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Chapter 139

Looking at Izumi Binai's shy appearance, Xiao Tian had roughly guessed her thoughts. He didn't expect that he could capture her heart so quickly. He really didn't expect it.

Xiao Tian naturally held Izumi Binai's white and tender little hand. Izumi Binai was immediately startled. Her heart beat faster and faster. She felt her whole body was soft and she had no ability to resist.

If it was another man who dared to touch her like this, she would have punched him away.

"Xiaoquan, are you willing to be with me?"

Xiao Tian held Izumi Hina's hand and asked sincerely.

One of his principles for choosing women is that the woman must be willing. A forced melon is not sweet. In this regard, Xiao Tian is very principled.

If Izumi Hina is unwilling, he will never force her.

At this time, Izumi Hina's mind was blank, her heartbeat was more violent, her face was red and hot, she lowered her head even more, and hummed a word in a low voice like a mosquito:



Because the voice was too soft, Xiao Tian didn't hear it clearly.

"Oh, you big fool, Koizumi has agreed! From now on we are a family, hehehe..."

Mika smiled happily.

This result was within her expectations, but she didn't expect Izumi Hina to be so shy.

The more shy she is, the more she likes Xiao Tian.

Brother Xiao Tian, I really don't know what kind of medicine he gave her to make Xiao Quan fall so deeply. Maybe this man is poisonous.

But they really like each other, that's enough, hehehe...

Mijia was secretly delighted. She hugged Xiao Tian's arm and leaned on his shoulder. The smell of this man made her feel very safe.

Holding Izumi Bina on the left and being hugged by Mijia on the right, Xiao Tian was so happy at this moment!

He didn't expect that he could really have two women at the same time. If it were in the past, he could only think about it secretly in his heart and would never say it out loud.

Which normal man doesn't want to hug left and right women? Hehe, I didn't expect that this kind of thing can really be done.

The feeling of being a time traveler is so cool!

Xiao Tian put his hand on Izumi Bina's chin, and slowly raised her head. At this time, her face was as red as an apple, so red that water could drip out.

Through her big eyes, Xiao Tian could see her shyness.

It seems that she has not immediately accepted this identity for a while.

"You must be hungry. I'll cook for you...."

Izumi Bina was too shy to look into Xiao Tian's eyes again, so she turned around and trotted towards the kitchen.

"Hehe, it worked, shouldn't you thank me?"

Looking at Izumibinai's departing back, Mika gave Xiao Tian a wicked smile as if to seek credit.

Xiao Tian kissed her pink red lips directly and said with a smile:"Why are you so good? Here's a reward for you!"

"Hey, you bad guy, hehe..."......

At this time, at a construction site, two ordinary workers were carrying a huge mirror and walking forward carefully.

Time suddenly stopped, and the two stood still.

The time robber Ur appeared with a stone in his hand, stood in front of the mirror, and threw the stone in his hand without hesitation. With a clang, the mirror shattered.

Ur shook his head, and the mirror recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the stone flew back into his hand.

Ur repeated this action again and again.

""Ur, how are you preparing for the things I asked you to do? Have you found the alien knight I want?"

The Time Robber Swarutz appeared and stood next to Ur. Ur did not answer, but continued to smash the mirror and revive without getting tired of it.

"Are you listening to me, Ur?"

"Why are you in such a hurry? Aren't we just looking for it now? You know throwing stones is tiring for me too."

Ur threw the stone in his hand again, and with a clang, the mirror shattered again.

Buzz buzz buzz....The broken mirrors were suspended in mid-air, making a sharp buzzing sound, which made the two people cover their ears at the same time.

In each broken mirror suspended in mid-air, a man in a plaid coat appeared.

"What's going on?"

Kadoya looked at the man in the mirror curiously.

"When the mirror is broken, there may be a one in a thousand chance that it can connect to the lost world in the mirror, and you will also be in that world."

Ur said as he walked to the broken mirror. The man in the mirror smiled evilly.

Ur looked at the man in the mirror, took out a knight watch and started


"Make a contract with me, and I will connect you to this world."

Ur handed the watch to the mirror, and the man in the mirror reached out and took the watch.

"It's really interesting. Is this the supreme strong man? Even the Ultimate Time King can't defeat him."

Swartz looked at the man in the mirror, and the man took the watch and disappeared.

"His strength is indeed very strong. He can bounce back all attacks. As long as there is a mirror, he can pass through it at will. Theoretically, the Ultimate Zi-O should have no way to deal with him."

"Really? I can't wait to see the show!"

Swarutz smiled coldly._Faloo reminds you: Three things to do when reading - collection

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