadoya Shi spat, how could he blurt out such words, what the hell is Sanlang?


Swartz was also confused and looked at him curiously.

"It's more interesting if he becomes stronger, isn't it? I am the destroyer of this world, anyone will be a loser in front of me..."

"It seems like you haven’t defeated Ultimate Zi-O yet?"

"Haha, if I wanted to kill him, he wouldn't even have the chance to fight back. Can't you see that I was just playing around before?"

"I saw you were beaten pretty badly by Ultimate Zi-O the first time...."

Kadoya glared at Swartz coldly, and Swartz immediately shut up.

"What about your plans, the Time Robbers? You talk about supporting a new king, but every time you pick those noobs, they have no fighting power.

Kazushi Kadoya turned his gaze to the window again and took a sip of tea.

"Humph, you really hit the nail on the head. I have asked Ur to find a powerful Kamen Rider. We already have a target, but it is a bit troublesome. They will not be able to stop the next one we choose, not even the Ultimate Zi-O. Just wait and see, our plan to support a new king is unstoppable!"

Swartz's eyes were fierce, and a ceramic teacup turned into powder in his hands.


In the lounge on the top floor of another building, two fair-skinned beauties sat together, chatting leisurely.

One of the beauties, who was showing her beautiful legs, blushed.

"Xiaoye, if you keep talking nonsense, I won't talk to you anymore!"

These two beauties are Xiaoye Kadokawa and Aura

"Oh, if you're hugged, then you're hugged. What's there to be embarrassed about? I'm not making fun of you.……"

Even though she said that, Kadokaya Saya was still covering her mouth and laughing.

"Oh, you girl."



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