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Kadashi Xiaoye shouted, she didn't expect Aura to hit her butt. Butt, luckily there was no one else here, if there was someone, it would be so embarrassing

"You are still laughing secretly, do you know you are wrong? Your sister is being taken advantage of and you are still laughing, do you know you are wrong?"

Ola clapped his hands proudly, this little girl, she deserves to be punished

"Oh, don't be afraid. He just hugged you twice. Look how much you've been hurt."

"You deserve it, that was my first embrace, and it was robbed by that rascal."

Kadokami Saya laughed again:"You've lost your first time, go find him and take responsibility!"

"You are still laughing, haven't you been beaten enough?!"

Ola raised her hand again, Kadokawa Sayaka dodged repeatedly and sat directly on the chair.

Ola put down her hand proudly and snorted coldly:"Who wants that gangster to be responsible? Men's words are lies. As a woman, being self-reliant is the right choice."

"That woman also needs a man."

"That can't be him, I'll leave him to you. I don't understand why you think so highly of that rascal."

Aura looked at her with disdain and sat next to her.

For some reason, Kadashi Xiaoye thinks highly of Xiao Tian. Although it is undeniable that he is indeed very powerful, it is not to the extent that Kadashi Xiaoye is obsessed with him.

You know, her brother Kadashi Shi is also very powerful.

"Sister Aola, I'm telling you, if you don't do this you will regret it."

"I regret it so much, sister, I believed your lies. That guy is a gangster. Now he should have harmed two beautiful girls. Xiaoye, you should also be more careful."

"Oh, sister, why are you so stubborn? Every man is a playboy. This is normal. It is normal for the man I like to be popular. Hehehe……"

Aola looked at her with disdain and shook his head helplessly.

This little girl seems hopeless.

How could such a good girl be so stupid?

She is so concerned about that gangster, the gangster must be picking up other girls.……


Xiao Tian sneezed and wiped it.

"What's wrong, Brother Xiao Tian?"

"Nothing, my nose just itched.

Strange, why did my nose itch for no reason?

When Xiao Tian was wondering, the door opened and a very beautiful girl appeared in front of him.

At this time, Izumi Hina had light makeup on, her hair was beautifully tied up, and she changed into a refreshing outfit. She was so beautiful that you couldn't look directly at her.

"Wow, you look so beautiful today, Xiaoquan!"

Mika said in amazement. Izumi Hina is already very beautiful, and after such careful dressing, wow, tsk tsk tsk, she is extremely beautiful!

No objection will be accepted!

Xiao Tian was also amazed. Now, Izumi Hina really looks like someone from a painting. How can there be such a beautiful person in reality?

Come here today, it's a great deal!

"Meijia, you are just boasting. How can you be beautiful?……"Izumi Hina lowered her head in embarrassment.

But she was very happy to be praised like this.

"Xiaoquan, you are indeed very beautiful."Xiao Tian thought to himself.

Izumi Binai raised her lips, revealing her white teeth. Being said like this by someone she likes is enough to make her happy for several days.

"Don't stand outside the door, come in and sit down."Quick,

Izumi Bina stepped aside and made a gesture of invitation.

Xiao Tian nodded and entered Meijia's house. He smelled a faint fragrance as soon as he entered. The house was decorated very delicately, belonging to the style of a girl.

"Do you really live alone here?"

"Yes, how is it, is it okay?"

Izumi Bina led the two to the living room and sat down, and made a cup of tea for them.

"Not only is it possible, it is absolutely possible. If you are so rich, why do you still have to go to work?"

"I can't stay at home all the time. I still need a career to enrich my life. After the turmoil at the Tan Group, I resigned from there and stayed at home for a while."During that time, for some reason, Xiao Tian's figure often appeared in her mind.

She also went to find Xiao Tian several times, but every time she went, he was always away. But she met Meijia there and learned about their affairs.

Seeing the two people's lukewarm communication, they were not anxious, but Meijia was anxious.

"Are we going to have an awkward conversation here? We are all adults, let's be direct."

Xiao Tian looked at Meijia in surprise. What does this girl want to do?!

"Brother Xiaotian, I know what Xiaoquan means, and he expressed it yesterday. Now you should express your feelings."Mika said bluntly. Izumi

Hina was stunned for a moment, then blushed and lowered her head, fiddling with the corner of her clothes with her little hands.

This Mika is too direct.……

"Does Koizumi know about me?"

"Of course, I have told Koizumi everything, she doesn't mind, she was reluctant to admit it at first, isn't it enough to prove the truth now?"

Mika glanced at Izumi Hina with a smirk, and now Izumi Hina's head is almost buried.

It's too embarrassing..._

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